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Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
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Covid-19, like an invisible enemy, suddenly destroyed our certainties, while offering us the opportunity for a restart. Looking at reality through the eyes of the least, as Don Luigi Di Liegro invited us to do, is not a question of charity, but of justice.
Now more than ever, as citizens and as 'adult' Christians, we must commit ourselves to the task of volunteering restore dignity and the right to express and realize one's needs and aspirations to those on the margins of society. We must reawaken in those who live secluded - these are again Don Luigi's words - the anxiety of the outside.
Even in the field of mental health it is not about healing others, but about heal our gaze on others, in the awareness that in volunteering the more you contribute to the common good, the more you receive in return.
Citizenship, discernment, hope are the guiding words.

How to support the Di Liegro Foundation

Donate your 5x1000 to the Di Liegro Foundation

Starting from 19 October, the 13th edition of the usual training course "Volunteers and families online for mental health" promoted by the Foundation will be held, entitled: "Lifestyles for well-being in adolescence". Nine meetings aimed at those interested in learning more about mental health volunteering.

In particular, this year's theme focuses onadolescence and lifestyles for well-being. The protagonist will be the network of relationships and the experiences lived by the adolescent; networks which, in addition to being psychological and emotional, are also cultural and social: family, school, peer group.

The meetings will be held at headquarters of the Di Liegro Foundation, in via Ostiense, 106 - Montemartini Central Entrance - The headquarters is easily reachable by public transport: Garbatella line B metro stop.

Download the meeting programme

To register:

Fill in the form downloadable to send to segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it


sign up online by clicking here

The cost of the entire course is 50 euros. It can be paid on the first day of the course.

The project intends to promote the well-being and social inclusion of people going through a period of mental distress through the proposal of activities that support the therapeutic rehabilitation and recovery process, which support family networks and promote collaboration between the healthcare sector and the social sector.

The role and function of the Universal Civil Service volunteers shares the same frame of reference as the Foundation's activities and projects, which aim to train citizens aware of their role within the local community, who can be bearers of a vision of society based on attention to people's rights and needs

Read the Call for the selection of 2,615 volunteers to be employed in Civil Service projects Universal in the Lazio region. Young people can apply:

Young people who:

The following do not constitute impediments to the submission of the civil service application:

The application for admission to the selection and the related documentation must be submitted according to the following methods:

  1. with Certified Email (PEC) to the address: ufficiocivile@pec.fondazionediliegro.com
  2. by registered mail with return receipt to the address of our headquarters: FONDAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE DON LUIGI DI LIEGRO ONLUS – Via Ostiense 106 – 00154 ROME
  3. delivered by hand to our office from Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm.

The deadline for sending the application via PEC or by registered letter with return receipt is set at 28 September 2018. In case of hand delivery of the application the deadline is set at 6.00 pm on 28 September 2018; upon submitting the application in this way we will place a stamp on the application itself with the date and time of acquisition.

Applications sent using methods other than those indicated above and received after the established deadlines will not be taken into consideration.

The application signed by the applicant must be:

All the documentation mentioned above, including theAttachment 2 Italy containing information relating to the project and theAttachment 1 which reports the approval of our project to code NZ06117, they can be downloaded below.

For further information you can contact us on the numbers: 066792669 – 0693572111 or by sending an email to our email address ufficiocivile@fondazionediliegro.it





The research promoted by the Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation and the Fondation d'Harcourt, which since their inception have invested energy and resources in the field of mental health with multiple initiatives, had the aim of achieving three concrete objectives in the metropolitan area.


The first is to draw the attention of citizens and institutions to the issue of mental health in a phase of real difficulty for the entire service sector called to promote and protect it, for two main reasons. The first refers to the long season of national spending review policies that did not spare the welfare system, a season replicated and aggravated in the Lazio context by the plan to reduce the Region's deficits in healthcare. This has particularly penalized a sector such as mental health, whose production factor is essentially made up of human resources. The second reason consists in the merging and reorganization of the local health authorities, on the basis of a national strategic orientation which adds complexity and requires adaptation to an institutional-organizational reorganization of healthcare which also occurred in configuring a new and larger Department of Mental Health. In the hope that the phase of recovery from the deficit and the transition of the system will be completed as soon as possible, it is necessary to face this challenge not only with concerned attention but also trying to seize the opportunities.

In addition to turning the spotlight on mental health in the metropolitan context, the research has a peculiarly cognitive objective, an objective necessary to cover a gap in research on the sector in the metropolitan context. The research follows rigorous method parameters and is carried out with multiple data collection tools, from structured questionnaires to question grids for qualitative interviews. The investigation, which involved all 5 former ASLs - namely the newly created ASL ROMA 1, 2 and 3 - examined the needs of users and their families and analyzed their relationships with mental health services , verified operational processes and collected evaluation elements of the service offering with their critical issues and innovations, strengths and weaknesses, in the awareness that a more in-depth knowledge of the phenomenon helps reflection and therefore change. The research design involves all the actors or stakeholders in the sector, users, family members, operators and managers, family associations and volunteers, representatives of mental health consultancies. Mental health cannot help but enhance and integrate the different components and converging resources - including those of the Municipality and Municipalities - as the title of this research recalls: "Networks of care and mental distress: research path for an Observatory in Rome".

The project intends to promote the well-being and social inclusion of people going through a period of mental distress through the proposal of activities that support the therapeutic rehabilitation and recovery process, which support family networks and promote collaboration between the healthcare sector and the social sector.

The role and function of the National Civil Service volunteers shares the same frame of reference as the Foundation's activities and projects, which aim to train citizens aware of their role within the local community, who can be bearers of a vision of society based on attention to people's rights and needs

The application for admission to the selection and the related documentation must be submitted by the deadline of the announcement using one of the following methods:

1) with Certified Email (PEC)

2) by registered mail with return receipt

3) delivered by hand.

For further information, download the announcement at the following link:


To download the documentation to be presented, visit the website:


The selection interviews for the civil service project "Building relationships for mental health" will take place on Tuesday 25 July from 9.30 to 17.30

On 15 October 2017, the tenth edition of the training course "Volunteers and families online for mental health" will begin. With this course, the Don Luigi #DiLiegro International Foundation aims to facilitate the social inclusion of people with mental distress, activating a support service to prevent any form of isolation and social marginalization.

Fill out the pre-registration form and send it to salutementale@fondazionediliegro.it

For any information do not hesitate to contact us on 066792669 and 0693572111, or write to salutementale@fondazionediliegro.it

Extension of the deadlines for submitting applications, new deadline 8 July 2016 at 2pm.

Read the civil service project presented by the DON LUIGI DI LIEGRO ONLUS INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION and included in the notice for the selection of 978 volunteers to be employed in national civil service projects in Lazio.

Young people can apply:

between 18 and 28 years not exceeded (28 years and 364 days);
Italian citizens;
citizens of other European Union countries;
non-EU citizens regularly residing.
The application must be received by 30 June 2016 at 2.00 pm.

We also remind you that you can:

send it by registered mail with return receipt to the address of the headquarters of FONDAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE DON LUIGI DI LIEGRO ONLUS in Via Ostiense 106 – 00154 Rome (THE POSTAL MARK IS NOT AUTHENTIC);
send it via Certified Electronic Mail (PEC) owned by the person interested in the email servicecivile@pec.fondazionediliegro.com taking care to attach all documentation in PDF format;
deliver it by hand to the headquarters of the DON LUIGI DI LIEGRO ONLUS INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION, Via Ostiense, 106 – 00154 ROME:
The application must include:

If you have any doubts or would like clarification, you can contact the contact persons on 06.6792669 – 0693572111 or write to serviziocivile@fondazionediliegro.com

On April 5, 2017, the 9th edition of the Training Course “Psychological Distress and Social Marginality”.

The course is created in collaboration with Mental Health Department of ASL RM2 (formerly RMB).

The aim of the course is to promote the activation of a volunteer network in the area to prevent forms of isolation and social marginalization.

It will take place at Mental Health Center in Via B. Bardanzellu, 8 give her 5.00pm to 7.00pm.

It is mandatory to register by email to laboratori@fondazionediliegro.it or by telephone at the numbers: 066792669 – 0693572111.

Si parlerà di innovazione tecnologica e qualità della vita, il prossimo 2 Dicembre alle ore 18, presso la Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro (Via Ostiense, 106), nell’ambito di un incontro dal titolo “Il Welfare digitale.” Potrebbe sembrare un ossimoro, invece non è altro che una grande opportunità, ancor più oggi, che il welfare non può più fare a meno del digitale, per le sue potenzialità ed opportunità.

Durante il convegno saranno presentati casi concreti, soluzioni affermate e già sperimentate, con esperti e testimoni, a partire dalla geolocalizzazione dei malati di Alzheimer, ai sistemi di assistenza in remoto per non udenti, all’applicazione cloud, alla realtà aumentata a supporto della sicurezza del lavoro.

Esperienze che provano come i progressi in hardware, software e reti, possano migliorare le condizioni di vita di molte persone sole, emarginate, creando valore e progresso sociale.

In tempi di crisi e di tagli della spesa pubblica, ma anche davanti all’emergere dei diritti di cittadinanza elettronica, il digitale serve al terzo settore per recuperare efficienza ed efficacia nello svolgimento delle proprie attività, in diversi ambiti (raccolta fondi, gestione, comunicazione, ecc.), con vantaggi che permetteranno di affrontare le nuove sfide del welfare alle prese con nuovi bisogni, nuove domande, nuovi divari (digital divide).

Serviranno, sicuramente, nuove competenze nell’ambito del terzo settore, nuove soluzioni e una nuova capacità di “fare rete,” in tutti i sensi. La Fondazione Don Luigi Di Liegro crede fermamente nelle potenzialità del digitale, ritenendolo un investimento indispensabile per politiche sociali di qualità, sempre più rispondenti ai reali bisogni delle persone.

Il momento della discussione vedrà come protagonisti, Paola Capoleva (presidente CESV – Centro servizi per il volontariato),Mauro Mannocchi (Presidente Fondazione Servizi alla Persona – Confartigianato), Pierciro Galeone (direttore Ifel – Fondazione ANCI). Modera l’incontro il prof. Sergio Bonetti.

On 7 November 2015 the penultimate lesson of the course will be held at the Foundation's premises.Volunteers and Families Networking for Mental Health”. The topic that will be addressed during the lesson held by Dr. Jose Mannu, will address the topic of Neuroscience.

Listening, guidance and information for
Mental Health Problems.
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