Vieni a scoprire le attività della Fondazione Di Liegro per il 2024. Un'opportunità per iscriversi ai corsi di Arteterapia And conoscere i progetti sostenuti dalla Fondazione. Perché il benessere psicosociale e la prevenzione del disagio psichico sono beni preziosi.
Scopri i nostri laboratori che includono:
E i nostri gruppi e servizi di sostegno e assistenza:
15.30-16.30 Presentazione del libro "I FIORI DEL BENE" di Isabella Colonnese.
16.30-19.00 Presentazione e iscrizione ai corsi.
Leggeranno i partecipanti del laboratorio di teatro. Alla chitarra Marco Soricetti.
For information +39 06 6792669 - +39 06 93572111 -
Roma, 4 luglio 2024 - La Fondazione Don Luigi Di Liegro ha vissuto una giornata straordinaria nella sede di via Ostiense a Roma. Si è infatti tenuta la Festa di Fine Anno dei laboratori di Arteterapia, un momento di celebrazione per i successi e i traguardi raggiunti dai partecipanti ai corsi della Fondazione.
Questo evento è stato parte integrante della seconda edizione di Felicittà 2024, una manifestazione promossa dall'Assessorato al Patrimonio di Roma Capitale, che ha visto 19 spazi culturali aperti al pubblico dalle 18 alle 24.
La serata è stata ulteriormente impreziosita dalla presenza del sindaco di Roma, Roberto Gualtieri, e dell'assessore al Patrimonio e alle Politiche abitative, Tobia Zevi, che hanno onorato l'evento con la loro visita. Durante il suo intervento, il sindaco ha sottolineato l'importanza del lavoro svolto dalla Fondazione e il suo impatto positivo sulla comunità.
È motivo di gioia per me vedere come il patrimonio di Roma Capitale, che è il patrimonio di tutti i cittadini, possa essere messo a servizio di tante esperienze belle e importanti. Quella della Fondazione Di Liegro significativa per la nostra città, non solo per la nostra storia, per quello che Luigi ha saputo darci, a partire naturalmente dai convegni sui Mali di Roma e da tutto il suo lavoro straordinario.
Ma poi per quello che voi qui fate oggi, davvero dimostrando che tutte le persone sono una risorsa, tutte le persone non solo hanno diritto di avere, ma possono dare tanto e rendere la città e la vita più belle.
Quindi grazie.
L'evento ha riscosso un grande successo, con una partecipazione calorosa da parte di tutti i presenti.
Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno partecipato e reso questa serata indimenticabile. Continuate a seguirci per i prossimi eventi e iniziative!
Rome, 30 January 2023 - Registrations are open for the training course for volunteers, family members, youth workers and mental health workers promoted by the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation and the Fondation d'Harcourt, with the support of the Lazio Region. The course will be held on Saturdays from February 17th to April 20th. Eight lessons held by experts who aim to train participants on youth issues, including bullying and addictions, promoting a psychosocial support network.
Rome, 28 December 2023 - In this article Luigina Di Liegro, general secretary of the Di Liegro Foundation, highlights the "Christmas depression" and the importance of assistance to those suffering from mental distress. Remember the commitment of Don Luigi Di Liegro, founder of the Diocesan Caritas of Rome, for the continuous support of those in need. He thus takes this opportunity to announce the start of the 2024 courses of the Di Liegro Foundation to train volunteers and families in the mental health support network.
Mental health is a complex and substantial experience of life, which involves the emotional, relational, social, ethical and imaginary sphere: that is, that unique whole that defines human subjectivity. In this edition of our training course we want to promote the psychological well-being of fragile adolescents and families with the aim of creating a network of solidarity and support aimed at social inclusion. Hence the need to develop - in the health/illness dynamic - the theme of relationships as a crucial device in the co-construction of the rehabilitation process.
It is possible to follow the training course in person, at our headquarters in via Ostiense 106, Rome or online via the platform Zoom.
The meetings will be held on Saturday, from 9.30 to 12.30.
Some dates may be subject to change.
FIRST MEETING – Saturday 17 February 2024
Mental health: needs of adolescents and families in relation to public services
SECOND MEETING - Saturday 24 February 2024
The relationship in adolescence at risk: emotional dependencies and educational tools
THIRD MEETING – Saturday 2 March 2024
Young people between reality and virtual: substance addictions and the internet
FOURTH MEETING – Saturday 9 March 2024
Hikikomori and social withdrawal in adolescence
FIFTH MEETING – Saturday 16 March
The value of the relationship as a skill in volunteering
SIXTH MEETING – Saturday 23 March
Social inclusion through the network of services and rehabilitation tools for the relationship
SEVENTH MEETING – Saturday 13 April
Active citizenship and relationships as a tool of inclusion
EIGHTH MEETING – Saturday 20 April
Don Luigi di Liegro and Franco Basaglia: parallel paths for a conscious community
For information contact
In order to prevent isolation and social marginalization, the project proposes the activation of a listening and assistance service in the area, which provides information on mental health services, orients users and supports them in defining a personalized project with territorial services.
To raise awareness among citizens about mental health, the project organizes training courses, information and annual conferences on topics such as Recovery and addictions. The training objectives include the creation of a group of volunteers to facilitate the social inclusion and therapeutic path of people with mental distress through socialization workshops, such as theatre, music, photography and art therapy.
In order to combat the loneliness of family members of people with mental health problems, the project promotes self-help groups with weekly meetings and monthly supervision by professionals, such as psychiatrists and psychologists, to provide supportive support and share experiences.
The project is conceived following a Recovery approach, which aims to give users an active role again, transforming them from passive recipients to protagonists involved in their own choices and committed to fully developing their potential.
Rome, November 2023 - RomaSette Avvenire returns to the activities of the Di Liegro Foundation to promote socialization and combat the isolation of patients hospitalized in the Psychiatry, Diagnosis and Treatment Service (SPDC) of the San Filippo Neri Hospital in Rome.
The piece tells of a pilot project, promoted by ASL Roma 1 and financed by the Lazio Region, managed by the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation, which uses art therapy to support the mental health of psychiatric patients at the San Filippo Neri hospital. Through music, reading and painting workshops, the project aims to reduce patients' isolation and limit the use of physical restraints. It offers a social path for patients, promoting a non-judgmental environment open to personal expression. The objective is to reduce "mechanical restraint" and improve emergency intervention strategies, especially after the increase in serious psychiatric disorders post-pandemic. In addition to this activity, the Foundation supports the SOSS, an active Orientation and Social Support desk, which becomes a useful tool for the patients' relatives.
“Situations of social imbalance, areas of marginalization and urban desolation, represent a permanent threat to peace. The very discomfort of many young people and adolescents, those most affected by social and family disintegration, already constitutes a sort of powder keg that threatens our urban coexistence."
Father Luigi Di Liegro
Work to protect mental health of the Community represents a complex objective which cannot be achieved only with the improvement of social norms, values and practices, but which also requires actions that make known and create participation in the condition of "mental distress" which, out of fear, too frequently results in difficulty to accept.
The training intervention: "SOS Families: new needs and resources in mental health" highlights some of the possible protection actions to be implemented, as emerges from the analysis of family situations, schools and public services dedicated to this topic . The responsibility of contributing to the balanced mental development of the members of a community is entrusted first and foremost to families and parents who with their behaviors support the mental and physical health of their children. It is then necessary for the institutions to place mental health as one of the investment priorities for the implementation of policies that favor the development of an inclusive society, free from discrimination and violence. For its part, the School must be ready to immediately identify the actions to be implemented in the event of assessments of distress among children and adolescents. Last but not least, citizens must be able to contribute through volunteering to the reception and inclusion of the most vulnerable people.
Saturday lessons
(9.30am - 12.30pm)
FIRST MEETING – 02/04/2023
The family yesterday and today: new needs in mental health
Luigina Di Liegro, Secretary General of the Di Liegro Foundation
Luca Salmieri, Professor of Sociology, Sapienza University of Rome
Rita Potena, Psychiatrist, former TMSREE ASLRM2 manager
SECOND MEETING -18/02/2023
Mental health: relationship of young people and families with public services
Giuseppe Ducci, Director of the ASLRM1 Mental Health Department
Laura Anelli, Gynecologist and Head of ASLRM1 Consultations
THIRD MEETING - 02/25/2023
Tools for supporting parenting and family well-being
Pierluca Zuppi, Psychiatrist
Paolo Paolotti, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist and Regional Secretary of SIRP Lazio
FOURTH MEETING - 04/03/2023
Risky behaviors: managing addictions in the family
Alessandro Vento, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist CSM ASL Roma2 and Head of the Addictions Observatory
FIFTH MEETING - 11/03/2023
School and family: definition of goals and resources in mental health
Gianluigi Di Cesare, Psychiatrist, Head of the UOC Prevention and Early Interventions in Mental Health ASL Roma1
Tiziana Sallusti, Headmaster of the Terenzio Mamiani Classical High School
SIXTH MEETING - 03/18/2023
Empathy and communication techniques to support the family
Josè Mannu, Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist
SEVENTH MEETING - 03/25/2023
Volunteering and mental health: relationships as a resource
Michele Di Nunzio, Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist ASLRoma1
“CoèSa” is born in Rome, Community is Health - OdV, the association of volunteers, psychologists and educators that will allow young people to work in the area to support those suffering from mental health problems.
Coèsa will operate in via Ostiense, in the spaces of the Di Liegro Foundation which, with the new association of volunteers, aims to expand the network in the area, transmitting the culture of solidarity and civic participation to even the youngest, keeping memory and thought alive of Don Luigi. The Foundation, dedicated to the founder of Caritas Rome, has always been committed to supporting families and people forced to face the problems of mental distress.
Coèsa's activity will take place through listening desks, artistic and socialization workshops where children will be able to support their peers, meeting opportunities in the area to create integrated systems of services in the community, combating conditions of fragility and disadvantage. Objective ofVolunteer organization it will therefore be the construction and promotion of a supportive, active and cohesive community.
"The CoèSa Association was born from the need to pay maximum attention to youth hardship, a real emergency in the post-Covid era, and to promote a presence in the area by young people for their peers in difficulty. A study by the Guarantor in fact, highlights how cases of young people suffering from eating disorders, suicidal ideation, self-harm, alterations in the sleep-wake rhythm, and last but not least, social withdrawal are increasingly widespread" explains the president of the CoèSa Association, Marta Zammuto. “We are aware of the risk that mental health problems in children and young people could become chronic and spread on a large scale." concludes Zammuto.
Il prossimo 2 maggio inizierà il Corso di formazione per volontari e familiari dal titolo “Percorsi di cittadinanza nella promozione della salute mentale”, organizzato dalla Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Onlus. L’iniziativa rientra tra gli obiettivi previsti dal Bando Comunità Solidali 2020, promosso dalla Regione Lazio - Assessorato Politiche Sociali, Welfare e Enti Locali - Direzione Regionale per l’Inclusione sociale - Area Welfare di Comunità e Innovazione Sociale.
"Percorsi di Cittadinanza attiva nella promozione della salute mentale" intende sensibilizzare i cittadini sul tema della salute mentale tramite la conoscenza e la formazione. Il volontariato rappresenta una fonte da sviluppare, valorizzare e dalla quale attingere risorse per creare una società consapevole e attenta verso coloro che soffrono e le loro famiglie. Una società consapevole è capace di accogliere e non respingere la diversità, e questo rappresenta una opportunità per le persone con disturbo psichico per trovare il giusto centro del proprio percorso esistenziale.
MODULO I - 2 maggio, orario 17 - 20
"Tecniche di comunicazione"
Jose Mannu, Psichiatra e Psicoterapeuta
Marco Soricetti, Musicoterapeuta e Conduttore del Laboratorio di Musica della Fondazione di Liegro
MODULO II - 7 maggio, orario 10 - 13
"Ascolto attivo, empatia e centralità della relazione"
Alessandro Vento, Psichiatra, Psicoterapeuta e Responsabile Osservatorio sulle Dipendenze
Giorgio Veneziani, Dottore in Psicologia
MODULO III - 14 maggio, orario 10 - 13
"Paradigma della Recovery"
Antonio Maone, Psichiatra, Psicoterapeuta e Direttore Comunità Terapeutica e Residenzialità AslRm1
Daniele Bonarini, Regista PotiPicture
Sara Borri, Psicologa PotiPicture Accademy
MODULO IV - 21 maggio, orario 10 - 13
"Gli strumenti della riabilitazione psichiatrica (socializzazione, arte terapia, cura sul territorio)"
Paolo Paolotti, Psichiatra, Psicoterapeuta e Segretario regionale S.I.R.P. Lazio
Nicola Se Santis, Attore, Stuntman, e Conduttore del laboratorio teatrale della Scuola Piero Gabrielli
MODULO V - 28 maggio, orario 10 - 13
"Studio dei nuovi strumenti informatici e digitali a supporto delle nuove forme di comunicazione e della relazione"
Antonia Lonigro, Psicoterapeuta
MODULO VI - 4 giugno, orario 10 -13
"Il modello degli Ufe (empowerment e self help)"
Giovanni Fiori, Referente per l’associazione “Le Parole Ritrovate” Regione Lazio
MODULO VII - 11 giugno, orario 10 -13
"Il contributo del volontariato nei percorsi socio riabilitativi"
Michele Di Nunzio, Psichiatra e Psicoterapeuta AslRm1
MODULO VIII - 17 giugno, orario 17 - 20
"Gestione della sindrome di burn-out, organizzazione dei servizi territoriali e delle attività della Fondazione"
Jose Mannu, Psichiatra e Psicoterapeuta
Per info e iscrizioni: Tel: 06 6792669 -