A service specifically aimed at family members of people with mental health problems is that of coordination and support of groups of family members who come into contact with the Foundation and ask for a training and support to deal with the situation in the family environment. Strengthening this environment means providing indirect help to the suffering person.
For this reason, the Foundation promotes "self-help groups" aimed at family members and all those who have a direct relationship with people with mental health problems.
The goal of the groups is to build a support network capable of welcoming everyone's experience, giving support and strengthening resources.
The groups are entirely managed by family members and are held on a weekly basis, with a meeting scheduled once a month supervision by professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists).
The first university course in Integrated Theater of Emotion aimed at mentally disabled people has been inaugurated. The Pathological Theatre, in collaboration with the University of Rome Tor Vergata, creates an absolute novelty on the world scene. Therapy and scientific research converge towards a new opportunity, which makes Italy a forerunner country in the process of integrating mentally disabled people. At the moment it is an experiment that intends to move on two parallel tracks: research on the one hand and training on the other. L'objective, in fact, it is to promote the integration and also access to the world of work for mentally disabled people, through qualified profiles.
The will also join Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation at the garrison in front of the headquarters of the Lazio Region, scheduled for tomorrow morning (18.11.2015) from 10am to 2pm, organized by A.re.sa.m Onlus (regional association for mental health – Lazio), in collaboration with the most important local associations which, in different capacities and with different experiences, deal with mental health. The following have joined the initiative: Alchimia, AVO Rome, Citizenship-Tribunale Ritibunale Siciliani Lazio; Coordination of Temporary Workers DGR 980/09; Habitat; Together Against Prejudice; Beyond Barriers; Democratic Psychiatry; UNASAM, 180 Friends.
With indiscriminate cuts to welfare, care and responses in the area are reduced. The dismissal of other workers is imminent, with a consequent reduction in professionalism and services. We need an organic plan that gives the Public Service back its fundamental role in the treatment, rehabilitation and social inclusion of people with mental disabilities.
The Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation, in particular, promotes training and support courses for families, combating isolation, stigma, the risk of marginalization which often involves them too; proposes rehabilitation projects in Theatre, Photography, Cooking and Music, as tools to combat isolation and relational difficulties and enhance personal skills and interests.
The meeting will be held on October 10th self help group. The meeting, in which family members of users with problems relating to mental health come together and discuss, is held on a weekly basis at the Foundation's premises. The group's goal is to build ua support network capable of welcoming everyone's experience, giving support and strengthening resources.
The Liegro Foundation also uses the system ELIXIR, as part of the SOSS program (Orientation and Social Support Service aimed at people with mental distress), an innovative solution aimed to people with deafness problems that combines LIS (sign language) with an online video communication assistance system.
The operators of the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation are equipped with the E-Lisir service, so deaf people can benefit from support easily, thanks to an interpreter, without barriers.
The service is already provided in some public and private facilities with excellent results, offering communication assistance to deaf users without impediments. It is audio, video and connected to the network, available 24 hours a day, so communicating with deaf people becomes much easier and more immediate.
A garrison that of E-LISIR, which further consolidates the commitment of the Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation in favor of mental health, for increasingly accessible, cutting-edge services, but above all suitable for everyone, without exception.
The request takes shape within the network of families who are linked to the Liegro Foundation, from which the desire to become protagonists in developing and implementing projects in order to create employment for people with mental health problems.
The Di Liegro Foundation has positioned itself as a facilitator and promoter of this process of "empowerment", making two professionals with specific skills in training and social services available to the group of family members, as well as the premises and organisation.
The process was launched on 18 April 2015, European Patient Rights Day.
A structured path is followed which includes the following steps:
In the second phase of the path it is planned to divide the group into subgroups organized by areas of expertise and interest that can meet specific objectives and carry out specific thematic insights.
To be concrete and operational, the values will be developed in some work areas: