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31 luglio 2024 - Prosegue la rassegna stampa degli articoli dedicati all'allarme lanciato dal servizio SOSS - Lo Sportello di Orientamento e Supporto Sociale della Fondazione Di Liegro.

Il SOSS della Fondazione Di Liegro resterà attivo anche durante l’intero mese di agosto 2024 al fine di
garantire il supporto in un periodo dell’anno particolarmente delicato per le persone affette da disagi psichici e per i loro familiari, e può essere contattato da tutta Italia chiamando il numero 3517488351 o attraverso la mail supportsociale@fondazionediliegro.it.

Leggi la prima parte delle pubblicazioni.

Roma, 30 luglio 2024 - Sulla stampa compare la notizia che nei primi sei mesi del 2024 sono aumentate le richieste di aiuto da parte dei giovani per disagi legati alla salute mentale raccolte dalla Fondazione Di Liegro: il 34% delle telefonate arrivate al SOSS, il servizio di supporto, orientamento e sostegno sociale offerto dalla Fondazione, proviene da chi ha meno di 30 anni. Numeri raddoppiati e in costante crescita rispetto allo stesso periodo del 2023.

L'elenco delle testate continua, qui la seconda parte.

“Nessuno si salva da solo”

Il 3517488351 è un numero di telefono capace di rompere la solitudine, il disorientamento, la paura e creare un ponte tra il disagio psichico e la rete di supporto territoriale.

“I farmaci non bastano e servono attività di qualità. Nessuno si salva da solo, le persone stanno meglio nel momento in cui riescono a relazionarsi con gli altri, accettano la terapia e si impegnano per rendere il proprio tempo di qualità”.

Questo è il consiglio che il SOSS ha dato a Barbara*, la mamma di Nicola . Un consiglio che non è rimasto parola né promessa ma si è concretizzato nell’accompagnamento di Nicola* verso un efficace percorso terapeutico presso il Centro di Salute Mentale.

Counselor, psicologi e volontari appositamente formati: sono loro che prestano la voce, l’empatia, la competenza al servizio SOSS, per aprire un dialogo, orientare, ascoltare chi vive direttamente o indirettamente il disagio mentale: depressione, ansia, disturbi alimentari, disturbi dell’umore, isolamento, bullismo, ecc…

È attraverso il 3517488351 che la nostra Fondazione si impegna senza sosta nell’ascolto, orientamento e informazione per i problemi di salute mentale perché, come Barbara*, crediamo che nessuno veramente si salvi da solo. Insieme possiamo fare qualcosa di veramente speciale e straordinario per le vite di molte persone.

*Abbiamo usato nomi di fantasia per tutelare la privacy delle persone coinvolte.

I Gruppi di Psicoanalisi MultiFamiliare sono un contesto nel quale le famiglie si riuniscono per fare esperienze terapeutiche arricchenti. Negli incontri ciascun partecipante potrà sviluppare nuove risorse emotive e condizioni migliori per gestire i conflitti che vive con gli altri e quelli che ha vissuto e che vive con se stesso.” Il gruppo è composto da più famiglie e partecipano più membri per ciascuna famiglia.

We report the calendar of meetings of the citizen group of Multifamily Psychoanalysis, created in collaboration with ASL Roma 2, which will be held between March and July 2024 at the headquarters of the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation in via Ostiense 106 Rome.

The groups will resume in September every two weeks.


For information or registration contact us at +39 06 6792669 or write to us at segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it

Rome, 15 March 2024 - Helping families who experience situations of mental distress within themselves, often aggravated by heavy intra-family conflicts. This is the main objective of the Multifamily Psychoanalysis Group (GPMF), the new project promoted by the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation in collaboration with the ASL Roma 2. The group meets for the first time on March 15th at the Foundation's headquarters.

Rome, 30 January 2023 - Registrations are open for the training course for volunteers, family members, youth workers and mental health workers promoted by the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation and the Fondation d'Harcourt, with the support of the Lazio Region. The course will be held on Saturdays from February 17th to April 20th. Eight lessons held by experts who aim to train participants on youth issues, including bullying and addictions, promoting a psychosocial support network.

Presentation of the citizen multifamily psychoanalysis group at the Di Liegro Foundation, Monday 26 February from 11.30 am to 1.00 pm.

The meeting aims to present the Multifamily Psychoanalysis Group (GPMF) which will be held from March 2024 at the Di Liegro Foundation as a shared intervention, at the request of the family members of the ASL Roma2 and in collaboration with public services. GPMFs are a context in which families come together to have enriching therapeutic experiences. In the meetings each participant will be able to develop new emotional resources and better conditions to manage the conflicts he experiences with others and those he has experienced and is experiencing with himself."


11.30am Introduction:
Luigina di Liegro, General Secretary of the Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation

11.40 am The voice of the family:
Giovanni Fiori, President of the ASL Roma 2 Departmental Council

11.50 am The voice of services:
Stefano Milano, Director of the UOC Mental Health Center District 8 ASL Rome and Fausta Calvosa, Psychiatrist
GPMF presenter at UOC Mental Health Center District 8 ASL Roma2

12.05 pm The voice of the territory:
Paolo Paolotti, Psychiatrist and Coordinator of SIRP-Lazio Section, since 2014 Facilitator of the self-help groups of family members in the Di Liegro Foundation

12.15pm Notes on GPMFs:
Andrea Narracci, Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Ordinary Member of the SPI, President of Lipsim

12.45pm The next city group:
Pierluca Zuppi, Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Associate Member of the SPI, GPMF Conductor
Marta Zammuto, Psychologist and specialist in psychotherapy

1pm Questions from the public and registrations for the citizen group

Moderator: Tiziana Ceccarelli, Head of Mental Health Training at the Di Liegro Foundation

Join the multi-family group for shared mental health!

The meeting will be held at the headquarters of the Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation, in Via Ostiense 106, Rome.

For information: segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it

The loss of a loved one is a painful and difficult experience to deal with. We often feel lonely, confused, angry or depressed. We need someone who listens to us, understands us and supports us and helps us grieve.
The Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation offers a series of new self-help meetings for bereavement support, based on sharing and mutual listening between people who have experienced a loss. The meetings are open to those who have lost a family member, a friend, a colleague, a loved one.
The mutual self-help groups, led by adequately trained facilitators, all meet on Wednesdays from 6.30pm to 8pm at the foundation's headquarters in Via Ostiense 106 in Rome. In a climate of respect, trust and confidentiality, you will be able to freely express your feelings and thoughts and listen to those of others.
To ask to participate or for more information, you can contact the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation on the number 06-6792669 or write an email to segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it. We will be happy to welcome you and accompany you on this journey.

In the context of restraint prevention, the SPDC hospital department of San Filippo Neri of Asl Roma 1, in collaboration with the International Foundation Don Luigi Di Liegro, proposes a pilot project aimed at building a network pathway against isolation that can help hospitalized people better cope with an inherently complex situation.

The project includes the activation of a process that is not exclusively medical but also social and supports relational skills and personal effectiveness, respecting the condition of fragility of the participants and enhancing their resources. Through art-mediated communication (music, painting, manual work objects, writing and reading, body movement, etc.), exchange becomes possible, and the professional acts as a mediator of interpersonal communication in the group.

The content and form of the workshops were designed and chosen to promote socialization among participants, listening, and mutual recognition, respecting each individual's space and the free choice not to participate or simply to observe, depending on the participants' feelings. The aim is to foster an atmosphere of harmony and mutual acceptance as much as possible.

Each meeting is complete in itself, considering that the composition of the group is continuously changing. Users are given the freedom to participate or not, as they choose, each time.

The Art4Me project connects mental health and art and aims to create a unique opportunity to provide a new platform for sharing knowledge across borders and stakeholders, and a path for better citizen empowerment with or at risk of having mental health problems. A long series of new tools is therefore needed to address mental health. While art and creative expression have been a central element of European culture for millennia, the use of art as a tool for mental health has been poorly mapped and experiences often not shared.

The project aims to:

Listening, guidance and information for
Mental Health Problems.
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