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Starting from 19 October, the 13th edition of the usual training course "Volunteers and families online for mental health" promoted by the Foundation will be held, entitled: "Lifestyles for well-being in adolescence". Nine meetings aimed at those interested in learning more about mental health volunteering.

In particular, this year's theme focuses onadolescence and lifestyles for well-being. The protagonist will be the network of relationships and the experiences lived by the adolescent; networks which, in addition to being psychological and emotional, are also cultural and social: family, school, peer group.

The meetings will be held at headquarters of the Di Liegro Foundation, in via Ostiense, 106 - Montemartini Central Entrance - The headquarters is easily reachable by public transport: Garbatella line B metro stop.

Download the meeting programme

To register:

Fill in the form downloadable to send to segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it


sign up online by clicking here

The cost of the entire course is 50 euros. It can be paid on the first day of the course.

Saturday 23 November The third meeting of our usual training course was held. This year's focus is on Lifestyles for well-being in adolescence.

The chairs in a circle. Parents, relatives, psychologists, psychotherapists, students, social workers. The theme is adolescence in the family life cycle. The dialogue starts from a video with i first-person stories of young people who live with discomfort, sometimes with a psychological disorder, the difficult process of transformation that leads to adulthood.

Then the parents - the vast majority are mothers - they talk about their troubled paths, which in several cases begin from their own problematic adolescence, marked by dysfunctional parents. The gray areas that emerge thin out in the group, which listens, understands, condivide, supports, suggests, accompanied by the experts present.

Change your perspective, find the courage to transform your ideas, change your gaze on your children, trust them, stay with them for overcome fear together of living that concerns everyone: adolescents, parents, operators. Because fear is always accompanied by hope, hope that there is still time, that we can succeed.

The next meeting, Saturday 30 November, will have the theme of health through integration. We look forward to seeing you for another moment of personal and collective growth.


Rountable Economy around Humanity

Il 24 ottobre, dalle 15.00 alle 18.00, si terrà la tavola rotonda Economy Around Humanity - 2030 Agenda Goals' Tools. Mercato Privato e Terzo settore danno vita alla prima piattaforma di comunicazione Digitale e Social Resposanbility.

L'idea del progetto è quella di creare un sistema di network tra Aziende pubbliche, private e del Terzo Settore; mirando alla realizzazione di un'innovazione sostenibile di rete, si propone la realizzazione di quattro obiettivi in altrettante aree di interesse.

Durante la tavola rotonda, insieme ai primi contributori (Diversity Opportunity, Arkage, Croce Rossa Italiana, DiTES, HUMAN FOUNDATION, CARIS, DRESS FOR SUCCESS Rome, discuteremo di:

Economy Around Humanity – 2030 Agenda Goals’ Tools apre il dialogo ad un confronto diretto e connesso, immediatamente operativo, attraverso metodi e tools della nuova tecnologia.

Venerdì 27 settembre, dalle ore 18 alle 20.30, la Fondazione Don Luigi Di Liegro ospiterà l’anteprima romana del BodyMindDialogue® (BMD), metodo per la crescita personale della scuola di counseling WinnerTeam.

L’incontro, che sarà condotto dalla docente Paola Poluzzi, è gratuito e rivolto a tutti coloro che desiderano sperimentare un’esperienza di consapevolezza corporea fondata su movimento, danza, visualizzazione interiore, tecniche di meditazione e respirazione. Con l’approccio integrato di auto-percezione del BMD è possibile migliorare il rapporto tra la mente, il corpo e le emozioni, considerati nella loro dimensione di aspetti diversi della nostra unicità, in un percorso di sostanziale auto-formazione.

Consigliato a tutti, il BMD può essere utile anche a chi opera nel campo del benessere e delle relazioni d’aiuto e potrà essere praticato a Roma nel corso annuale di imminente attivazione che verrà presentato in occasione dell’incontro del 27 settembre.

Per partecipare occorrono soltanto curiosità e indumenti pratici, prenotando prima alla Segreteria della Fondazione Don Luigi di Liegro (segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it, tel. 066792669 - 0693572111). Ci si può iscrivere online qui: http://bit.ly/BMD_ISCRIZIONE

Per informazioni è inoltre disponibile la docente Paola Poluzzi al cell. 349 2530646.

Youthful mental health problems are increasingly becoming an important element in modern society. Today, through new means of communication we are beginning to perceive the importance of this phenomenon which was once underestimated.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), by 2020 more than 20% of developmental age subjects will suffer from some forms of mental disorder. Suicide will be the third leading cause of death in adolescence. At the same time we are witnessing a large increase in behavioral disorders, related to situations such as addiction to psychotropic substances, relationship problems, illnesses and poverty.

One of the most important emergencies of the last decade concerns social networks. This means of communication is increasingly uncontrollable, so much so that it is turning from a children's free time game into a real addiction.

The data shows us that in Italy, in the under 25 age group, the situation is complex. For this reason, the Di Liegro Foundation has decided, in the current edition, to focus on the theme of youth mental distress, bringing prevention to the fore, so that every adolescent can be able to live their existence to the full in order to avoid the onset of acute illnesses and degenerative processes.

The cost of the course is €20 for students, €50 for all other categories

To enroll in the course CLICK HERE

Training and Orientation in terms of mental health they are our main vocation. To ours courses - organized with the collaboration of managers and operators of local centers and mental health departments - family members of people with mental health problems and citizens who choose to make their time available to adequately support and accompany users participate.

This year's is the eleventh training course organized by the Foundation in partnership with the Fondation d'Harcourt of Geneva. It will start in October in our headquarters in via Ostiense 106.

We will soon publish the detailed program of appointments.

On 15 October 2017, the tenth edition of the training course "Volunteers and families online for mental health" will begin. With this course, the Don Luigi #DiLiegro International Foundation aims to facilitate the social inclusion of people with mental distress, activating a support service to prevent any form of isolation and social marginalization.

Fill out the pre-registration form and send it to salutementale@fondazionediliegro.it

For any information do not hesitate to contact us on 066792669 and 0693572111, or write to salutementale@fondazionediliegro.it

On April 5, 2017, the 9th edition of the Training Course “Psychological Distress and Social Marginality”.

The course is created in collaboration with Mental Health Department of ASL RM2 (formerly RMB).

The aim of the course is to promote the activation of a volunteer network in the area to prevent forms of isolation and social marginalization.

It will take place at Mental Health Center in Via B. Bardanzellu, 8 give her 5.00pm to 7.00pm.

It is mandatory to register by email to laboratori@fondazionediliegro.it or by telephone at the numbers: 066792669 – 0693572111.

The last meeting of the “Volunteers and families online” is postponed to Saturday November 21, 2014 at 9.30am and will have as its theme “theArt as a tool for therapy”, with a lesson held by Dr. Jose Mannu. SThe workshop leaders and volunteers involved in the Foundation's activities will be present to each tell their own experience. At the end of the meeting, certificates of participation and the CD with the course teaching material will be delivered. Everything will end with an aperitif and greetings from Luigina Di Liegro.

On 7 November 2015 the penultimate lesson of the course will be held at the Foundation's premises.Volunteers and Families Networking for Mental Health”. The topic that will be addressed during the lesson held by Dr. Jose Mannu, will address the topic of Neuroscience.

Listening, guidance and information for
Mental Health Problems.
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