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The deadline for submitting the application for the Universal Civil Service expires on Friday 20 February 2023 at 2pm.

If you are between 18 and 29 years old and want to dedicate part of your time to your community, the Universal Civil Service at the Di Liegro Foundation can represent a significant educational and training experience.
An opportunity to commit to active citizenship, an opportunity to increase one's wealth of knowledge, which can be used throughout one's working life, while ensuring financial recognition at the same time.

We are looking for young people who love life communication and the relation, whatever they want team up for a concrete project, who are interested inempathy and to theI listen, particularly in the area of psychosocial well-being.

The Civil Service volunteers at the Di Liegro Foundation will contribute toorganization, to the support and to communication from the training activities aimed at citizens, volunteers and family members, of Telephone listening service e Orientation, and to those of the Self-help groups to support families of people with mental and mental health problems socialization and art therapy workshops.

Discover the projects of Di Liegro Foundation, which are part of the programme ASL RM2 for which you can apply: Click here

“From loneliness to inclusion 3” - Project Code PTXSU0011222010663NMTX
Download the project sheet

“The color of the Moon 3” – Project Code PTCSU0011222010665NMTX) – Headquarters code 156102
Download the project sheet

>>> For information call 06.6792669 or write to segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it

To find out more about the Universal Civil Service: https://www.politichegiovanili.gov.it/comunicazione/news/2022/12/bando-ordinario-2022/

To consult the project database: https://www.politichegiovanili.gov.it/servizio-civile/bandi-e-avvisi-di-servizio-civile/bandi-di-selezione-volontari/scegli-il-tuo-progetto/?bando=91527&gazzetta=62&estero=0

Watch the commercial

Requirements for participation in the Call for Universal Civil Service

Young people who, on the date of submitting the application, have turned eighteen and have not exceeded twenty-eight years of age (28 years and 364 days) can participate in the selections.
Please note that young people who have already completed national or universal civil service cannot submit applications for participation, without prejudice to what is indicated in article 3 of this announcement.

How to submit the application

In order to participate in the selection, it is necessary to identify the SCU project on which to be involved.
To access the list of SCU projects in Italy and abroad, use the "Choose your project in Italy" search engine. By clicking the SEARCH button (without making a choice in the other proposed fields) you obtain the complete list of all the projects. To carry out a targeted search for a project it is possible to select the values of the items that interest you. The number of applications received for that location is also displayed on the project detail page; this data is updated to the day before viewing.

Aspiring volunteer operators must submit the application for participation exclusively through the Application platform online (DOL) reachable via PC, tablet and smartphone at https://domandaonline.serviziocivile.it. Applications to participate must be submitted no later than 2.00 pm on 20 February 2023.

To access the application compilation and submission services, the candidate must be recognized by the DOL system

1 - Italian citizens residing in Italy or abroad can access it exclusively with SPID (Public Digital Identity System). On the website of the Agency for Digital Italy www.agid.gov.it/it/piattaforme/spid all information is available on what SPID is, what services it offers and how to request it. To access the DOL platform, SPID security level 2 credentials are required.

2 - Citizens of countries belonging to the European Union and foreigners regularly residing in Italy, if they are not available to acquire the SPID, will be able to access the services of the DOL platform through specific credentials to be requested from the Department, according to the procedure available on the home page of the platform itself.

The selected volunteer operators sign a contract with the Department which sets, among other things, the amount of the monthly allowance for carrying out the service at €444.30 which could be increased on the basis of the variation ascertained by ISTAT.

Useful links:
Official page with video-Spot

SOS Families: new needs and resources in mental health

“Situations of social imbalance, areas of marginalization and urban desolation, represent a permanent threat to peace. The very discomfort of many young people and adolescents, those most affected by social and family disintegration, already constitutes a sort of powder keg that threatens our urban coexistence."
Father Luigi Di Liegro

Work to protect mental health of the Community represents a complex objective which cannot be achieved only with the improvement of social norms, values and practices, but which also requires actions that make known and create participation in the condition of "mental distress" which, out of fear, too frequently results in difficulty to accept.
The training intervention: "SOS Families: new needs and resources in mental health" highlights some of the possible protection actions to be implemented, as emerges from the analysis of family situations, schools and public services dedicated to this topic . The responsibility of contributing to the balanced mental development of the members of a community is entrusted first and foremost to families and parents who with their behaviors support the mental and physical health of their children. It is then necessary for the institutions to place mental health as one of the investment priorities for the implementation of policies that favor the development of an inclusive society, free from discrimination and violence. For its part, the School must be ready to immediately identify the actions to be implemented in the event of assessments of distress among children and adolescents. Last but not least, citizens must be able to contribute through volunteering to the reception and inclusion of the most vulnerable people.

Corso di formazione volontari della Fondazione Di Liegro



Saturday lessons

(9.30am - 12.30pm)

FIRST MEETING – 02/04/2023

The family yesterday and today: new needs in mental health

Luigina Di Liegro, Secretary General of the Di Liegro Foundation

Luca Salmieri, Professor of Sociology, Sapienza University of Rome

Rita Potena, Psychiatrist, former TMSREE ASLRM2 manager

SECOND MEETING -18/02/2023

Mental health: relationship of young people and families with public services

Giuseppe Ducci, Director of the ASLRM1 Mental Health Department

Laura Anelli, Gynecologist and Head of ASLRM1 Consultations

THIRD MEETING - 02/25/2023

Tools for supporting parenting and family well-being

Pierluca Zuppi, Psychiatrist

Paolo Paolotti, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist and Regional Secretary of SIRP Lazio

FOURTH MEETING - 04/03/2023

Risky behaviors: managing addictions in the family

Alessandro Vento, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist CSM ASL Roma2 and Head of the Addictions Observatory

FIFTH MEETING - 11/03/2023

School and family: definition of goals and resources in mental health

Gianluigi Di Cesare, Psychiatrist, Head of the UOC Prevention and Early Interventions in Mental Health ASL Roma1

Tiziana Sallusti, Headmaster of the Terenzio Mamiani Classical High School

SIXTH MEETING - 03/18/2023

Empathy and communication techniques to support the family

Josè Mannu, Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist

SEVENTH MEETING - 03/25/2023

Volunteering and mental health: relationships as a resource

Michele Di Nunzio, Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist ASLRoma1


Il prossimo 2 maggio inizierà il Corso di formazione per volontari e familiari dal titolo “Percorsi di cittadinanza nella promozione della salute mentale”, organizzato dalla Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Onlus. L’iniziativa rientra tra gli obiettivi previsti dal Bando Comunità Solidali 2020, promosso dalla Regione Lazio - Assessorato Politiche Sociali, Welfare e Enti Locali - Direzione Regionale per l’Inclusione sociale - Area Welfare di Comunità e Innovazione Sociale.

"Percorsi di Cittadinanza attiva nella promozione della salute mentale" intende sensibilizzare i cittadini sul tema della salute mentale tramite la conoscenza e la formazione. Il volontariato rappresenta una fonte da sviluppare, valorizzare e dalla quale attingere risorse per creare una società consapevole e attenta verso coloro che soffrono e le loro famiglie. Una società consapevole è capace di accogliere e non respingere la diversità, e questo rappresenta una opportunità per le persone con disturbo psichico per trovare il giusto centro del proprio percorso esistenziale.

>>> Modulo di iscrizione <<<


MODULO I - 2 maggio, orario 17 - 20
"Tecniche di comunicazione"
Jose Mannu, Psichiatra e Psicoterapeuta
Marco Soricetti, Musicoterapeuta e Conduttore del Laboratorio di Musica della Fondazione di Liegro

MODULO II - 7 maggio, orario 10 - 13
"Ascolto attivo, empatia e centralità della relazione"
Alessandro Vento, Psichiatra, Psicoterapeuta e Responsabile Osservatorio sulle Dipendenze
Giorgio Veneziani, Dottore in Psicologia

MODULO III - 14 maggio, orario 10 - 13
"Paradigma della Recovery"
Antonio Maone, Psichiatra, Psicoterapeuta e Direttore Comunità Terapeutica e Residenzialità AslRm1
Daniele Bonarini, Regista PotiPicture
Sara Borri, Psicologa PotiPicture Accademy

MODULO IV - 21 maggio, orario 10 - 13
"Gli strumenti della riabilitazione psichiatrica (socializzazione, arte terapia, cura sul territorio)"
Paolo Paolotti, Psichiatra, Psicoterapeuta e Segretario regionale S.I.R.P. Lazio
Nicola Se Santis, Attore, Stuntman, e Conduttore del laboratorio teatrale della Scuola Piero Gabrielli

MODULO V - 28 maggio, orario 10 - 13
"Studio dei nuovi strumenti informatici e digitali a supporto delle nuove forme di comunicazione e della relazione"
Antonia Lonigro, Psicoterapeuta

MODULO VI - 4 giugno, orario 10 -13
"Il modello degli Ufe (empowerment e self help)"
Giovanni Fiori, Referente per l’associazione “Le Parole Ritrovate” Regione Lazio

MODULO VII - 11 giugno, orario 10 -13
"Il contributo del volontariato nei percorsi socio riabilitativi"
Michele Di Nunzio, Psichiatra e Psicoterapeuta AslRm1

MODULO VIII - 17 giugno, orario 17 - 20
"Gestione della sindrome di burn-out, organizzazione dei servizi territoriali e delle attività della Fondazione"
Jose Mannu, Psichiatra e Psicoterapeuta

>>> Modulo di iscrizione <<<

Per info e iscrizioni: Tel: 06 6792669 - segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it

La Fondazione Di Liegro e la formazione al volontariato

The Di Liegro Foundation continues to investigate the topics of volunteering and mental health.

We have organized four online events on volunteering and mental health, which will be visible live on the Foundation's Facebook page.

During the Facebook live broadcasts, we will analyze the values of volunteering, especially for young people, and of solidarity to protect the rights of people experiencing mental distress; we will talk about the need to strengthen the family environment to provide help to the suffering person. In this context, training is the tool that facilitates the implementation of therapeutic paths and the dissemination of greater knowledge on ways to deal with mental distress and promote well-being for everyone and at all ages.

The appointments will also be an opportunity to present the new training course for volunteers and family members, scheduled from May, as part of the "Active citizenship paths for the promotion of mental health" project.

Now, more than ever, we need citizens who are aware of the role they can have in the psychosocial well-being of their community.

Volunteer training

It was Luigina Di Liegro, General Secretary of the Foundation which bears the name of the priest who passed away 24 years ago, who welcomed the participants of the 15th edition of the "Volunteers and Families online" course, entitled A new model of community after the pandemic".

“The launch of this course on the eve of two important anniversaries is particularly significant: World Mental Health Day and, a few days later, the anniversary of Don Luigi's passing, on 12 October”. declared Di Liegro “A moment in which, together with you, we renew our commitment alongside the most fragile people. People who have felt the consequences of the spread of Covid 19 more due to the intertwining of health problems with those of a social, environmental and economic nature. A hidden pandemic, that of mental distress, which urgently needs to be remedied by leveraging the community and volunteering. In these days the activities in support of Mental Health of the Di Liegro Foundation are back in full swing with the Course, but also with the laboratories of art therapy, music and theatre. To find ourselves after the hard test of the pandemic, in a new and supportive community." – he concludes – because as Don Luigi said “A city in which a single man suffers less is a better city”

For this year's edition, over 100 people have booked and will be able to follow the course remotely or in person. A signal from the Community of how much these issues are felt by a large part of the population, who has directly or indirectly experienced discomfort increased by Covid. A way for the Liegro Foundation to respond to the request for training and information on mental health issues.

The participants in this year's edition are mostly women and fall into a very broad range. They find themselves united by similar motivations, young students and older pensioners, who want to make their free time and skills available to others.

“Experience has taught us how the different experiences of the participants become the strong point for the success of each edition” says Tiziana Ceccarelli, head of the Course “this year's high participation and the great desire to create community after the pandemic, are undoubtedly the best conditions for a good start."

The course is open to the participation of all those who want to broaden their knowledge of the world of mental health and engage in building a support network for people with mental health problems and their families: students, local service workers, volunteers, family members.

For information: tel. 06 6792669 – fax 0669920486; segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it

A new community model after the pandemic: registrations open for the fifteenth edition of the training course “Volunteers and Families networking for Mental Health” of the Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation

It may sound strange, but I had to reach the age of almost 50 to seek support in my relationship with my sister, who has always suffered from mental disorders.” tells Joseph, IT expert who in 2018 participated in the "Course for Volunteers and Families on the Internet" promoted by the Di Liegro Foundation "From the first phone call I understood that it was the right place to find not only understanding, but also new tools to be close to her. Taking part in the course allowed me to "see" his illness from a different perspective, more detached and lucid. I needed to get out of the domestic and family dimension which, paradoxically, represented a limit for me. Among the many things I brought home at the end of the meetings " goes on “the most precious is having become part of a network of people, made up of volunteers and operators. A fundamental dimension, even more so today after the pandemic, in which the possibility of establishing deep and concrete contacts has almost completely been lost”.

I learned about the Foundation Course thanks to a fellow student", He says Federica, 23 years old, about to obtain a master's degree in Psychology "After much theoretical study, the time had come for me to confront reality and practice. The Foundation's approach, for promoting the well-being of the person at 360 degrees, reassured me and allowed me to come into contact in a "simple" way with the complex world of mental health. It was an opportunity for discussion that enriched me greatly on the human side.” “First through participation in the course, where despite the lockdown due to Covid, I was able to come into contact with people very distant from me, not just geographically. Then with my inclusion in the Foundation's theater laboratory, where each person makes their own characteristics and abilities available in a perspective of growth and mutual exchange".

Like Giuseppe and Federica they are beyond 2.000 the people who, in recent years, have participated in the Course for Volunteers and Families in the Mental Health Network promoted by the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation – onlus.

The theme around which this year's edition will revolve is "A new community model after the pandemic”: a cycle of seven meetings that will start next Saturday 9 October, held by psychiatrists, university professors, heads of the Mental Health Departments of the ASL of Rome, representatives of family associations.

The course, to which you can still sign up, is open to the participation of all those who want to broaden their knowledge of the world of mental health and commit to building a support network for people with mental health problems and their families: students, local service operators, volunteers, family members. 

The spread of Covid 19, as is now recognized by many, has unfortunately further exacerbated the burden of economic and social inequalities and caused the resurgence of psychological problems starting from the youngest.” He has declared Luigina Di Liegro General Secretary of the Don Luigi Di Liegro Onlus Foundation “Volunteering, today more than ever, plays a fundamental role: helping to remedy critical issues, working alongside and integrating with traditional public welfare systems. This is why we promote the course for volunteers and families, with profound awareness that strengthening the family environment can provide fundamental indirect help to the person who suffers.

The training course will take place, where possible in person, The Saturday morning from 9 October to 11 December from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm at the premises of the Di Liegro Foundation, near the historic Centrale Montemartini in Rome (via Ostiense 106).

There is a small contribution of 40 euros (20 for university students).

For information and registration: 06/6792669 segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it

Photo by Liza Summer from Pexels

Recipients: volunteers, family members of people with mental distress, workers in the healthcare sector and help desks, university students.

The training course, organized by the Di Liegro Foundation, "Volunteers and families networking for mental health" is now in its 15th edition. This year we want to induce a reflection on the theme of the Community and how the spread of Covid-19 has highlighted various psycho-socio-economic problems that require urgent responses.

“A healthy social life can only be found when everyone's virtues live in the entire community.”
Rudolf Steiner

The shortcomings of the healthcare system, the weight of economic and social inequalities, pollution, the progressive reduction of biodiversity and the resurgence of psychological problems that have affected all ages. Volunteering can help remedy the critical issues that have emerged thanks to the importance it is recognized in welfare systems.

A private resource that has joined the traditional tools of public welfare by participating in the provision of social and educational services and in the planning and planning of social and health policies at different levels.

Youth volunteering, in particular, presents aspects of interest for the social sciences: it is a form of active citizenship, it contributes to social well-being, it promotes the maturation of young people, the acquisition of skills and their employability in the job market.


Registrants will then be contacted by our secretariat to confirm participation and pay the participation fee.
The training course will take place in person, at the headquarters of the Di Liegro Foundation, located in via Ostiense 106 (Rome) and online on Zoom.
The contribution is 40 euros, 25 for students, in the form of a donation to the Di Liegro Foundation, deductible from your tax return.

Volunteering is called to respond to emerging critical issues

October 9, 2021

Educational agencies of the third millennium, school and family between crisis and opportunity
Tiziana Sallusti, Headmaster of Liceo Mamiani in Rome
Annalisa Giannotti, Clinical Educator

October 23
From the polis to the virtual community: the centrality of human relationships
Jose Mannu, Psychiatrist

November 6, 2021
History and perspectives of mental health services
Giuseppe Nicolò, Psychiatrist Director of the Mental Health Department of ASL Rome 5

November 20, 2021
From the old to the new world, the paradigm shift in psychiatry
Jose Mannu, Psychiatrist

December 4, 2021
Volunteer today, with an eye to the future
Valerio Pieri, Professor at the Department of Business Economics at Roma TRE University

December 11, 2021
Mental health and territory, a new idea of community
Gemma Brandi, Psychiatrist, Director of SOC Health in prison, AUSL Tuscany Centre

January 15, 2022
Addictions, the educating community as a response to complexity
Alessandro Vento, Psychiatrist, Head of the "Addiction Observatory", ASL Roma2


A three-day webinar on the topic “Young people and mental health: a common good”. It is the training event organized by the Di Liegro Foundation, together with Anci Lazio And Observatory for Addiction and sub-threshold mental disorders, and with the contribution of the Lazio Regional Council, to help train administrators, managers and officials of Local Authorities on topics such as social withdrawal, substance addictions, the use and abuse of new technologies. The objective is to impact policies and the organization of prevention and promotion activities for the psychosocial well-being of younger citizens and their families.

The webinar “Young people and mental health: a common good” in fact, it intends to underline the importance of the psychological well-being of citizens, in particular that of young people, especially in this moment linked to the difficulties caused by the pandemic. The Covid-19 emergency has affected not only physical but also mental health, delving into fragilities and difficulties and making many realities even more difficult which, too often, go unnoticed". For this reason it is necessary to think of policies capable of combining the contribution of institutional actors, social services and educational agencies, with that of specific mental health services in a dynamic of complementary value, as underlined when presenting the event Lina Novelli, delegate for Welfare and Social Policies of Anci Lazio.

The Di Liegro Foundation has been working since 2006 with public and private institutions to promote psychosocial well-being, the prevention of mental distress and the dissemination of culture and knowledge of mental health. Over time, the secretary general explained, Luigina Di Liegro, this commitment focused in particular on youth hardship.

Over time, this commitment has focused in particular on youth hardship. Daily experience tells us that substance addictions and pathological behavioral addictions in young people represent a social emergency. Together with the Observatory Association for Addiction and Sub-Threshold Mental Disorders, chaired by the psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Alessandro Vento, the foundation collaborate on a project which, through systematic scanning of the web by software, identifies the presence of New Psychoactive Substances offered for sale on the internet.


Tuesday 13 April 2021 3.00pm - 4.30pm
“The promotion of mental health in adolescence. R-exist the pandemic”
Alessandro Vento, Psychiatrist, Head of the Addictions and Subthreshold Mental Disorders Observatory.

Tuesday 20 April 2021 3.00pm – 4.30pm
“Social withdrawal and school dropout in adolescence”
Ignazio Ardizzone, Child neuropsychiatrist, Head of the Child Neuropsychiatry Psychiatric Clinic at the “Umberto I” Polyclinic in Rome.

Tuesday 27 April 2021 3.00pm – 4.30pm
“The addiction between old and new substances”
Alessandro Vento, Psychiatrist, Head of the Addictions and Subthreshold Mental Disorders Observatory.

Carrying out Civil Service at the Di Liegro Foundation is an opportunity to commit to active citizenship, an opportunity to increase one's wealth of knowledge, which can be used throughout one's working life, while ensuring financial recognition at the same time.

We are looking for young people who love life communication and the relation, whatever they want team up for a concrete project, who are interested inempathy and to theI listen, particularly in the area of psychosocial well-being.

If you have just graduated, if you don't work and you want to dedicate part of your time to your community, the Civil Service at the Di Liegro Foundation offers you a significant educational and training experience.

The Civil Service volunteers at the Di Liegro Foundation will contribute toorganization, to the support and to communication from the training activities aimed at citizens, volunteers and family members, of Telephone listening and orientation service, and to those of the Self-help groups to support families of people with mental and mental health problems socialization and art therapy workshops.

The training of volunteers is oriented in particular to the consideration of the "person with discomfort", as "a person who, at a certain stage of his life, is suffering from a mental problem."

Commitment, values and future are the cornerstones of the Universal Civil Service. Principles which inspire the activities and projects of the Di Liegro Foundation. Our goal is to train aware citizens of their role within the local community, who are bearers of a vision of society based on attention to rights and needs of the most fragile people in the social fabric.

The project of the Di Liegro Foundation is “From loneliness to inclusion” and is part of the ASL RM2 program “We look after the most fragile” (program code PMCSU0011220010007GXXX). Download the program poster.

All the projects of the "Let's look after the most vulnerable" program


The general objective of the project is to promote and implement the activation of resources within the social network of people with mental health problems and their families.

Specific objectives:

  • Welcoming, informing, orienting and supporting people
  • Support therapeutic-rehabilitative projects for users of local services
  • Promote a culture of mental health
  • Assist local services
  • Promote the improvement of strategies coping, the increase in levels of self-efficacy and empowerment of family members
  • Encourage interventions to prevent distress and promote health in adolescence

Project sheet


The general objective of the project is to focus on the rights and well-being of the person experiencing social exclusion and marginalization due to mental health problems. In particular:

  • Counteract social stigma towards mental distress and self-stigma
  • Change negative attitudes towards those who are different
  • Promote a tolerant and competent community
  • Improve the relationship between organization and users
  • Implement relationships and meeting places to discuss
  • Promote autonomy paths in the field of mental health
  • Guiding the human and professional growth of the volunteer by making him a participant in the issues of inclusion

Project sheet


The project has the general objective, on the one hand, of contributing to the civic, social, cultural and professional training of young people who will carry out the civil service, and on the other of strengthening the capacity to welcome users, their families and the subjects who they take care of interests, providing personalized answers oriented towards multiple areas.
The project's target audience will be adults in a state of mental distress, with particular attention to patients with severe psychosis residing in the municipalities involved.

Project sheet


The general objective of the project is to promote food education and healthy lifestyles in opportunistic contexts, through the acceptance and implementation of communication strategies and the development of functional skills for behavioral change, with reference to a multi-stakeholder approach and multisectoral.

Specific objectives:

  • Increase and improve the reception, orientation and listening activity of users - also with telephone support - in polyclinics, CAD and health centers and clinics
  • Plan communication strategies for differentiated targets and create communication products to be used in opportunistic settings
  • Evaluate nutrition and lifestyles and use information materials on the main health determinants (nutrition, smoking, alcohol, physical activity) in relation to the observed health profile
  • Increase participation in primary vaccination prevention projects and primary and secondary prevention programs for breast, cervical and rectal cancers
  • Promote prevention initiatives and promotion of healthy lifestyles in opportunistic healthcare and non-healthcare contexts with the use of communication products and/or with the application of basic MinimalAdvice skills also among those envisaged by the Regional Prevention Plans.

Project sheet


The aim of the project is to promote the culture of legality, aimed at developing civic sense in young people, intended as a basis for affirming an idea of a supportive and cohesive community, which recognizes itself in the rules it has established and which respects them.
The reference target is young people from Ostia (Italians and immigrants) aged between 15 and 29;
The project therefore intends, with activities open to young people, who can transform themselves from users to protagonists of the same, to develop occasions and opportunities for aggregation that facilitate discussion, dialogue and develop the sense of belonging to a community and the active exercise of participatory democracy and assumption of responsibility.

Through the project we want to develop the themes dearest to the Civil Service:

  • Raise pupils' awareness on issues of legality in school and outside of school
  • Educate in solidarity and tolerance
  • Develop the skills to collaborate, communicate and dialogue
  • Educate man and citizen, within the framework of the principles affirmed by the Constitution
  • Acquire the values that are the basis of civil coexistence, in the awareness of being holders of rights and duties and in respect of others and their dignity.
  • Develop a critical sense to consequently discover the hidden paths of illegality Transmit values and cultural models to combat the mafias

Project sheet


The general objective of the project is to protect the rights of minors to health, improving the quality and accessibility of local services and their usability, to truly pursue the rights of equality, non-discrimination and equal opportunities in developmental age.

The specific objectives to be pursued will be:

  • Collaborate in reception and information activities aimed at users on their rights and methods of access to services
  • Participate in the increase of interventions aimed at improving the organization of the service
  • Participate in the strengthening of interventions aimed at supporting families for better adherence to the therapeutic project
  • Collaborate in activities to identify users' healthcare needs

Project sheet


The direct beneficiaries of the project are all the inmates of the 4 Rebibbia institutions with psychiatric diagnoses or mental insufficiency. These are people who are usually not included in criminal circles, who commit crimes considered "bagatellar", epiphenomenon of a long history of social deprivation, with poor or ineffective use of local services, sometimes not adequately defended in court. Diagnoses can range from psychosis to personality disorders, posing difficulties in social reintegration that are particularly difficult to deal with.


  • Reduce the risks of clinical-judicial relapses.
  • Strengthening connections between the inside of the penitentiary institution and civil society.
  • Recovery of the resources of the patient, his family and those present in the destination area.
  • Synergistic collaboration of the competent local institutions.
  • Improvement of the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of clinical rehabilitation interventions.
  • Provide an important Service experience that provides guidance on future career choice and orientation
    young people to the values of justice and social reintegration, through field, training and design creativity experiences.
  • Acquire skills and competences in clinical - social care contexts, allowing the learning of
    related working methodologies.
  • Represent an extraordinary opportunity for training in network, community and team work.


  • Provide an important service experience that provides guidance on future professional choices and orients young people to the values of justice and social reintegration, through field, training and design creativity experiences.
  • Acquire skills and competences in clinical - social care contexts, allowing the learning of
    related working methodologies.
  • Represent an extraordinary opportunity for training in network, community and team work.

Project sheet

Participation requirements

Young people between 18 and 29 years of age at the time of submitting the application, not employed and not included in education and training courses, can participate in the selections.
Furthermore, they must be registered with the Youth Employment Initiative program (Youth Guarantee) and have signed the Service Agreement with the relevant Employment Center and/or Service. To register for the Youth Guarantee, go to www.garanziagiovani.gov.it.

How to submit the application

Aspiring volunteer operators must submit the application for participation exclusively through the Online Application (DOL) platform which can be reached via PC, tablet and smartphone at the address https://domandaonline.serviziocivile.it.
The deadline for submitting applications has been extended to 2pm on 17 February 2021.

To access the application compilation and submission services on the DOL platform, the candidate must be recognized by the system.
1 - Italian citizens residing in Italy or abroad can access it exclusively with SPID, the Public Digital Identity System. On the website of the Agency for Digital Italy www.agid.gov.it/it/piattaforme/spid all the information is available on what SPID is, what services it offers and how to request it. For the Question Online Civil Service requires SPID security level 2 credentials.
2 - Citizens of countries belonging to the European Union and foreigners regularly residing in Italy, if they are not available to acquire the SPID, will be able to access the services of the DOL platform through specific credentials to be requested from the Department, according to a procedure available on the home page of the platform itself.

To find out more about the Universal Civil Service: https://www.serviziocivile.gov.it/

Download the Notice for the selection of 46,891 volunteer operators to be employed in projects relating to universal civil service intervention programs to be carried out in Italy, abroad and in the territories of the regions affected by the National Operational Program - Youth Employment Initiative (PON-IOG "Youth Guarantee" - Measurement 6)

>>> For information call 06.6792669 or write to segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it

Last December 3, the webinar "Children of parents with mental health problems" was held. The event is part of the project Share4Carers, of which the Di Liegro Foundation is a partner.

Share4Carers was created with the aim of sharing good practices at a European level aimed at children of parents with mental health problems.

The webinar, to which Marisa Matias, MEP, member of the European Parliament and of the European Parliament Interest Group on Family Caregivers also brought her greetings, represented an opportunity for enrichment due to the strong contribution of professional skills, experiences and political perspectives from the participants. Share4Carers in fact involves experts from the academic, clinical and association worlds of Belgium, Greece, Italy and Turkey.
>> Follow Share4Carers on Facebook

Listening, guidance and information for
Mental Health Problems.
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