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Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
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The initiative will be promoted, in collaboration with the Mental Health Departments of the ASLs in Rome with which the Di Liegro Foundation has established agreements, within the relevant public health services to identify, in a participatory manner with psychiatrists and care workers, those individuals with the greatest needs, a therapeutic path significant in duration and outcomes, and, as a priority criterion, those already involved in workshops organized by the Di Liegro Foundation. The project includes:

The project will be accompanied by careful coordination and supervision of the involved figures, with constant monitoring of progress and the results achieved.

The Foundation aims to propose various activities through this project to promote mental health and well-being and to foster the social inclusion of people with mental health issues by enhancing local services. The Municipal Plan for Zone VIII 2018-2020 highlighted significant challenges regarding municipal interventions, specifically the lack of systematic collaboration and an integrated working methodology with the Mental Health Center (CSM). The Municipality identifies among the fundamental project trajectories a systematic collaboration with the Department of Mental Health (DSM), particularly with the CSM, and the strengthening of relationships with Job Orientation Centers (COL) and the third sector. This project, therefore, fits into a context that requires the optimization of the organization and coordination of health and non-health services dedicated to mental health care. To define innovative strategies, the goal is to establish a sort of "mental health pact" among multiple local stakeholders: healthcare and social professionals, public and private entities, local authorities, forms of active citizenship, and other third sector organizations, to enhance human, material, and territorial resources. Greater collaboration among these stakeholders, along with dedicated training and information for them, would facilitate people's access to available services and the creation of inclusive social networks. Socialization and deep social inclusion can and must come to life through the localization of services, ensuring that individuals have guaranteed access to their community of belonging before, during, and after their experience with mental health issues, in a resource-rich territory ready to welcome and include them. For this reason, it is necessary to leverage already available resources, making them known, but also to raise awareness in the community towards being informed and non-judgmental.

L'obiettivo finale è quello di creare un’unione tra i percorsi clinici, indirizzati alle persone con disagio psichico, e i percorsi non clinici, ovvero di attivare una rete territoriale che possa guidare l'individuo verso l'inclusione e il benessere sociale e non ghettizzarlo esclusivamente nei servizi clinici. La realizzazione della piattaforma ha invece come obiettivo quello di rendere più agevole per la cittadinanza il trovare punti di riferimento e servizi utili sul territorio e rendere noto l'iter più adeguato da intraprendere in base all'esigenza.

Le azioni previste dal progetto “YESIP - Youth Empowerment for Social Inclusion and Prosociality” si rivolgono agli studenti e alla comunità scolastica, insegnanti, genitori e youth workers, attraverso: opportunità di discussione, formazione ed informazione, quali dibattiti con esperti, influencer e personaggi noti (impegnati attraverso le loro attività nel raccontare le dinamiche e le sfide del periodo adolescenziale e di contrasto alla discriminazione sociale e violenza); momenti psicoeducativi e di empowerment (laboratori esperienziali e workshop) per promuovere i fattori protettivi alla base delle competenze prosociali. Integrando diverse metodologie ci si propone di sensibilizzare gli studenti e rafforzare la loro consapevolezza sulle tematiche oggetto di discriminazione e sugli strumenti emotivi e sociali che possono prevenire comportamenti devianti, dinamiche di vittimizzazione e esclusione.

Il progetto ha previsto 4 eventi pomeridiani per i giovani e 4 per gli adulti, volti all’apertura di un dialogo e di supporto alla consapevolezza. Ogni evento, adeguatamente presentato nelle scuole e pubblicizzato tramite la rete di contatti della Fondazione e dei partner, tratta una tematica diversa, con l’obiettivo di lanciare un messaggio contro la discriminazione e la violenza fra i ragazzi soprattutto in questo clima storico difficile per la salute mentale dei giovani, costituendo un momento di prevenzione del disagio sociale e psicofisico, di recupero e socializzazione, di sviluppo e di inclusione collettiva.

Coinvolgimento di TeRP e Altri Professionisti

La Fondazione Di Liegro è lieta di ospitare una giornata di studio dedicata alla riabilitazione psichiatrica nei servizi, organizzata dalla SIRP Lazio. Questo evento rappresenta un'importante occasione per confrontarsi sulle modalità operative attuali e sul livello di soddisfazione dei professionisti TeRP (Tecnici della Riabilitazione Psichiatrica) che operano nella Regione Lazio.

La SIRP intende incontrare tutti i TeRP e i professionisti chiave della riabilitazione nella Regione Lazio, sia in ambito pubblico che privato, per discutere le attuali modalità operative nella riabilitazione psichiatrica. L'incontro mira a esaminare il livello di soddisfazione dei TeRP riguardo il loro inquadramento organizzativo, il loro ruolo nei progetti riabilitativi e il rapporto con gli altri professionisti dell'equipe riabilitativa.

Programma della Giornata

9:30 - 10:00
Registrazione partecipanti

10:00 - 10:15
Apertura dei lavori
Paolo Paolotti

10:15 - 11:00
Discussione guidata in tema: soddisfazione dei TeRP nel territorio del Lazio
Moderatore: Valerio De Lorenzo
Coinvolgimento: Referenti Commissione di Albo TeRP Lazio

11:00 - 11:45
Discussione guidata in tema: formazione dei TeRP e sviluppo professionale
Moderatore: Daniele Sadun
Coinvolgimento: Referenti corsi di Laurea in TeRP Lazio

11:45 - 12:00

12:00 - 12:45
Discussione guidata in tema: coinvolgimento dei TeRP nel lavoro di equipe
Moderatore: Maura Papi
Coinvolgimento: Referenti Posizioni Organizzative TeRP

12:45 - 13:30
Discussione guidata in tema: attivazione dei TeRP nella rete dei servizi territoriali
Moderatore: Paolo Del Nero
Coinvolgimento: Referenti Associazioni di Categoria

13:30 - 13:45
Tavola rotonda in tema: progettare lo sviluppo della professione TeRP nel Lazio
Moderatore: Angela Muscettola
Discussant: Paolo Paolotti, Daniele Sadun, Maura Papi, Paolo Del Nero, Valerio De Lorenzo e tutti i Referenti

13:45 - 14:00
Conclusione dei lavori
Paolo Paolotti

Informazioni Utili

Segreteria Scientifica e Organizzativa:
Paolo Paolotti, Angela Muscettola, Valerio De Lorenzo

Per partecipare, inviare una mail a sirp.regionelazio@gmail.com con nome, cognome, profilo professionale, anno di laurea e sede di lavoro.
L'evento non è accreditato ECM, ma verrà rilasciato un attestato di partecipazione.

Rome 17 February 2024 - The first lesson of the course "Youth disadvantage in the contemporary world: the network that heals" was held at the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation, aimed at volunteers, families and local mental health services. Present were the general secretary of the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation, Luigina Di Liegro, the regional councilor for social inclusion and personal services of the Lazio region, Massimiliano Maselli and Chiara Rogora, psychologist and psychotherapist, Dsm Uoc ASL Roma 2, Tutela Salute Mental and Developmental Age Rehabilitation.

Rome, 30 January 2023 - Registrations are open for the training course for volunteers, family members, youth workers and mental health workers promoted by the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation and the Fondation d'Harcourt, with the support of the Lazio Region. The course will be held on Saturdays from February 17th to April 20th. Eight lessons held by experts who aim to train participants on youth issues, including bullying and addictions, promoting a psychosocial support network.

Youth discomfort in the contemporary world: the network that heals


Mental health is a complex and substantial experience of life, which involves the emotional, relational, social, ethical and imaginary sphere: that is, that unique whole that defines human subjectivity. In this edition of our training course we want to promote the psychological well-being of fragile adolescents and families with the aim of creating a network of solidarity and support aimed at social inclusion. Hence the need to develop - in the health/illness dynamic - the theme of relationships as a crucial device in the co-construction of the rehabilitation process.


It is possible to follow the training course in person, at our headquarters in via Ostiense 106, Rome or online via the platform Zoom.
The meetings will be held on Saturday, from 9.30 to 12.30.
Some dates may be subject to change.

FIRST MEETING – Saturday 17 February 2024
Mental health: needs of adolescents and families in relation to public services

SECOND MEETING - Saturday 24 February 2024
The relationship in adolescence at risk: emotional dependencies and educational tools

THIRD MEETING – Saturday 2 March 2024
Young people between reality and virtual: substance addictions and the internet

FOURTH MEETING – Saturday 9 March 2024
Hikikomori and social withdrawal in adolescence

FIFTH MEETING – Saturday 16 March
The value of the relationship as a skill in volunteering

SIXTH MEETING – Saturday 23 March
Social inclusion through the network of services and rehabilitation tools for the relationship

SEVENTH MEETING – Saturday 13 April
Active citizenship and relationships as a tool of inclusion

EIGHTH MEETING – Saturday 20 April
Don Luigi di Liegro and Franco Basaglia: parallel paths for a conscious community


For information contact segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it

In order to prevent isolation and social marginalization, the project proposes the activation of a listening and assistance service in the area, which provides information on mental health services, orients users and supports them in defining a personalized project with territorial services.

To raise awareness among citizens about mental health, the project organizes training courses, information and annual conferences on topics such as Recovery and addictions. The training objectives include the creation of a group of volunteers to facilitate the social inclusion and therapeutic path of people with mental distress through socialization workshops, such as theatre, music, photography and art therapy.

In order to combat the loneliness of family members of people with mental health problems, the project promotes self-help groups with weekly meetings and monthly supervision by professionals, such as psychiatrists and psychologists, to provide supportive support and share experiences.

The project is conceived following a Recovery approach, which aims to give users an active role again, transforming them from passive recipients to protagonists involved in their own choices and committed to fully developing their potential.

Premio amico della famiglia 2009 alla Fondazione Di Liegro per il progetto Famiglie in Rete

The deadline for submitting the application for the Universal Civil Service expires on Friday 20 February 2023 at 2pm.

If you are between 18 and 29 years old and want to dedicate part of your time to your community, the Universal Civil Service at the Di Liegro Foundation can represent a significant educational and training experience.
An opportunity to commit to active citizenship, an opportunity to increase one's wealth of knowledge, which can be used throughout one's working life, while ensuring financial recognition at the same time.

We are looking for young people who love life communication and the relation, whatever they want team up for a concrete project, who are interested inempathy and to theI listen, particularly in the area of psychosocial well-being.

The Civil Service volunteers at the Di Liegro Foundation will contribute toorganization, to the support and to communication from the training activities aimed at citizens, volunteers and family members, of Telephone listening service e Orientation, and to those of the Self-help groups to support families of people with mental and mental health problems socialization and art therapy workshops.

Discover the projects of Di Liegro Foundation, which are part of the programme ASL RM2 for which you can apply: Click here

“From loneliness to inclusion 3” - Project Code PTXSU0011222010663NMTX
Download the project sheet

“The color of the Moon 3” – Project Code PTCSU0011222010665NMTX) – Headquarters code 156102
Download the project sheet

>>> For information call 06.6792669 or write to segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it

To find out more about the Universal Civil Service: https://www.politichegiovanili.gov.it/comunicazione/news/2022/12/bando-ordinario-2022/

To consult the project database: https://www.politichegiovanili.gov.it/servizio-civile/bandi-e-avvisi-di-servizio-civile/bandi-di-selezione-volontari/scegli-il-tuo-progetto/?bando=91527&gazzetta=62&estero=0

Watch the commercial

Requirements for participation in the Call for Universal Civil Service

Young people who, on the date of submitting the application, have turned eighteen and have not exceeded twenty-eight years of age (28 years and 364 days) can participate in the selections.
Please note that young people who have already completed national or universal civil service cannot submit applications for participation, without prejudice to what is indicated in article 3 of this announcement.

How to submit the application

In order to participate in the selection, it is necessary to identify the SCU project on which to be involved.
To access the list of SCU projects in Italy and abroad, use the "Choose your project in Italy" search engine. By clicking the SEARCH button (without making a choice in the other proposed fields) you obtain the complete list of all the projects. To carry out a targeted search for a project it is possible to select the values of the items that interest you. The number of applications received for that location is also displayed on the project detail page; this data is updated to the day before viewing.

Aspiring volunteer operators must submit the application for participation exclusively through the Application platform online (DOL) reachable via PC, tablet and smartphone at https://domandaonline.serviziocivile.it. Applications to participate must be submitted no later than 2.00 pm on 20 February 2023.

To access the application compilation and submission services, the candidate must be recognized by the DOL system

1 - Italian citizens residing in Italy or abroad can access it exclusively with SPID (Public Digital Identity System). On the website of the Agency for Digital Italy www.agid.gov.it/it/piattaforme/spid all information is available on what SPID is, what services it offers and how to request it. To access the DOL platform, SPID security level 2 credentials are required.

2 - Citizens of countries belonging to the European Union and foreigners regularly residing in Italy, if they are not available to acquire the SPID, will be able to access the services of the DOL platform through specific credentials to be requested from the Department, according to the procedure available on the home page of the platform itself.

The selected volunteer operators sign a contract with the Department which sets, among other things, the amount of the monthly allowance for carrying out the service at €444.30 which could be increased on the basis of the variation ascertained by ISTAT.

Useful links:
Official page with video-Spot

SOS Families: new needs and resources in mental health

“Situations of social imbalance, areas of marginalization and urban desolation, represent a permanent threat to peace. The very discomfort of many young people and adolescents, those most affected by social and family disintegration, already constitutes a sort of powder keg that threatens our urban coexistence."
Father Luigi Di Liegro

Work to protect mental health of the Community represents a complex objective which cannot be achieved only with the improvement of social norms, values and practices, but which also requires actions that make known and create participation in the condition of "mental distress" which, out of fear, too frequently results in difficulty to accept.
The training intervention: "SOS Families: new needs and resources in mental health" highlights some of the possible protection actions to be implemented, as emerges from the analysis of family situations, schools and public services dedicated to this topic . The responsibility of contributing to the balanced mental development of the members of a community is entrusted first and foremost to families and parents who with their behaviors support the mental and physical health of their children. It is then necessary for the institutions to place mental health as one of the investment priorities for the implementation of policies that favor the development of an inclusive society, free from discrimination and violence. For its part, the School must be ready to immediately identify the actions to be implemented in the event of assessments of distress among children and adolescents. Last but not least, citizens must be able to contribute through volunteering to the reception and inclusion of the most vulnerable people.

Corso di formazione volontari della Fondazione Di Liegro



Saturday lessons

(9.30am - 12.30pm)

FIRST MEETING – 02/04/2023

The family yesterday and today: new needs in mental health

Luigina Di Liegro, General Secretary of the Di Liegro Foundation

Luca Salmieri, Professor of Sociology, Sapienza University of Rome

Rita Potena, Psychiatrist, former TMSREE ASLRM2 manager

SECOND MEETING -18/02/2023

Mental health: relationship of young people and families with public services

Giuseppe Ducci, Director of the ASLRM1 Mental Health Department

Laura Anelli, Gynecologist and Head of ASLRM1 Consultations

THIRD MEETING - 02/25/2023

Tools for supporting parenting and family well-being

Pierluca Zuppi, Psychiatrist

Paolo Paolotti, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist and Regional Secretary of SIRP Lazio

FOURTH MEETING - 04/03/2023

Risky behaviors: managing addictions in the family

Alessandro Vento, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist CSM ASL Roma2 and Head of the Addictions Observatory

FIFTH MEETING - 11/03/2023

School and family: definition of goals and resources in mental health

Gianluigi Di Cesare, Psychiatrist, Head of the UOC Prevention and Early Interventions in Mental Health ASL Roma1

Tiziana Sallusti, Headmaster of the Terenzio Mamiani Classical High School

SIXTH MEETING - 03/18/2023

Empathy and communication techniques to support the family

Josè Mannu, Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist

SEVENTH MEETING - 03/25/2023

Volunteering and mental health: relationships as a resource

Michele Di Nunzio, Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist ASLRoma1


Listening, guidance and information for
Mental Health Problems.
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