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Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
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Registrations open for Don Luigi Di Liegro International Poetry Prize, in its eighth edition, named after the founder of Caritas of Rome, priest of the "last", man of charity. An event, organized by the literary blog The Beautiful Poetry, which promotes the values of solidarity and hospitality, which were typical of Don Luigi's work, but also a moment of exaltation of literary art as an instrument of emancipation of the spirit and moral growth

The volume traces the entire biography of Don Luigi, starting from the years of his childhood and studies in the seminary, up to his death.

It contains unpublished material of undoubted value which helps to better understand, for example, the years of his training (with the letters to his sister nun), his first pastoral experiences and the changes in the diocese of Rome, following the Second Vatican Council, changes which Don Luigi will be one of the main protagonists, especially with his activity in the various Catholic associations and then with his work in the Roman Vicariate. The collaboration with the cardinal vicars will lead him to dedicate a lot of attention to the structural aspects of the diocese, but above all to study its history with great attention to aspects of pastoralism.

The slow but precise discovery of the needs, of the more or less hidden poverty, of the questions that came from civil society will lead him to deal with the last, the forgotten. Hence his various foundations, canteens, shelters, hostels, homes for AIDS patients. The same concern will take him to the Roman prisons, also creating, in collaboration with Sister Teresilla, a relationship with many of the members of the Red Brigades, especially those who were dissociated. This relationship is described in a chapter of the book, and the author also uses previously unpublished correspondence.

Certainly among the most interesting chapters, those dedicated to the 1974 conference on the evils of Rome, and the history of the Pantanella, a vast building occupied by many non-EU citizens and then cleared with questionable methods. The numerous television interviews and statements made by Don Luigi during programs to which he was often invited are also used among the sources.

Write to us at segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it to buy the book "Charity and Justice" by Maurilio Guasco at the price of €25 + shipping costs 

Tomorrow at 5.30 pm, in the headquarters of the Pontifical Gregorian University (Piazza della Pilotta, 4), the fourth edition of the Don Luigi Di Liegro prize for journalism and social research "For a fair economy" will be held. The "Don Luigi Di Liegro Award for journalism and social research" is established by the international Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation onlus, with the collaboration of the Province of Rome and the Pontifical Gregorian University, faculty of Social Sciences, to keep the figure alive and the work of Don Luigi Di Liegro. Speakers include Luigina Di Liegro, president of the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation; Nicola Zingaretti, president of the Province of Rome; Father Daniel McDonald, dean of the Gregorian Faculty of Social Sciences; Giovanni Anversa, Rai journalist; Marco Magnani, director of the Economic and Financial Statistics Service of the Bank of Italy. On this occasion, the Gabriele Berionne Foundation will award a special mention.”

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