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The Di Liegro Foundation will participate in the Project meeting to be held in Antwerp from 28 February to 2 March 2018 as part of the Erasmus+ HERO project: Housing: an educational European Road to civil rights.

In this phase of the project we are working on the construction of training tools aimed at family members, users, operators and citizens on the topic of living independently for people with mental distress.

In Antwerp, thanks to our partner Pegode, we will meet family members and users and get to know the reality of Belgium and the work of our partner up close.

We remind you that as part of the project an E-Book on the topic of housing was produced which can be downloaded for free at the following link: http://www.housing-project.eu/download/HERO-eBook-ITA.pdf

The photographic exhibition "On The Street" was inaugurated on Thursday 29 March at the Officine Fotografie (via Giuseppe Libetta, 1) in partnership with the Fondation d'Harcourt. Visitors will be able to observe a review of metropolitan images taken by the participants in the photography workshop which was conceived and organized by the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation. By purchasing one or more images you will be able to support our photography laboratory and allow us to move forward in our commitment.



For any information or request write to us at segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it or call us on 06/6792669

The second international meeting of the Erasmus+ Hero Housing project: an educational European Road to civil rights was held in Zagreb in recent days.
the Di Liegro Foundation, Italian partner, in its very recent research "Care networks and mental distress. Users, families and mental health services in Rome" has highlighted how the theme of living is an important element for projecting oneself into the future. Among others, users who are currently in family homes and apartment groups or supported apartments were also interviewed. "When asked about their aspiration for a desired future location, the prevailing opinion was that of wanting to "go and live in my own apartment" (53 %) or at most with other people (17.6%). Only the 3% would like to return to the family in the future. It is clear that a path to recovery to a normal and inclusive life, even with the symptoms of the disease, passes through a project of independent living shared or not with others".
With the HERO project we work together to build useful tools for people with mental distress, families, operators, communities; and accompany this journey towards the right to live independently with competence and passion.
For more information visit the website: www.housing-project.eu/index.php


HERO is a European project, coordinated by ASL ROMA 2, created by the Department of Mental Health, supported by the Erasmus + program of the European Union; It aims to promote updated and correct information on housing for people with mental distress. It is aimed at an international, broad and differentiated audience: users and their families, mental health professionals, operators from other agencies, citizens.

E-BOOK HOUSING AND MENTAL HEALTH QUALITY INDICATORS FOR USE OF LOCAL COMMUNITIES was born from a work that integrates information drawn from international literature on the topic with the experiences of those who are more or less directly involved in housing projects. The eBook, innovative in the field of mental health and housing, is aimed at local communities. The eBook is designed as a support for the creation of quality Housing paths: a guide for the initial planning and start-up phases, up to the monitoring, verification and improvement phases. We hope that the eBook is easy to read and meets interested readers. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated by the project team.

The first eBook HOUSING AND MENTAL HEALTH QUALITY INDICATORS FOR USE OF LOCAL COMMUNITIES is ready and available to the public. Download the eBook.



With “Housing” in the HERO project we mean something that goes beyond living in a house. With “Housing” we refer to the activation of a system of structures, relationships and rights.

For more information visit the website: www.housing-project.eu/index.php

In the splendid Archaeological Park of Paestum - Tempio di Nettuno, on June 17th, at 9.00 pm, the event "The sea in the eyes" will be held, an initiative promoted by the Fondazione Internazionale Di Liegro Onlus and the Fondazione della Comunità Salernitana Onlus, in collaboration with the Archaeological Park of Paestum and the patronage of the Embassy of Morocco.

The sea in the eyes is a multimedia event, a journey through the visual and sound arts that will take us into the history of migration, to retrace the eternal journey of men towards worlds that welcome their hopes. At sunset, at the Temple of Neptune, internationally renowned artists will follow one another: the Tangeri Café Orchestra directed by maestro Jamal Ouassini, Daniele Sepe and his sax, Alessandro D'Alessandro accordion, the dance of Gaia Scuderi, Piera Lombardi and her profound sound, directed by Franco Pennacchi and photography by Riccardo Lorenzi.

Paestum, the Greek Poseidonia from the 7th century. BC, represents the ideal site to celebrate the Mediterranean Sea, cradle of civilisation, protagonist of humanity's journey, meeting place between peoples, but also the theater of human tragedies, today as yesterday. Father Sandro Barlone, President of the Don Luigi Di Liegro Onlus International Foundation and Antonia Autuori, President of the Salernita Community Foundation Onlus, will underline the beginning of the collaboration between the two Foundations on the topic of youth hardship in the geographical area of Salerno with the birth of the “Peer Education” project.

Since 2007, the Don Luigi Di Liegro Onlus International Foundation has been carrying out the project called "Labirintus" to support and guide those who lose their jobs in adulthood.
The project is carried out by the Di Liegro Foundation with the contribution of the Department of Social Policies of the Lazio Region and in collaboration with ATDAL. This project aims to combat personal and family poverty that arises as a consequence of job loss and prolonged unemployment, providing emotional and psychological support and focusing on the recovery and enhancement of professionalism and skills, through the activation of networks and resources for re-entry into the job market.

The project involves the integration of:


The jubilee event “Il Cibo della Misericordia” organized by the Don Luigi Di Liegro Onlus International Foundation in collaboration with the Lazio Region will be held on Wednesday 9 November, at 5.30 pm at the Pontifical Gregorian University (Piazza della Pilotta, 4). The following will participate in the initiative: Nicola Zingaretti, President of the Lazio Region, Quirino Briganti, coordinator of the historical, tourist and cultural events of the Jubilee of Lazio, Enzo Bianchi, Founder and Prior of the monastic community of Bose, Paolo Conti journalist of the Corriere della Sera and Father Sandro Barlone, President of the Don Luigi Di Liegro Onlus International Foundation.

On April 5, 2017, the 9th edition of the Training Course “Psychological Distress and Social Marginality”.

The course is created in collaboration with Mental Health Department of ASL RM2 (formerly RMB).

The aim of the course is to promote the activation of a volunteer network in the area to prevent forms of isolation and social marginalization.

It will take place at Mental Health Center in Via B. Bardanzellu, 8 give her 5.00pm to 7.00pm.

It is mandatory to register by email to laboratori@fondazionediliegro.it or by telephone at the numbers: 066792669 – 0693572111.

Ribbon cutting this morning with the Cardinal Vicar Agostino Vallini who opened the "door" (work of the artist Father Marko Ivan Rupnik) of the Hostel named after Don Luigi Di Liegro, the Roman priest who had made a life choice of Mercy . “A city in which a single man suffers less, is less sad,” Don Luigi loved to repeat, right there, at Termini station, where most of his time was spent in works of charity, solidarity, welcoming the poorest . A few steps from Termini station, this morning a response took shape for the most vulnerable, the excluded of the city, a welcoming and comfortable place to host the homeless for short periods. Moreover, Don Luigi Di Liegro had opened that place on 2 June 1987, on the initiative of the then director of Caritas to whom it is now dedicated, in a property made available by the State Railways and managed from the beginning according to an agreement with the Municipality of Rome. Connected to the Hostel there will be the social canteen, named after Saint John Paul II, which, in addition to the guests welcomed for the night, will offer 500 meals every evening to those who are in difficulty and are reported by the parish listening centers and municipal services . At the inaugural event there were Bishop Nunzio Galantino, general secretary of the Italian Episcopal Conference, the director of Caritas, Monsignor Enrico Feroci and Luigina Di Liegro, founder of the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation, together with representatives of important Italian companies that contributed to the realization of the work. The testimony of Don Luigi di Liegro still lives today within the Foundation of the same name, an international, non-profit organization engaged in prevention and fight against social marginalization, on the front of mental distress and unemployment of the over 40s. Solidarity is needed, but we need a new way of conceiving it, we need charity, but now, as Pope Francis tells us, it is the time for Mercy.

Si parlerà di innovazione tecnologica e qualità della vita, il prossimo 2 Dicembre alle ore 18, presso la Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro (Via Ostiense, 106), nell’ambito di un incontro dal titolo “Il Welfare digitale.” Potrebbe sembrare un ossimoro, invece non è altro che una grande opportunità, ancor più oggi, che il welfare non può più fare a meno del digitale, per le sue potenzialità ed opportunità.

Durante il convegno saranno presentati casi concreti, soluzioni affermate e già sperimentate, con esperti e testimoni, a partire dalla geolocalizzazione dei malati di Alzheimer, ai sistemi di assistenza in remoto per non udenti, all’applicazione cloud, alla realtà aumentata a supporto della sicurezza del lavoro.

Esperienze che provano come i progressi in hardware, software e reti, possano migliorare le condizioni di vita di molte persone sole, emarginate, creando valore e progresso sociale.

In tempi di crisi e di tagli della spesa pubblica, ma anche davanti all’emergere dei diritti di cittadinanza elettronica, il digitale serve al terzo settore per recuperare efficienza ed efficacia nello svolgimento delle proprie attività, in diversi ambiti (raccolta fondi, gestione, comunicazione, ecc.), con vantaggi che permetteranno di affrontare le nuove sfide del welfare alle prese con nuovi bisogni, nuove domande, nuovi divari (digital divide).

Serviranno, sicuramente, nuove competenze nell’ambito del terzo settore, nuove soluzioni e una nuova capacità di “fare rete,” in tutti i sensi. La Fondazione Don Luigi Di Liegro crede fermamente nelle potenzialità del digitale, ritenendolo un investimento indispensabile per politiche sociali di qualità, sempre più rispondenti ai reali bisogni delle persone.

Il momento della discussione vedrà come protagonisti, Paola Capoleva (presidente CESV – Centro servizi per il volontariato),Mauro Mannocchi (Presidente Fondazione Servizi alla Persona – Confartigianato), Pierciro Galeone (direttore Ifel – Fondazione ANCI). Modera l’incontro il prof. Sergio Bonetti.

Listening, guidance and information for
Mental Health Problems.
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