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Press review

The multifamily psychoanalysis group starts

Rome, 15 March 2024 - Helping families who experience situations of mental distress within themselves, often aggravated by heavy intra-family conflicts. This is the main objective of the Multifamily Psychoanalysis Group (GPMF), the new project promoted by the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation in collaboration with the ASL Roma 2. The group meets for the first time on March 15th at the Foundation's headquarters.

The news through the press



Families and mental health, Di Liegro-ASL Roma 2 project kicks off
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The messenger

Multifamily Psychoanalysis Group launched from March 15th with the Di Liegro Foundation and ASL Roma 2
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Living Rome

Di Liegro Foundation and ASL Roma 2: Multifamily Psychoanalysis Group launches from 15 March
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The News 24

The Di Liegro-ASL Roma 2 project begins to improve mental health in families
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The multifamily psychoanalysis group of the Di Liegro Foundation and ASL Rm 2 is underway
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Il Tempo - Rome

Off to the psychoanalysis group
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Families and mental health, Di Liegro-ASL Roma 2 project kicks off
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