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Main objective of “YOUth workers PROmoting mental health is to offer Youth Workers shared models and useful operational tools to be able to intervene effectively for the well-being and mental health of young people.

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The project

Young Europeans they are faced with increasingly difficult conditions on a daily basis: from complicated access to the world of work to parents' expectations, up to the paradox of the internet and social media, which connect and separate at the same time.

A greater number of young people exhibits symptoms of mental distress, such as high stress, anxiety, depression, addictions. making it harder to build your life plan and find your place in the world.

For this reason, the European Union promoted a new Strategy on the topic in 2018. One of the objectives identified concerns "Mental health and well-being", aimed at promoting the social inclusion of all young people, improving their mental well-being and eliminating stigmatization towards them.

This project fits into this framework by investing in training and recognition of the skills of employees Youth Workers who have the task of guide and support young people in their development personal, social and educational helping them to achieve and express their full potential in society. Youth workers, by learning a series of skills ranging from emotional intelligence to self-awareness, to time management and coping with external pressure, play a key role, with teachers and other professionals, in providing training for young people on mental health problems and on building emotions and dealing with mental health.

Go to the video of the conference "Bridging the Gap: intervention tools for the well-being and health of young people".

The Numbers

  • 4 European countries involved.
  • 5 public and private sector organisations.
  • 80 young people aged 15-25 with psychological difficulties.
  • 200 youth workers aged 18 and over (youth workers/youth workers).
  • 4 instruments made.

The Results

  • European survey - On the skills needed for Youth Workers and on the emotional and social skills to support in young people experiencing mental health problems.
  • Skills Portfolio - Addressed to Youth Workers, that defines knowledge, skills, attitudes and values useful in working with young people experiencing mental health problems.
  • Manual and Toolbox on promoting social and emotional skills - Aimed at providing information and methods of intervention to Youth Workers who work in the field of mental health and to involve young people with mental distress in the process of developing emotional and social skills.


“YOUth workers PROmoting MEntal health” is a project financed by the National Youth Agency, implementing body of the "Youth sector" of the new European Commission Program ERASMUS+.

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