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L'arte nei reparti ospedalieri di psichiatria

Service related to the execution of activities aimed at strengthening DSMs and overcoming mechanical restraint within the Psychiatric Diagnosis and Treatment Services (SPDC) - Asl Roma 1.

The goal of the project, entrusted to the Fondazione Di Liegro thanks to its decade-long experience in this field, was to implement a series of artistic and socialization workshops to provide hospitalized patients with a daily space for activities within the ward and to help them break out of isolation: constructing a path through which one can relate without being blocked by the anxiety present in the relationship with others.

The project

In the context of restraint prevention, the SPDC hospital department of San Filippo Neri of Asl Roma 1, in collaboration with the International Foundation Don Luigi Di Liegro, proposes a pilot project aimed at building a network pathway against isolation that can help hospitalized people better cope with an inherently complex situation.

The project includes the activation of a process that is not exclusively medical but also social and supports relational skills and personal effectiveness, respecting the condition of fragility of the participants and enhancing their resources. Through art-mediated communication (music, painting, manual work objects, writing and reading, body movement, etc.), exchange becomes possible, and the professional acts as a mediator of interpersonal communication in the group.

The content and form of the workshops were designed and chosen to promote socialization among participants, listening, and mutual recognition, respecting each individual's space and the free choice not to participate or simply to observe, depending on the participants' feelings. The aim is to foster an atmosphere of harmony and mutual acceptance as much as possible.

Each meeting is complete in itself, considering that the composition of the group is continuously changing. Users are given the freedom to participate or not, as they choose, each time.

The Numbers

  • 2 project managers
  • 6 art masters
  • 9 expert volunteers
  • 7 junior volunteers
  • 1 internal SPDC operator
  • 1 Fondazione Di Liegro supervisor
  • 90 patients

The Results

From the conductors' questionnaires, it emerges

  • Good involvement in all workshop activities with enthusiasm and commitment.
  • Good participation, although some patients leave during the activity.
  • Satisfaction with the activities proposed during the week.
  • Improvement in communication and socialization within the groups.

From the volunteers' questionnaires

  • Some participants struggled to follow the workshops for their entire duration.
  • Good relational climate and intense exchanges.
  • Satisfaction with the content of the activity.

From the patients' questionnaires

  • Some patients formed strong bonds, others less so.
  • Greater concentration during the activity than in the rest of the day in the department.


  • Mental Health Department ASL Roma1
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