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Social Skill Training and Empowerment

With the support of Banca d’Italia and Foundation D’Harcourt the project "Social Skill Training and Empowerment: Autonomy and Social Inclusion for individuals under the care of the Mental Health Centers in the city of Rome" aims to facilitate pathways to autonomy and empowerment for people with mental disorders through: personalized training focused on strengthening their social and relational skills; experimentation with new competencies in self-help groups; and home support to apply these social and relational skills in their own life contexts.

The project

The initiative will be promoted, in collaboration with the Mental Health Departments of the ASLs in Rome with which the Di Liegro Foundation has established agreements, within the relevant public health services to identify, in a participatory manner with psychiatrists and care workers, those individuals with the greatest needs, a therapeutic path significant in duration and outcomes, and, as a priority criterion, those already involved in workshops organized by the Di Liegro Foundation. The project includes:

  • Training: Thirteen weekly Social Skill Training sessions, each lasting two hours, conducted in the spaces of the Di Liegro Foundation. The training will be led by experienced professionals and technicians, with the collaboration and contribution of a group of psychologists and volunteers who will then be responsible for home support.
  • Creation of self-help groups: Useful for experimenting with the acquired social and relational skills in a protected and safe environment and for testing one’s abilities to develop attention, empathy, and peer support.
  • Home support: Meetings at the homes of each person experiencing difficulties who has attended the training, to accompany and monitor the application of new social and relational skills in daily life contexts and in their reference proximity networks.

The project will be accompanied by careful coordination and supervision of the involved figures, with constant monitoring of progress and the results achieved.

The Numbers

Direct recipients:

  • 12 Users of the Mental Health Centers of Rome with which the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation has established agreements. The selection of participants will prioritize users already involved in the Foundation's socialization workshops, possibly with similar levels of cognitive, emotional, and social abilities.
  • 4 operators and 2 professional volunteers involved in conducting the training workshops.

Indirect recipients:

  • Approximately 40 family members and cohabitants who will meet their relatives with enhanced relational skills and an increased level of well-being.
  • The proximity networks and communities in which the users live (e.g., networks of operators from the Mental Health Centers, Day Centers where they carry out rehabilitative activities, etc.).

The Results

(Project in progress)


Mental Health Departments of the ASLs in Rome.

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