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Active Citizenship Paths

As part of the 2020 Solidarity Community Public Notice of the Lazio Region, the project "Active Citizenship Paths for the Promotion of Mental Health" had the objective of welcoming, informing and orienting people with and without mental health problems, supporting projects therapeutic-rehabilitative and assisted local services in such a way as to create and strengthen a reference network for each subject and carried out activities that promote well-being in each subject involved.

The project

The area of intervention of the project was mainly the ASL Roma 2 area, but it was aimed at citizens of the entire territory of Rome Capital. The project allowed a broad involvement of users, family members, citizens and institutions. The activities implemented largely represent examples of replicable good practices and an example of civic participation, empowerment and social inclusion of isolated or people in difficulty. The activities are free for participants, open to all citizens, supported by a monitoring system and the use of systems to protect individual privacy.

Good practices in the field of mental health certainly emerged from the project activities, such as the effectiveness restored to people with discomfort through the creation of inclusive socialization spaces. In fact, often in mental health services laboratory activities are exclusive to those with a psychiatric diagnosis and people risk being ghettoized and self-excluding themselves. Supporting not only professionalizing activities with art masters but also socialization with volunteers and non-clinical operators allows for better use of the tool e.g. artistic in favor of rehabilitation and the acquisition of safety by the person. Another good practice is to encourage the meeting of family members of users who come from different contexts: through discussion and networking between people who face the same caregiving difficulties it is certainly an element of help for the whole family and the valorisation of resources .

The Numbers

Direct recipients:

  • 338 family members
  • 578 users
  • 236 citizens

Indirect recipients:

  • 500 family members
  • 100 users
  • 450 citizens

The Results


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Listening, guidance and information for
Mental Health Problems.
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