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Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
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No One is an Island. Paths of Social Inclusion

As part of the Public Notice "Comunità Solidali 2022" by the Lazio Region, the Foundation is committed to implementing concrete actions aimed at preventing and combating forms of discrimination directed at individuals with mental health issues, raising awareness in the local community through the fight against stigma, and promoting activities to foster social inclusion through guidance and the enhancement of local services.

The project

The Foundation aims to propose various activities through this project to promote mental health and well-being and to foster the social inclusion of people with mental health issues by enhancing local services. The Municipal Plan for Zone VIII 2018-2020 highlighted significant challenges regarding municipal interventions, specifically the lack of systematic collaboration and an integrated working methodology with the Mental Health Center (CSM). The Municipality identifies among the fundamental project trajectories a systematic collaboration with the Department of Mental Health (DSM), particularly with the CSM, and the strengthening of relationships with Job Orientation Centers (COL) and the third sector. This project, therefore, fits into a context that requires the optimization of the organization and coordination of health and non-health services dedicated to mental health care. To define innovative strategies, the goal is to establish a sort of "mental health pact" among multiple local stakeholders: healthcare and social professionals, public and private entities, local authorities, forms of active citizenship, and other third sector organizations, to enhance human, material, and territorial resources. Greater collaboration among these stakeholders, along with dedicated training and information for them, would facilitate people's access to available services and the creation of inclusive social networks. Socialization and deep social inclusion can and must come to life through the localization of services, ensuring that individuals have guaranteed access to their community of belonging before, during, and after their experience with mental health issues, in a resource-rich territory ready to welcome and include them. For this reason, it is necessary to leverage already available resources, making them known, but also to raise awareness in the community towards being informed and non-judgmental.

L'obiettivo finale è quello di creare un’unione tra i percorsi clinici, indirizzati alle persone con disagio psichico, e i percorsi non clinici, ovvero di attivare una rete territoriale che possa guidare l'individuo verso l'inclusione e il benessere sociale e non ghettizzarlo esclusivamente nei servizi clinici. La realizzazione della piattaforma ha invece come obiettivo quello di rendere più agevole per la cittadinanza il trovare punti di riferimento e servizi utili sul territorio e rendere noto l'iter più adeguato da intraprendere in base all'esigenza.

The Numbers

Direct recipients:

  • 200 citizens trained
  • 3,000 citizens supported and guided
  • 150 local service operators

Indirect recipients:

  • 7000 fra istituzioni, professionisti e cittadini

The Results

(Project in progress)


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Listening, guidance and information for
Mental Health Problems.
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