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Get moving

“Get moving. Modular paths for the empowerment and employability of resources with disabilities and mental distress" is a project, which took place between 2017 and 2019, financed by the Lazio Region and the European Community with the contribution of FSE POR 2014/2020 .

The aim of the project was to support young adults, between 18 and 35 years old, with medium-severe disabilities and psychological distress in a process of personal growth that would allow them to enter the job market.

The project

The project was based on the belief that a more welcoming and inclusive society responds more effectively to the many critical issues arising from mental distress. Work, in this sense, represents a fundamental piece in everyone's life and an essential step towards building an autonomous and more fulfilling life.

Over the two years of the project's life, the people involved were included in modular paths which included various actions including: orientation and assessment of skills; empowerment interventions, self-promotion, social inclusion; accompaniment, tutoring and exploration of training and work opportunities; psychological support; family support and counseling.
An individual project was developed for each person taken care of, starting from each person's skills and resources. Comparison and dialogue within professionalizing and expressive workshops was one of the strong elements of the project.

Over 60% of the participants took part in training internships, which in some cases were transformed into actual employment contracts.

From the experience of the "Getting in motion" project, various initiatives on workplace inclusion have arisen over time, also thanks to information and awareness-raising actions in the public and private world on mental health problems.

Download the Project Poster.

The Numbers

15 users in the territory of the ASL project partners.


Partners of the Project in addition to the Di Liegro Foundation are: Cooperativa Aelle il Punto, ASL Roma 1 – ASL Roma 2 – Municipality I – Municipality II – Municipality V – Municipality VII

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