Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
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Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
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Bishop Benoni Ambarus visits the Di Liegro Foundation

This morning we received a visit from Benoni Ambarus, vicar of the Holy Father for the Diocese of Rome, delegate for Charity, for the pastoral care of migrants (in particular Roma and Sinti) and in charge of the diocesan missionary office.

In his greeting, the Bishop Benoni Ambarus thanked the Di Liegro Foundation "for what you do every day. Constructions find their strength and stability in the foundations that are hidden. This is why I tell you to continue with this attitude of awareness of your objectives knowing that yours is an essential job and unfortunately little recognized in its importance".

"On mental distress - added Don Ben, as he likes to be called, addressing the Foundation's staff and its volunteers - you are in the most current emergency, where Unfortunately, services that are closing and leaving people alone are multiplying in dealing with their discomfort.

As the general secretary explained Luigina Di Liegro, "The role of the Foundation in terms of Mental Health is above all to support people and act in terms of prevention, to ensure that those who experience a condition of fragility have as much as possible local support and not just emergency services".

"Mental distress is one of the most hidden fragilities of our society on which the Foundation could make its contribution - highlighted the president Sandro Barlone - A hardship that intercepts many other fragilities, one above all that experienced by families who need to bring out their experiences and share them".

"For us, it is important to be able to form a community in order to act together not on individual interventions but to contribute to an overall project - said one of the volunteers, Giorgio - Regarding mental distress, we are aware that intervening in a preventive way can be of great importance to improve the lives of the This is why we are committed and motivated in giving our contribution to the many activities that the Foundation carries out, come on art therapy and socialization workshops at the training of family members and volunteers.

The meeting gave the opportunity to remember Don Luigi Di Liegro, present the Foundation's activities and commitment, and also illustrate tools and resources available to the community, such as the Don Luigi archive.

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