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Sport is also fundamental for mental health

90.8% of Italians, even those who do not practice physical exercise, believe sport is fundamental for physical and mental health and 8 out of 10 are convinced that it is an effective prevention tool against diseases. Almost 79% would like to do more physical activity than they can actually do and many say they do more physical exercise than in the past.

It emerges from research conducted by Human Highway for Assosalute, the National Association of Self-Medication Drugs, part of Federchimica, presented on the occasion of the event "Health and movement: from prevention to remedies for minor ailments" with the participation of Michelangelo Giampietro, Specialist in Sports Medicine and Nutrition Sciences.

Over the last 10 years, the share of those who practice sports has constantly increased: from 59.3% in 2012, to
64.2% of 2017 up to 69.2% of 2022. If the lockdown was a turning point which, on the one hand, increased this awareness, on the other it represented a forced stop which today sees the 42% of occasional athletes struggling to resume pre-pandemic rhythms. Also due to the work rhythms, which according to 6 out of 10 Italians prevent us from moving more than we can, despite the intention.

The relationship between sport and physical and mental health must therefore be improved. In fact, the share of those who do not practice remains high, higher for women than men (38.2% against 23.5%) and for middle-aged people (40.7% between 45 and 54 years, 37.5% for those over 55) and those over 65 (54.8%).

The main inhibitors are poor patience/consistency, laziness and lack of free time.

Photo by Tembela Bohle.

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