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Universal Civil Service - Announcement deadline 28 September 2018

The project intends to promote the well-being and social inclusion of people going through a period of mental distress through the proposal of activities that support the therapeutic rehabilitation and recovery process, which support family networks and promote collaboration between the healthcare sector and the social sector.

The role and function of the Universal Civil Service volunteers shares the same frame of reference as the Foundation's activities and projects, which aim to train citizens aware of their role within the local community, who can be bearers of a vision of society based on attention to people's rights and needs

Read the Call for the selection of 2,615 volunteers to be employed in Civil Service projects Universal in the Lazio region. Young people can apply:

  • between 18 and 28 years old not exceeded;
  • Italian citizens;
  • citizens of other European Union countries;
  • non-EU citizens regularly residing.

Young people who:

  • belong to the military and police forces;
  • have already performed or are providing national civil service, or have interrupted the service before the scheduled expiry;
  • have ongoing working relationships or paid collaboration in any capacity with the organization carrying out the project, or have had such relationships lasting more than three months in the previous year.

The following do not constitute impediments to the submission of the civil service application:

  • having interrupted the national civil service following a sanctioning proceeding against the organization originating from a report by volunteers;
  • have already carried out civil service within the European "Youth Guarantee" program and within the European experimental project International Volunteering Opportunities for All.

The application for admission to the selection and the related documentation must be submitted according to the following methods:

  1. with Certified Email (PEC) to the address: ufficiocivile@pec.fondazionediliegro.com
  2. by registered mail with return receipt to the address of our headquarters: FONDAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE DON LUIGI DI LIEGRO ONLUS – Via Ostiense 106 – 00154 ROME
  3. delivered by hand to our office from Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm.

The deadline for sending the application via PEC or by registered letter with return receipt is set at 28 September 2018. In case of hand delivery of the application the deadline is set at 6.00 pm on 28 September 2018; upon submitting the application in this way we will place a stamp on the application itself with the date and time of acquisition.

Applications sent using methods other than those indicated above and received after the established deadlines will not be taken into consideration.

The application signed by the applicant must be:

  • drawn up according to the model shown as Attachment 3 of this notice, following the instructions at the bottom of the form itself;
  • accompanied by a photocopy of a valid personal identity document;
  • accompanied byAttachment 4 relating to the self-certification of the qualifications held; this attachment can be replaced by a curriculum vitae made in the form of a self-certification pursuant to Presidential Decree no. 445/2000, duly signed;
  • accompanied byAttachment 5 duly signed relating to the "Privacy" information, drawn up pursuant to EU Regulation 679/2016.

All the documentation mentioned above, including theAttachment 2 Italy containing information relating to the project and theAttachment 1 which reports the approval of our project to code NZ06117, they can be downloaded below.

For further information you can contact us on the numbers: 066792669 – 0693572111 or by sending an email to our email address ufficiocivile@fondazionediliegro.it





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