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Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
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Civil service. From solitude to inclusion: your citizenship commitment

Carrying out Civil Service at the Di Liegro Foundation is an opportunity to commit to active citizenship, an opportunity to increase one's wealth of knowledge, which can be used throughout one's working life, while ensuring financial recognition at the same time.

We are looking for young people who love life communication and the relation, whatever they want team up for a concrete project, who are interested inempathy and to theI listen, particularly in the area of psychosocial well-being.

If you have just graduated, if you don't work and you want to dedicate part of your time to your community, the Civil Service at the Di Liegro Foundation offers you a significant educational and training experience.

The Civil Service volunteers at the Di Liegro Foundation will contribute toorganization, to the support and to communication from the training activities aimed at citizens, volunteers and family members, of Telephone listening and orientation service, and to those of the Self-help groups to support families of people with mental and mental health problems socialization and art therapy workshops.

The training of volunteers is oriented in particular to the consideration of the "person with discomfort", as "a person who, at a certain stage of his life, is suffering from a mental problem."

Commitment, values and future are the cornerstones of the Universal Civil Service. Principles which inspire the activities and projects of the Di Liegro Foundation. Our goal is to train aware citizens of their role within the local community, who are bearers of a vision of society based on attention to rights and needs of the most fragile people in the social fabric.

The project of the Di Liegro Foundation is “From loneliness to inclusion” and is part of the ASL RM2 program “We look after the most fragile” (program code PMCSU0011220010007GXXX). Download the program poster.

All the projects of the "Let's look after the most vulnerable" program


The general objective of the project is to promote and implement the activation of resources within the social network of people with mental health problems and their families.

Specific objectives:

  • Welcoming, informing, orienting and supporting people
  • Support therapeutic-rehabilitative projects for users of local services
  • Promote a culture of mental health
  • Assist local services
  • Promote the improvement of strategies coping, the increase in levels of self-efficacy and empowerment of family members
  • Encourage interventions to prevent distress and promote health in adolescence

Project sheet


The general objective of the project is to focus on the rights and well-being of the person experiencing social exclusion and marginalization due to mental health problems. In particular:

  • Counteract social stigma towards mental distress and self-stigma
  • Change negative attitudes towards those who are different
  • Promote a tolerant and competent community
  • Improve the relationship between organization and users
  • Implement relationships and meeting places to discuss
  • Promote autonomy paths in the field of mental health
  • Guiding the human and professional growth of the volunteer by making him a participant in the issues of inclusion

Project sheet


The project has the general objective, on the one hand, of contributing to the civic, social, cultural and professional training of young people who will carry out the civil service, and on the other of strengthening the capacity to welcome users, their families and the subjects who they take care of interests, providing personalized answers oriented towards multiple areas.
The project's target audience will be adults in a state of mental distress, with particular attention to patients with severe psychosis residing in the municipalities involved.

Project sheet


The general objective of the project is to promote food education and healthy lifestyles in opportunistic contexts, through the acceptance and implementation of communication strategies and the development of functional skills for behavioral change, with reference to a multi-stakeholder approach and multisectoral.

Specific objectives:

  • Increase and improve the reception, orientation and listening activity of users - also with telephone support - in polyclinics, CAD and health centers and clinics
  • Plan communication strategies for differentiated targets and create communication products to be used in opportunistic settings
  • Evaluate nutrition and lifestyles and use information materials on the main health determinants (nutrition, smoking, alcohol, physical activity) in relation to the observed health profile
  • Increase participation in primary vaccination prevention projects and primary and secondary prevention programs for breast, cervical and rectal cancers
  • Promote prevention initiatives and promotion of healthy lifestyles in opportunistic healthcare and non-healthcare contexts with the use of communication products and/or with the application of basic MinimalAdvice skills also among those envisaged by the Regional Prevention Plans.

Project sheet


The aim of the project is to promote the culture of legality, aimed at developing civic sense in young people, intended as a basis for affirming an idea of a supportive and cohesive community, which recognizes itself in the rules it has established and which respects them.
The reference target is young people from Ostia (Italians and immigrants) aged between 15 and 29;
The project therefore intends, with activities open to young people, who can transform themselves from users to protagonists of the same, to develop occasions and opportunities for aggregation that facilitate discussion, dialogue and develop the sense of belonging to a community and the active exercise of participatory democracy and assumption of responsibility.

Through the project we want to develop the themes dearest to the Civil Service:

  • Raise pupils' awareness on issues of legality in school and outside of school
  • Educate in solidarity and tolerance
  • Develop the skills to collaborate, communicate and dialogue
  • Educate man and citizen, within the framework of the principles affirmed by the Constitution
  • Acquire the values that are the basis of civil coexistence, in the awareness of being holders of rights and duties and in respect of others and their dignity.
  • Develop a critical sense to consequently discover the hidden paths of illegality Transmit values and cultural models to combat the mafias

Project sheet


The general objective of the project is to protect the rights of minors to health, improving the quality and accessibility of local services and their usability, to truly pursue the rights of equality, non-discrimination and equal opportunities in developmental age.

The specific objectives to be pursued will be:

  • Collaborate in reception and information activities aimed at users on their rights and methods of access to services
  • Participate in the increase of interventions aimed at improving the organization of the service
  • Participate in the strengthening of interventions aimed at supporting families for better adherence to the therapeutic project
  • Collaborate in activities to identify users' healthcare needs

Project sheet


The direct beneficiaries of the project are all the inmates of the 4 Rebibbia institutions with psychiatric diagnoses or mental insufficiency. These are people who are usually not included in criminal circles, who commit crimes considered "bagatellar", epiphenomenon of a long history of social deprivation, with poor or ineffective use of local services, sometimes not adequately defended in court. Diagnoses can range from psychosis to personality disorders, posing difficulties in social reintegration that are particularly difficult to deal with.


  • Reduce the risks of clinical-judicial relapses.
  • Strengthening connections between the inside of the penitentiary institution and civil society.
  • Recovery of the resources of the patient, his family and those present in the destination area.
  • Synergistic collaboration of the competent local institutions.
  • Improvement of the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of clinical rehabilitation interventions.
  • Provide an important Service experience that provides guidance on future career choice and orientation
    young people to the values of justice and social reintegration, through field, training and design creativity experiences.
  • Acquire skills and competences in clinical - social care contexts, allowing the learning of
    related working methodologies.
  • Represent an extraordinary opportunity for training in network, community and team work.


  • Provide an important service experience that provides guidance on future professional choices and orients young people to the values of justice and social reintegration, through field, training and design creativity experiences.
  • Acquire skills and competences in clinical - social care contexts, allowing the learning of
    related working methodologies.
  • Represent an extraordinary opportunity for training in network, community and team work.

Project sheet

Participation requirements

Young people between 18 and 29 years of age at the time of submitting the application, not employed and not included in education and training courses, can participate in the selections.
Furthermore, they must be registered with the Youth Employment Initiative program (Youth Guarantee) and have signed the Service Agreement with the relevant Employment Center and/or Service. To register for the Youth Guarantee, go to www.garanziagiovani.gov.it.

How to submit the application

Aspiring volunteer operators must submit the application for participation exclusively through the Online Application (DOL) platform which can be reached via PC, tablet and smartphone at the address https://domandaonline.serviziocivile.it.
The deadline for submitting applications has been extended to 2pm on 17 February 2021.

To access the application compilation and submission services on the DOL platform, the candidate must be recognized by the system.
1 - Italian citizens residing in Italy or abroad can access it exclusively with SPID, the Public Digital Identity System. On the website of the Agency for Digital Italy www.agid.gov.it/it/piattaforme/spid all the information is available on what SPID is, what services it offers and how to request it. For the Question Online Civil Service requires SPID security level 2 credentials.
2 - Citizens of countries belonging to the European Union and foreigners regularly residing in Italy, if they are not available to acquire the SPID, will be able to access the services of the DOL platform through specific credentials to be requested from the Department, according to a procedure available on the home page of the platform itself.

To find out more about the Universal Civil Service: https://www.serviziocivile.gov.it/

Download the Notice for the selection of 46,891 volunteer operators to be employed in projects relating to universal civil service intervention programs to be carried out in Italy, abroad and in the territories of the regions affected by the National Operational Program - Youth Employment Initiative (PON-IOG "Youth Guarantee" - Measurement 6)

>>> For information call 06.6792669 or write to segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it

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Mental Health Problems.
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