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The Psychologist Bonus is born

The psychologist bonus becomes reality and can soon be requested. Anyone with an ISEE of up to 50 thousand euros will be entitled to it for psychological therapies, for a contribution of up to 600 euros per year. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, has in fact signed the decree implementing the so-called Psychologist Bonus, provided for by Law 15/2022 and financed by Parliament with 10 million euros for the year 2022.

What is the Psychologist Bonus
It provides an economic contribution for people suffering from depression, anxiety, stress and psychological fragility, due to the pandemic emergency and the resulting socio-economic crisis. The benefit can be used to support the expenses relating to psychotherapy sessions with registered psychologists who have joined the initiative, among which the citizen will be able to
"After publication in the Official Journal - stated Minister Speranza - it will be possible for those with an ISEE of up to 50 thousand euros to request a contribution to be used by registered psychologists. It is a first step. Mental health is one of the great themes of this time".

Who is entitled to the Psychologist Bonus
The contribution is recognized, only once, to those with an ISEE income not exceeding 50,000 euros, according to precise methods: with ISEE less than 15,000 the benefit is up to 50 euros for each session, for a maximum amount of 600 euros for each beneficiary; with ISEE between 15,000 and 30,000 euros the benefit is up to 50 euros for each session, for a maximum amount of 400 euros for each beneficiary and with ISEE greater than 30,000 and not exceeding 50,000 euros the benefit is up to 50 euros for each session, for a maximum amount of 200 euros for each beneficiary.

How to get the psychologist bonus
The access requests and the period of time in which to submit the application, electronically by accessing the
INPS platform or via INPS contact center, will be triggered upon publication of the decree in the Official Journal.
The assignment of the economic benefit will go primarily to people with the lowest ISEE and will take place on the basis of the order in which applications are received.
At the end of the application submission period, INPS will draw up the rankings, identify the beneficiaries and communicate to them the acceptance of the request and the unique code which, for the purposes of booking the psychotherapy session, will be assigned to each at the same time. The contribution must be used within 180 days from the date of acceptance of the application.
The beneficiary will communicate his unique code to the professional who, once the service has been provided, will issue the relevant invoice by uploading it to the INPS website which will directly provide for the remuneration of the services actually provided by the professionals.

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Mental Health Problems.
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