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Presentation of the book "La Roma di Don Luigi Di Liegro"

On Tuesday 9 May at 5.30 pm, the presentation of the book "La Roma di Don Luigi Di Liegro" edited by Vittorio Roidi will be held in the Hall of the Temple of Hadrian (Rome - Piazza di Pietra). Collection of writings by Don Luigi, the man and priest among the major protagonists of the religious and social life of Rome who dedicated himself to helping the poor and marginalized of the city.

The initiative will be attended by: Marco Damilano, journalist from L'Espresso, Vittorio Roidi, journalist and professor of Ethics and Deontology of Communication, Daniela De Robert, National Guarantor for the Rights of Detainees, Mons. Feroci, Director of Caritas Rome, Lorenzo Tagliavanti, President of the Chamber of Commerce Rome, and Mons. Pansa. Furthermore, the mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi and the President of the Lazio Region Nicola Zingaretti were invited to the event. The meeting will be moderated by Pierciro Galeone, Vice President of the Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation.

The Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation onlus is a non-profit organization of social utility that aims to keep the memory and thoughts of Don Luigi alive, through the implementation of social solidarity initiatives aimed at increasing respect for the dignity of the person . The Foundation holds the complete archive of the material collected by Don Luigi throughout his life. Due to the wealth of documents, the Archive has been recognized by the Archival Superintendence for Lazio as "of notable historical interest due to the importance it has for the social and cultural history of the 20th century".

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