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The Universal Civil Service in the Di Liegro Foundation: submit your application!

The deadline for submitting the application for the Universal Civil Service expires on Friday 20 February 2023 at 2pm.

If you are between 18 and 29 years old and want to dedicate part of your time to your community, the Universal Civil Service at the Di Liegro Foundation can represent a significant educational and training experience.
An opportunity to commit to active citizenship, an opportunity to increase one's wealth of knowledge, which can be used throughout one's working life, while ensuring financial recognition at the same time.

We are looking for young people who love life communication and the relation, whatever they want team up for a concrete project, who are interested inempathy and to theI listen, particularly in the area of psychosocial well-being.

The Civil Service volunteers at the Di Liegro Foundation will contribute toorganization, to the support and to communication from the training activities aimed at citizens, volunteers and family members, of Telephone listening service e Orientation, and to those of the Self-help groups to support families of people with mental and mental health problems socialization and art therapy workshops.

Discover the projects of Di Liegro Foundation, which are part of the programme ASL RM2 for which you can apply: Click here

“From loneliness to inclusion 3” - Project Code PTXSU0011222010663NMTX
Download the project sheet

“The color of the Moon 3” – Project Code PTCSU0011222010665NMTX) – Headquarters code 156102
Download the project sheet

>>> For information call 06.6792669 or write to segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it

To find out more about the Universal Civil Service: https://www.politichegiovanili.gov.it/comunicazione/news/2022/12/bando-ordinario-2022/

To consult the project database: https://www.politichegiovanili.gov.it/servizio-civile/bandi-e-avvisi-di-servizio-civile/bandi-di-selezione-volontari/scegli-il-tuo-progetto/?bando=91527&gazzetta=62&estero=0

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Requirements for participation in the Call for Universal Civil Service

Young people who, on the date of submitting the application, have turned eighteen and have not exceeded twenty-eight years of age (28 years and 364 days) can participate in the selections.
Please note that young people who have already completed national or universal civil service cannot submit applications for participation, without prejudice to what is indicated in article 3 of this announcement.

How to submit the application

In order to participate in the selection, it is necessary to identify the SCU project on which to be involved.
To access the list of SCU projects in Italy and abroad, use the "Choose your project in Italy" search engine. By clicking the SEARCH button (without making a choice in the other proposed fields) you obtain the complete list of all the projects. To carry out a targeted search for a project it is possible to select the values of the items that interest you. The number of applications received for that location is also displayed on the project detail page; this data is updated to the day before viewing.

Aspiring volunteer operators must submit the application for participation exclusively through the Application platform online (DOL) reachable via PC, tablet and smartphone at https://domandaonline.serviziocivile.it. Applications to participate must be submitted no later than 2.00 pm on 20 February 2023.

To access the application compilation and submission services, the candidate must be recognized by the DOL system

1 - Italian citizens residing in Italy or abroad can access it exclusively with SPID (Public Digital Identity System). On the website of the Agency for Digital Italy www.agid.gov.it/it/piattaforme/spid all information is available on what SPID is, what services it offers and how to request it. To access the DOL platform, SPID security level 2 credentials are required.

2 - Citizens of countries belonging to the European Union and foreigners regularly residing in Italy, if they are not available to acquire the SPID, will be able to access the services of the DOL platform through specific credentials to be requested from the Department, according to the procedure available on the home page of the platform itself.

The selected volunteer operators sign a contract with the Department which sets, among other things, the amount of the monthly allowance for carrying out the service at €444.30 which could be increased on the basis of the variation ascertained by ISTAT.

Useful links:
Official page with video-Spot

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Listening, guidance and information for
Mental Health Problems.
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