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The YouProMe Portfolio. What skills for the Youth Worker in mental health?

The European project "YouProMe -Youth Workers Promoting Mental Health" outlined the YouProMe Portfolio, a set of Youth Worker skills in the field of intervention with young people experiencing mental health problems.
A document that arises from the need to integrate the general skills and practices of Youth Work with a set of specific knowledge regarding the area of mental distress in young people.

The YouProMe Portfolio defines knowledge, skills, attitudes and values useful in working in this specific area of intervention and in connecting with the world of youth.

The tool is organized as a progressive model of functions and skills that advance the attention and focus of intervention of the youth worker from the personal world of the young person experiencing mental distress towards the world of social relationships in which he or she is inserted. Movement which involves an integration of the youth worker's intervention with the various resources and numerous actors of the territorial context, necessarily "open", in which he finds himself operating.


The Di Liegro Foundation leads the European project Youth Worker Promoting Mental Health (YouProMe)

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