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Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
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Di Liegro Foundation and Observatory on Addiction together for youth mental health

Substance addictions and pathological behavioral addictions in young people represent a social emergency. The spread and consumption of ever new drugs, but also the abuse of the internet or television, pathological gambling, compulsive shopping or some eating disorders (just to give a few examples) require information and training actions for families, social and health workers, educators and citizens, capable of preventing discomfort.

For years the Don Luigi Di Liegro Onlus International Foundation has been involved in the field of mental health and collaborates with the health and social services of Rome and Lazio to promote recovery and social inclusion paths for people with mental health problems and their families. This commitment has focused over time on youth hardship, with thematic training courses, emotional literacy projects, peer education courses in schools and research activities.

The Di Liegro Foundation and theAddictions Observatory Association have signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at strengthening their activities, which will take place at the Foundation's headquarters.

The collaboration includes information and mental health promotion actions through training projects; cultural and social initiatives, organization of exhibitions, seminars, conferences, screenings, debates and courses; research and data collection activities regarding the use/abuse of substances and addictive behaviors, for the purpose of popular scientific publications on the topic.

“The interaction with the Di Liegro Foundation – explained the president of the Observatory on Addictions, Alessandro E. Vento – helps us consolidate the network of institutional relationships. We also signed the agreement for the authoritativeness and seriousness of the contents carried out by the Foundation and their important initiatives open to users of mental health services, their families and people from civil society".

“Mental health in the young age group, a crucial moment in development and for the onset of possible difficulties in emotional development, is a topic of great importance – he commented Luigina Di Liegro, general secretary of the Foundation – And it makes it necessary to act in terms of information, protection and prevention of discomfort. For this reason, we contribute with determination to the improvement of the NPS Finder created by the Addictions Observatory.

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