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Focus Group for children of parents with mental health problems

If you are at least 18 years old and are the child of parents who live or have lived the experience of mental suffering, we would like to know and give voice to your experience.

By answering a completely anonymous questionnaire, you will be able to help us continue the project Share4Carers and to make this topic better known. Your answers, together with those of other sons and daughters from other European countries, will help us understand the situation in Europe and will be the starting point for producing recommendations for policymaker, institutions, professionals and others stakeholders.

If you would like to participate, click on this link:


and please leave your email address. In the next few weeks you will receive the questionnaire in your email inbox. To ensure you receive it, also check your Spam/Junk Email folder.

COMIP (Association for the Social Promotion of Children of Mentally Ill Parents) and the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation, together with partners from other European countries of Turkey, Belgium and Greece, are carrying out Share4Carers, an Erasmus+ Project for share good practices for supporting children of parents with mental health problems in Europe.

The ambition of the Share4Carers project is to produce recommendations that will contribute to promote resilience and positive outcomes in children of parents with mental disorders and in their families, accelerating the adoption of psychoeducation practices across Europe by involving patient and family organisations, professionals and caregiver in the development of good practices themselves.

Thank you for helping us raise awareness of the "Forgotten Children" and to do advocacy for prevention and support!

Find out more about the project

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

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Listening, guidance and information for
Mental Health Problems.
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