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Epilepsy, around 50 thousand adolescents suffer from it

An impact on daily reality and an often very difficult emotional and social life. In Italy around 50 thousand adolescents suffer from epilepsy. Of these, almost 20% have depressive symptoms. In adolescents, the presence of a chronic disease such as epilepsy has an enormous impact on life and conditions one of the most delicate phases in the transition from childhood to adulthood. This is what he reported the Dire Agency on the occasion of the recent 44th National Congress of the Italian League Against Epilepsy (LICE), this year dedicated to the theme of Transition, that is, the planned transition from a system of care centered on the pediatric age to one oriented towards adults.

"Epilepsies - he explained Laura Tassi, president of LICE - are pathologies that in the majority of cases begin in childhood or adolescence. When it affects adolescents, it impacts an extremely delicate phase of personal growth, bringing great change to an age group projected towards a future seen as limitless. Having to follow constant pharmacological therapy, respect timetables and not be able to access all the activities that peers can refer to, can also have significant consequences. Teenagers struggle to accept that they have a chronic illness".

Epilepsy is a chronic pathology characterized not only by recurrent seizures that can change over time, but also, in the most serious and drug-resistant cases, by behavioral alterations, scholastic and social difficulties. According to the main scientific evidence, in fact, children with epilepsy more frequently present mood or behavioral disorders than the general population. They may have learning disabilities, difficulties in studying and finding work, but also difficulties relating to autonomy, body image, peer group, self-esteem and identity.

Many adolescents and young adults with conditions that limit functional abilities and compromise emotional and social life experience transitional difficulties when transitioning from pediatric to adult care. The pathology can have serious effects on the development of adolescents, who face important social problems in adult life. The need for continuity of care during the transition from pediatrics to adult services is particularly important for young people going through the physical and mental transformation from adolescence to adulthood. Good management of this transition period is essential to develop and maintain the self-esteem and confidence of the adolescent with epilepsy. The need therefore emerges to envisage a possible model of transition of care from developmental age to adulthood, a model that takes into account the number and complexity of the problems connected to adolescence.

"The first step - added Laura Tassi - is to identify the professionals capable of taking care of these very particular patients. Subsequently we must obtain the personal involvement of the children. Finally, close communication must be created between pediatric specialists and of adulthood".

Photo by Polina Zimmerman from Pexels

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