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Mental Health Emergency – Outreach in the Lazio Region

The will also join Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation at the garrison in front of the headquarters of the Lazio Region, scheduled for tomorrow morning (18.11.2015) from 10am to 2pm, organized by A.re.sa.m Onlus (regional association for mental health – Lazio), in collaboration with the most important local associations which, in different capacities and with different experiences, deal with mental health. The following have joined the initiative: Alchimia, AVO Rome, Citizenship-Tribunale Ritibunale Siciliani Lazio; Coordination of Temporary Workers DGR 980/09; Habitat; Together Against Prejudice; Beyond Barriers; Democratic Psychiatry; UNASAM, 180 Friends.

With indiscriminate cuts to welfare, care and responses in the area are reduced. The dismissal of other workers is imminent, with a consequent reduction in professionalism and services. We need an organic plan that gives the Public Service back its fundamental role in the treatment, rehabilitation and social inclusion of people with mental disabilities.
The Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation, in particular, promotes training and support courses for families, combating isolation, stigma, the risk of marginalization which often involves them too; proposes rehabilitation projects in Theatre, Photography, Cooking and Music, as tools to combat isolation and relational difficulties and enhance personal skills and interests.

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Listening, guidance and information for
Mental Health Problems.
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