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Youth hardship, the projects of the Di Liegro Foundation

The Di Liegro Foundation has been operating in the field of mental health since 2006, collaborating with public and private institutions in the implementation of projects, activities and research aimed at promoting psychosocial well-being, the prevention of mental distress and the dissemination of culture and knowledge of mental health. Over time, this commitment has focused in particular on youthful distress, organizing thematic training courses, emotional literacy projects and training courses peer education in schools, research activities.

The observation that mental health in the young age group, a crucial moment in development and for the onset of possible developmental difficulties, is in fact a topic of great importance and on which it is necessary to act in terms of information, protection and prevention, was further validated by2018 edition of World Mental Health Day, dedicated to “young people and mental health in a changing world.

In fact, data from the World Health Organization underline that 10-20% of children and adolescents worldwide suffer from depressive disorders and that neuro-psychiatric pathologies are the main cause of disability in young people in all WHO Regions. One in six adolescents aged 10-19 suffers from mental disorders. Furthermore, 50% problems begin before the age of 14, but most cases go undetected and untreated. And again: suicide is the third cause of death among young people between 15 and 19 years old.

There is a real risk that mental health problems developed during adolescence may continue into adulthood or even become chronic (WHO, 2005).

From these considerations comes the Foundation's commitment to paying particular attention to youth age group. The actions undertaken have the aim of strengthening, through direct and indirect interventions, protective factors so as to prevent the development of mental health problems.

Projects and initiatives of the Di Liegro Foundation for young people:

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Listening, guidance and information for
Mental Health Problems.
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