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Rights of children and adolescents

Rights of children and adolescents: economic and educational poverty is combined today with the poverty produced by the health crisis. The Covid-19 pandemic, and the consequent adaptation of the lifestyle of girls and boys to containment measures, is influencing their life choices and risks accentuating pre-existing social inequalities.

We will talk about it on Tuesday 14th December, in the Aula Magna of the Roma Tre University - Department of Education Sciences, during conference by title RIGHTS OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS - VISIONS ON THE FUTURE OF NEW GENERATIONS. The event is promoted by the project #liberailFuturo, in which the Di Liegro Foundation also participates

The suspension of school lessons and the closure of all recreational, educational, inclusion and support activities has hit girls and boys hardest, especially those living in conditions of poverty or social marginalization, as well as the most vulnerable boys (such as example minors with disabilities and unaccompanied foreign minors), for whom access to these activities sometimes represents the only possibility of empowerment.

During the conference, the qualitative results of the project monitoring carried out by the professor will be presented Sandra Chistolini of the Department of Educational Sciences of Roma Tre University. The data swill be compared with the quantitative ones of the research carried out by Demopolis on behalf of the Social Enterprise With the children.

The Conference will therefore be an opportunity to define the new operational proposals to achieve the objectives set by the #liberailFuturo project and which may be useful for strengthening the Educational Community.

After the conference, scheduled for the morning, in four are scheduled for the afternoon workshops, with the aim of opening a debate on the future of young people and indicating the future guidelines of the project:

  • Educational poverty: when learning highlights educational poverty
  • Pandemic emergency and educational poverty: how the pandemic has slowed learning and teaching in schools
  • The Educational Community: because it is necessary to start again from community ties
  • Proposals for the future that awaits us: cultural investments in a changing society

How to participate in the conference?
Write an email to liberailfuturoroma@gmail.com indicating whether you want to participate only in the conference, only in one of the afternoon workshops or both the conference and one of the afternoon workshops.

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