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Covid and adolescents: mental distress increased

Teenagers and Covid. In the United States, in the first six months of 2021, due to the pandemic and the lockdown, psychiatric hospitals report an increase45% increase in the number of cases of self-harm and suicide attempts up to 17 years old compared to the same period in 2020. In Italy the National Council of the Order of Psychologists (Cnop), last October in a report, with responses from 5,621 specialists, found that patients under 18 years of age on therapy increased 31%. It is the synthesis of a focus of the Freud Institute of Milan which aims to address students' problems in an adequate manner.

"The signs are strong: anxiety, depression, self-harm. After these two years of pandemic, we need to intercept the
general discomfort - explained director Daniele Nappo - With post-Covid, teenagers are fighting a very complex period and condition in their lives, with repercussions for their mental health; Unfortunately, psychological support, prevention and listening were talked about little before and are still talked about little today. The signs of widespread worsening are clear and shared but the alarm seems to have gone unheeded."

The pandemic has produced a general decline in the mental health of boys and girls, with consequences for all adolescents between 12 and 18 years - it is underlined in the analysis - Those who had no worries had to face phases of
confusion and discomfort due to the limitations of sociality; for those who were already in a critical condition the rates decreased
possibility of asking for support, and the risk of not being able to intercept and partly manage requests for help is increased for the health and social system.

Throughout Italy, hospitals have been forced to increase the number of beds in child neuropsychiatry departments to receive a number of people that has never been seen in recent years.

Di Liegro Foundation: Young people and Youth Work

Photo by Gauthier Pierre from Pexel

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