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XIII Training course "Volunteers and families online for mental health" LIFESTYLES FOR WELL-BEING IN ADOLESCENTS

Starting from 19 October, the 13th edition of the usual training course "Volunteers and families online for mental health" promoted by the Foundation will be held, entitled: "Lifestyles for well-being in adolescence". Nine meetings aimed at those interested in learning more about mental health volunteering.

In particular, this year's theme focuses onadolescence and lifestyles for well-being. The protagonist will be the network of relationships and the experiences lived by the adolescent; networks which, in addition to being psychological and emotional, are also cultural and social: family, school, peer group.

The meetings will be held at headquarters of the Di Liegro Foundation, in via Ostiense, 106 - Montemartini Central Entrance - The headquarters is easily reachable by public transport: Garbatella line B metro stop.

Download the meeting programme

To register:

Fill in the form downloadable to send to segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it


sign up online by clicking here

The cost of the entire course is 50 euros. It can be paid on the first day of the course.

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Mental Health Problems.
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