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Universal Civil Service Notice 2022: an online meeting for all information

La Nomina srl, in collaboration with the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation, is organizing an online meeting via the ZOOM platform on January 17th, at 5 pm, to promote and illustrate the new Universal Civil Service Notice 2022.

The meeting is dedicated, in particular, to aspiring volunteers to explain to them how to correctly submit the application to participate in the 2021 Universal Civil Service Call, illustrate the various opportunities available and respond to any request for information regarding the Civil Service .

In particular, the meeting will be divided as follows:

  • Welcoming of participants on the platform and initial greetings;
  • Assistance in completing the online application on the dedicated platform;
  • Description and narrative of the Universal Civil Service projects activated;
  • Final question time with questions from the aspiring volunteer participants.

All interested parties can book their participation in the meeting online in the following ways:

  • By contacting Nomina srl on 080.214.6189 (Mon – Fri 8.30am - 1.30pm / 2.30pm – 7.30pm)
  • By contacting the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation on 06.935.72111 or by email to the inbox segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it

The aspiring volunteers who have registered their participation in the event will then be contacted to send the access link to the meeting on the ZOOM platform.

The notice for the selection of 56,205 volunteer operators to be employed in universal civil service projects has been published - Deadline 26 January 2022 2.00 pm

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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