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Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
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Working to create a community of citizens

"Creating a community of citizens". Luigina Di Liegro's telephone intervention on "L'Italia in diretta", on Radio 1, represented an opportunity to take stock of the activities of the Di Liegro Foundation in the field of mental distress. Activities that never stopped, not even during the months of lockdown, proving even more important in a moment of physical and social isolation

It remained operational every day SOSS, Orientation and Social Support Service,  which offers assistance to the families of people with mental health problems, via email, telephone and in person (with an appointment). The service supports and seeks solutions to existing problems by indicating and directing towards the public socio-health facilities with which the Foundation has collaborated closely since its inception.

Often, mental distress is removed or addressed when it is chronic. Instead, explained Luigina Di Liegro, it is important to help families identify the problem before it is too late and resort to existing services active in the area.

In recent years, the Foundation has worked to create a community of citizens who, thanks also to its training courses for volunteers, learn to understand and deal with mental distress, creating a relationship with the person who experiences this reality. The following are also an important part of the support network art therapy workshops And self-help groups.

The general secretary then recalled the work of Don Luigi Di Liegro, his uncle, in carrying forward the values of solidarity, animated by the hope and faith that was very deep in him, but which he did not ask others to have. The work of Don Luigi, founder of Caritas of Rome, remains fundamental in supporting the poor and marginalized of the capital and has left an indelible legacy in the world of local volunteering.

Listen to the interview with Luigina Di Liegro

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