Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
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Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
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The World Health Organization (WHO) with the “Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020” includes, among its main objectives, the provision of integrated mental health services, territorial social assistance for the continuous improvement of the quality of services and their innovation. In order to improve access to care and the quality of services, WHO recommends the creation of comprehensive mental health services and social support inserted into the local community; integrating mental health care and treatment into general hospitals and primary care; continuity of care between different agencies

giovani chiusi in un container simboleggiano i vecchi metodi utilizzati nella salute mentale

What are the problems?

Law no. 180/1978 marked a turning point in psychiatric care in Italy, shifting attention from psychiatric hospitals to local services integrated and targeted, in response to the complex needs of patients. This has led to the creation of Mental Health Centres, day and residential facilities, and psychiatric units in general hospitals. Despite the intent to standardize the approach to the treatment of mental disorders, the application of the reform was uneven, with evident disparities in the services offered between the different Italian regions. The Regions were tasked with adapting the general principles of the law to local specificities, but this led to variability in the provision of services. The conditions of the Mental Health Departments have been further aggravated by the pandemic and socio-economic tensions, compromising the ability to provide necessary care.


The Di Liegro Foundation aims to contribute to creating a community mental health, capable of giving integrated responses to the various socio-health aspects.
To achieve this objective the Foundation proposes these interventions:

Active collaboration with institutions
Orientation and Social Support Desk
Collaborate with the private social world
Training courses
Discover the projects
Listening, guidance and information for
Mental Health Problems.
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