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Events not to be missed

Mental Health Week, the Di Liegro Foundation at Màt Modena

On 21 September in Modena, as part of Màt, Mental Health Week, the Di Liegro Foundation is organizing the seminar entitled “Empathy and resilience in mental health”, rapporteur the psychiatrist José Mannu.

The project will be presented during the seminar “Volunteers and families networking for mental health” of the Di Liegro Foundation, a set of activities that intend to create and develop a support network for people with mental health problems and their families, with the aim of promoting their social inclusion, allowing the implementation of a recovery path and spreading greater knowledge and awareness of ways to deal with mental distress.

The Màt-Mental Health Week is the event promoted by the Department of Mental Health and Pathological Addictions of the Modena AUSL. Seven days of debates, conferences, artistic and cultural events open to all citizens, located in different areas of Modena and the province, with the aim of raising awareness in the area on mental health issues and implementing the fight against the prejudice and stigma that burden on those suffering from mental distress.

The seminar “Empathy and resilience in Mental Health” will be broadcast in live streaming on the Màt website and on the channels Facebook And YouTube of the event, starting from 3pm on Wednesday 21 October.

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