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Events not to be missed

Young people and mental health: a common good

A three-day webinar on the topic “Young people and mental health: a common good”. It is the training event organized by the Di Liegro Foundation, together with Anci Lazio And Observatory for Addiction and sub-threshold mental disorders, and with the contribution of the Lazio Regional Council, to help train administrators, managers and officials of Local Authorities on topics such as social withdrawal, substance addictions, the use and abuse of new technologies. The objective is to impact policies and the organization of prevention and promotion activities for the psychosocial well-being of younger citizens and their families.

The webinar “Young people and mental health: a common good” in fact, it intends to underline the importance of the psychological well-being of citizens, in particular that of young people, especially in this moment linked to the difficulties caused by the pandemic. The Covid-19 emergency has affected not only physical but also mental health, delving into fragilities and difficulties and making many realities even more difficult which, too often, go unnoticed". For this reason it is necessary to think of policies capable of combining the contribution of institutional actors, social services and educational agencies, with that of specific mental health services in a dynamic of complementary value, as underlined when presenting the event Lina Novelli, delegate for Welfare and Social Policies of Anci Lazio.

The Di Liegro Foundation has been working since 2006 with public and private institutions to promote psychosocial well-being, the prevention of mental distress and the dissemination of culture and knowledge of mental health. Over time, the secretary general explained, Luigina Di Liegro, this commitment focused in particular on youth hardship.

Over time, this commitment has focused in particular on youth hardship. Daily experience tells us that substance addictions and pathological behavioral addictions in young people represent a social emergency. Together with the Observatory Association for Addiction and Sub-Threshold Mental Disorders, chaired by the psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Alessandro Vento, the foundation collaborate on a project which, through systematic scanning of the web by software, identifies the presence of New Psychoactive Substances offered for sale on the internet.


Tuesday 13 April 2021 3.00pm - 4.30pm
“The promotion of mental health in adolescence. R-exist the pandemic”
Alessandro Vento, Psychiatrist, Head of the Addictions and Subthreshold Mental Disorders Observatory.

Tuesday 20 April 2021 3.00pm – 4.30pm
“Social withdrawal and school dropout in adolescence”
Ignazio Ardizzone, Child neuropsychiatrist, Head of the Child Neuropsychiatry Psychiatric Clinic at the “Umberto I” Polyclinic in Rome.

Tuesday 27 April 2021 3.00pm – 4.30pm
“The addiction between old and new substances”
Alessandro Vento, Psychiatrist, Head of the Addictions and Subthreshold Mental Disorders Observatory.

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