Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
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Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
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What we do


Mental Health Training is one of the main vocations of the Di Liegro Foundation, which aims to spread greater knowledge and awareness of useful ways to address psychological distress.

Who it is for:

  • Citizens who wish to acquire a more conscious vision on the topic of mental health.
  • Citizens who want to get involved as volunteers in the field of mental health.
  • Users.
  • Family members or caregivers.
  • Operatori e professionisti.

Date and location:

Annual, at the Di Liegro Foundation Rome headquarters - possibility to participate online as well.

Corso di formazione sulla Salute Mentale per i volontari alla Fondazione Di Liegro

Objective and content

The general objective is to introduce participants to the topic of mental health and the working methodology of the Foundation, which is characterized by the centrality of the person, the importance of abilities, the importance of listening, the ability to understand the other both in their difficulties and in their abilities and resources, and the support at institutions.

The specific objectives are:

  • to provide tools and knowledge to family members and volunteers to consciously address the topic of mental health;
  • to form a group of volunteers to facilitate social inclusion and ease the therapeutic journey of people suffering from psychological distress;
  • to activate a listening and assistance service in the territory to prevent forms of isolation and social marginality

Corso annuale

Il corso annuale è strutturato con lezioni seminariali, esercitazioni di role playing, momenti di discussione libera ed è tenuto da rappresentanti di associazioni di familiari, responsabili dei Dipartimenti di Salute Mentale delle ASL di Roma, psichiatri, psicologi, docenti universitari e altri esperti.

The first part of the course is dedicated to an introduction to mental health, which is accompanied each year by an in-depth study chosen to respond to the needs and expectations, both of people living with psychological distress and of the same operators of public territorial services.

Altre formazioni offerte

Nel corso dell'anno, la Fondazione offre altri eventi formativi come "Incontro con l'esperto" e convegni sul tema della salute mentale, per approfondire gli aspetti più rilevanti e le innovazioni scientifiche nel campo della salute mentale. Questi eventi si basano sulle ultime acquisizioni scientifiche e vogliono fornire strumenti concreti per affrontare le problematiche contemporanee.

Four appointments on volunteering and mental health

The Di Liegro Foundation continues its in-depth analysis on volunteering and mental health, with four online appointments on the Foundation's Facebook page.
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Let us renew our commitment alongside the most vulnerable people

It was Luigina Di Liegro, General Secretary of the Foundation, who welcomed the participants of the 15th edition of the "Volunteers and Families online" course, entitled A new community model after the pandemic".
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A new community model after the pandemic

A new community model after the pandemic: registrations open for the 15th edition of the "Volunteers and Families networked for Mental Health" training course
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Listening, guidance and information for
Mental Health Problems.
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