17 giugno 2024 - Una ricca e colorata esposizione delle fotografie realizzate dai partecipanti del Laboratorio di Fotografia organizzato, da settembre 2023 a maggio di quest`anno, dalla Fondazione Don Luigi Di Liegro ETS. La mostra è inaugurata il 17 giugno al Talent Art di Roma, nel quartiere Talenti in Via Ferdinando Martini 7, e rimane aperta fino a giovedì 20 giugno. Circa 40 immagini scattate in luoghi e tempi diversi dagli utenti, nel corso degli oltre 30 appuntamenti infrasettimanali del laboratorio, opere amatoriali selezionate da due esperti fotografi, come Angelo Paionni e Gianluca Laurentini. L`iniziativa viene sostenuta anche dalla Diocesi di Roma and from Fondation d`Harcourt.
L'evento "SU LA MASCHERA: MUSICA IN PIAZZA!!!" del 20 maggio 2024 al Teatro De' Servi di Roma, ha segnato un trionfo per i nostri laboratori di Teatro e di Musica, guidati da Roberto Baldassari e Marco Soricetti. lo spettacolo ha registrato un tutto esaurito, riscuotendo un notevole successo di pubblico e risonanza sulla stampa. Un evento che ha evidenziato l'importanza dell'arte come strumento di inclusione ed espressione nel campo della salute mentale.
Rome, 15 March 2024 - Helping families who experience situations of mental distress within themselves, often aggravated by heavy intra-family conflicts. This is the main objective of the Multifamily Psychoanalysis Group (GPMF), the new project promoted by the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation in collaboration with the ASL Roma 2. The group meets for the first time on March 15th at the Foundation's headquarters.
Rome 17 February 2024 - The first lesson of the course "Youth disadvantage in the contemporary world: the network that heals" was held at the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation, aimed at volunteers, families and local mental health services. Present were the general secretary of the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation, Luigina Di Liegro, the regional councilor for social inclusion and personal services of the Lazio region, Massimiliano Maselli and Chiara Rogora, psychologist and psychotherapist, Dsm Uoc ASL Roma 2, Tutela Salute Mental and Developmental Age Rehabilitation.
Rome 19 February - Fifty years after the conference on the "Evils of Rome", on 19 February in the Conciliation Hall of the Lateran Apostolic Palace, the Diocese of Rome proposes a new moment of listening and discussion entitled (Dis)equalities .
The event will see the interventions of the cardinal vicar Angelo De Donatis, the president of the Lazio Region Francesco Rocca and the vice-mayor of Rome Silvia Scozzese; by Don Federico Corrubolo, professor of modern and contemporary history at the Ecclesia Mater Institute; by Andrea Riccardi, historian and founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio; by Giuseppe De Rita, sociologist and founder of Censis; by Luigina Di Liegro, general secretary of the Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation; by Pierciro Galeone, vice president of the Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation; by Giustino Trincia, director of Caritas in Rome.
Rome, 30 January 2023 - Registrations are open for the training course for volunteers, family members, youth workers and mental health workers promoted by the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation and the Fondation d'Harcourt, with the support of the Lazio Region. The course will be held on Saturdays from February 17th to April 20th. Eight lessons held by experts who aim to train participants on youth issues, including bullying and addictions, promoting a psychosocial support network.
Rome, 28 December 2023 - In this article Luigina Di Liegro, general secretary of the Di Liegro Foundation, highlights the "Christmas depression" and the importance of assistance to those suffering from mental distress. Remember the commitment of Don Luigi Di Liegro, founder of the Diocesan Caritas of Rome, for the continuous support of those in need. He thus takes this opportunity to announce the start of the 2024 courses of the Di Liegro Foundation to train volunteers and families in the mental health support network.
Rome, November 2023 - RomaSette Avvenire returns to the activities of the Di Liegro Foundation to promote socialization and combat the isolation of patients hospitalized in the Psychiatry, Diagnosis and Treatment Service (SPDC) of the San Filippo Neri Hospital in Rome.
The piece tells of a pilot project, promoted by ASL Roma 1 and financed by the Lazio Region, managed by the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation, which uses art therapy to support the mental health of psychiatric patients at the San Filippo Neri hospital. Through music, reading and painting workshops, the project aims to reduce patients' isolation and limit the use of physical restraints. It offers a social path for patients, promoting a non-judgmental environment open to personal expression. The objective is to reduce "mechanical restraint" and improve emergency intervention strategies, especially after the increase in serious psychiatric disorders post-pandemic. In addition to this activity, the Foundation supports the SOSS, an active Orientation and Social Support desk, which becomes a useful tool for the patients' relatives.
Rome, 9 November 2023 - Talking about bullying and social isolation with lower secondary school children. The Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation launches a series of meetings to promote awareness among young people on the issues of social inclusion and acceptance of diversity. Today the first meeting was held with guest Guglielmo Scilla, aka Willwoosh.
The meeting program is:
Rome, October 2023 - Promote socialization and combat the isolation of patients hospitalized in the Psychiatry, Diagnosis and Treatment Service (SPDC) of the San Filippo Neri Hospital in Rome, also providing support to families. This is the primary objective of the pilot project promoted by the ASL Roma 1 Mental Health Department (DSM) financed by the Lazio Region, which entrusted the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation with the rehabilitation laboratory activities at the SPDC of San Filippo and the purchase of materials that facilitate the stay of patients in the SPDC departments of the DSM, both at San Filippo Neri and Santo Spirito. The initiative was launched during the month of October.