Sansepolcro, 7 December 1996
I willingly participated in this event because I believe that we will come out of it with encouragement to be peacemakers and to be able to appreciate the sacrifice that many make to be workers of solidarity and justice in everyday life. The meaning of this celebration is somewhat to exalt some figures who, certainly, not only spoke, but above all gave their lives for the realization of this very high ideal, which is that of peace. Very high ideal, but also quite evanescent: I believe that working for peace means first of all, making some awareness, making commitments that lead us to be able, day by day, in all the events that touch us, or strike us, to discern an appeal to peace, understood as a right but also as a duty. An awareness that also leads us to see not so much theoretically (not because I am not a lover of theory), but concretely the relationships, the interdependence that exists between us and the phenomena of injustice and inequality. Phenomena, these, which lead us to verify the situation of non-peace that exists in our society and in the world.
Becoming aware of the close dependence that exists between us and others means understanding that peace depends on everyone and certainly that peace cannot be made with slogans. We must know how to promote a culture of peace that depends on discerning the history we are living. That is, it means entering into the events of history, of this era in order to be able to see responsibility in a negative and positive sense. Responsibilities that affect us directly and, from this awareness, from this discernment, the culture of peace is born, that is, the culture of dialogue, the culture of relationships. It is not classical culture, made up of notions or theses, which also serves to increase sensitivity in us, but that knowledge of historical experiences and a historical heritage that becomes a point of reference for everyone. It is enough to spend a few hours here in Sansepolcro to see how this cultural and historical heritage that can be read in this city is essential for promoting a humanistic culture on Man. However, we must also take into account that we are the ones who are the supporters and promoters of a culture. I intend this as a basis for being able to make our life a life that is dedicated in the most radical way possible to the service of others. I believe that peace does not yet exist, because there is not this culture of knowing how to see in others, not an enemy, an adversary, a person to be destroyed, but the same dignity that I defend in myself, seeing my own same rights. We spoke earlier about this large assembly organized by the UN in Rome. Here it was imagined to define eating as a right: I use this word because there are people who cannot eat, perhaps even in our towns, in our cities, increasingly in Rome for example. Americans have not agreed to define eating and nourishment as a human right. So I want to say that probably our commitment that was born this evening, and today is nourished and encouraged, is precisely this becoming aware that the Other different from me has the same rights that I have: the right to work, to respect, to integration and I would say, to culture, the right to respect for its cultural, religious and social identity. In this we have forgotten that the Constitution also made the recognition of rights a commitment to guaranteeing the rights themselves.
It seems to me that some in parliament are working to avoid continuing to declare that work is everyone's right, that culture is everyone's right: some argue that the Constitution cannot continue to declare this. We know that even if stated, many rights are violated on a daily basis. Politics is less and less available to guarantee the rights that are written down. But perhaps these rights are written too high to avoid banging our heads and I would say that every day we should bang our heads where these fundamental rights are not only not guaranteed but, even, we want to give up recognizing them for the future. I think there are concrete examples where the commitment to spreading the culture of peace is needed: I am not just referring to immigration into our country which brings cultural and religious differences between us, different identities which are also cultural riches. If we become aware of this richness we can defeat fear which is the opposite of peace. Because fear foments violence. We are peacemakers: but what happened in the Senate and then in Parliament after the declaration or promise to regularize 240,000 immigrants who had applied, that is, the proposal of vacatio legis which would have been the shame of the Italian State towards many countries considered developing? We are far from being promoters of peace when we talk about these differences if they cause us to change our mentality. In our country I have seen many people who say they belong to the left-wing culture and then they rage on this issue of immigration and then, we no longer know what the left-wing culture is and we can no longer understand what it means wedding ring. When others who are different from me are not accepted, then I cannot continue to say that I want peace. Where social differences and above all cultural, ethnic and religious differences are not accepted as an asset, they cause a challenge to solidarity, a commitment to participation in the common good which is always the good of each and all. And I return to Rome encouraged by the testimony that today is rewarded in the noblest sense of the word, because I believe that we who witness this celebration of the awarding of an award are more rewarded than those who receive it. Because this presentation of an award has nothing rhetorical: it simply has the motivation to say that we need witnesses like them, to make the world a more peaceful world, that is, more just and more supportive.
Father Luigi Di Liegro
You are a young person between 18 and 29 years old and you like it to communicate And relate to others? You are interested in developing empathy And listening skills In the context of psychosocial well-being? Do you want to improve your skills in using the digital tools? Join the our team and help us realize concrete projects!
The importance of digital tools is now known and widespread, however there are segments of the population that still do not have the skills and possibility to use them or strengthen these skills. Help us too to facilitate access to the future, to make digital knowledge and tools increasingly accessible to everyone.
The Universal Civil Service at the Di Liegro Foundation can represent a significant educational and training experience, an opportunity to increase one's wealth of knowledge, which can be used throughout one's working life, while ensuring financial recognition at the same time. The kids who want to have this Civil Service experience will first be trained, thus acquiring the knowledge and then passing it on to the other kids.
The Universal Civil Service at the Di Liegro Foundation offers a significant educational and training experience, an opportunity to broaden your knowledge and acquire useful skills for the future job. Volunteers will receive a complete, general and specific training, before working with other young people.
For all volunteers there will be a monthly expense reimbursement equal to 507,30 € for 12 months, furthermore from 06/22/2023 the mandatory reserve of the 15% of places available in public competitions for those who have carried out the Civil Service.
Places available: 6
>>> For information call 06.6792669 or write to
“Welcoming to innovate 2” - Project Code PTXSU0011223020039NMTX – Headquarters Code 156102
Download the project sheet
“Welcoming to integrate 2” – Project Code PTXSU0011223020040NMTX) – Headquarters code 156102
Download the project sheet
Call for digital civil service projects
To find out more about the Universal Civil Service:
Home - Department for Youth Policies and Universal Civil Service
To consult the project database:
Home - Department for Youth Policies and Universal Civil Service - Choose your project.
Requirements for participation in the Call for Universal Civil Service
Young people who, on the date of submitting the application, have turned eighteen and have not exceeded twenty-eight years of age (28 years and 364 days) can participate in the selections.
Please note that young people who have already completed national or universal civil service cannot submit applications for participation, without prejudice to what is indicated in article 3 of this announcement.
Volunteer training
The volunteer will have a period of both general and specific training to be able to carry out the tasks assigned to him. The Third Party, Società Nomina Srl, will provide a service recognition and certification of acquired skills during the Universal Civil Service.
How to submit the application
Aspiring volunteer operators must submit the application for participation exclusively through the Application platform online (DOL) reachable via PC, tablet and smartphone at Applications to participate must be submitted no later than 2:00 pm on 28 September 2023.
If you are between 18 and 29 years old and want to dedicate part of your time to your community, the Universal Civil Service at the Di Liegro Foundation can represent a significant educational and training experience.
An opportunity to commit to active citizenship, an opportunity to increase one's wealth of knowledge, which can be used throughout one's working life, while ensuring financial recognition at the same time.
We are looking for young people who love life communication and the relation, whatever they want team up for a concrete project, who are interested inempathy and to theI listen, particularly in the area of psychosocial well-being.
The Civil Service volunteers at the Di Liegro Foundation will contribute toorganization, to the support and to communication from the training activities aimed at citizens, volunteers and family members, of Telephone listening service e Orientation, and to those of the Self-help groups to support families of people with mental and mental health problems socialization and art therapy workshops.
Discover the projects of Di Liegro Foundation, which are part of the programme ASL RM2 for which you can apply: Click here
“From loneliness to inclusion 3” - Project Code PTXSU0011222010663NMTX
Download the project sheet
“The color of the Moon 3” – Project Code PTCSU0011222010665NMTX) – Headquarters code 156102
Download the project sheet
>>> For information call 06.6792669 or write to
To find out more about the Universal Civil Service:
To consult the project database:
Requirements for participation in the Call for Universal Civil Service
Young people who, on the date of submitting the application, have turned eighteen and have not exceeded twenty-eight years of age (28 years and 364 days) can participate in the selections.
Please note that young people who have already completed national or universal civil service cannot submit applications for participation, without prejudice to what is indicated in article 3 of this announcement.
How to submit the application
In order to participate in the selection, it is necessary to identify the SCU project on which to be involved.
To access the list of SCU projects in Italy and abroad, use the "Choose your project in Italy" search engine. By clicking the SEARCH button (without making a choice in the other proposed fields) you obtain the complete list of all the projects. To carry out a targeted search for a project it is possible to select the values of the items that interest you. The number of applications received for that location is also displayed on the project detail page; this data is updated to the day before viewing.
Aspiring volunteer operators must submit the application for participation exclusively through the Application platform online (DOL) reachable via PC, tablet and smartphone at Applications to participate must be submitted no later than 2.00 pm on 20 February 2023.
To access the application compilation and submission services, the candidate must be recognized by the DOL system
1 - Italian citizens residing in Italy or abroad can access it exclusively with SPID (Public Digital Identity System). On the website of the Agency for Digital Italy all information is available on what SPID is, what services it offers and how to request it. To access the DOL platform, SPID security level 2 credentials are required.
2 - Citizens of countries belonging to the European Union and foreigners regularly residing in Italy, if they are not available to acquire the SPID, will be able to access the services of the DOL platform through specific credentials to be requested from the Department, according to the procedure available on the home page of the platform itself.
The selected volunteer operators sign a contract with the Department which sets, among other things, the amount of the monthly allowance for carrying out the service at €444.30 which could be increased on the basis of the variation ascertained by ISTAT.
Useful links:
Official page with video-Spot
“Situations of social imbalance, areas of marginalization and urban desolation, represent a permanent threat to peace. The very discomfort of many young people and adolescents, those most affected by social and family disintegration, already constitutes a sort of powder keg that threatens our urban coexistence."
Father Luigi Di Liegro
Work to protect mental health of the Community represents a complex objective which cannot be achieved only with the improvement of social norms, values and practices, but which also requires actions that make known and create participation in the condition of "mental distress" which, out of fear, too frequently results in difficulty to accept.
The training intervention: "SOS Families: new needs and resources in mental health" highlights some of the possible protection actions to be implemented, as emerges from the analysis of family situations, schools and public services dedicated to this topic . The responsibility of contributing to the balanced mental development of the members of a community is entrusted first and foremost to families and parents who with their behaviors support the mental and physical health of their children. It is then necessary for the institutions to place mental health as one of the investment priorities for the implementation of policies that favor the development of an inclusive society, free from discrimination and violence. For its part, the School must be ready to immediately identify the actions to be implemented in the event of assessments of distress among children and adolescents. Last but not least, citizens must be able to contribute through volunteering to the reception and inclusion of the most vulnerable people.
Saturday lessons
(9.30am - 12.30pm)
FIRST MEETING – 02/04/2023
The family yesterday and today: new needs in mental health
Luigina Di Liegro, Secretary General of the Di Liegro Foundation
Luca Salmieri, Professor of Sociology, Sapienza University of Rome
Rita Potena, Psychiatrist, former TMSREE ASLRM2 manager
SECOND MEETING -18/02/2023
Mental health: relationship of young people and families with public services
Giuseppe Ducci, Director of the ASLRM1 Mental Health Department
Laura Anelli, Gynecologist and Head of ASLRM1 Consultations
THIRD MEETING - 02/25/2023
Tools for supporting parenting and family well-being
Pierluca Zuppi, Psychiatrist
Paolo Paolotti, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist and Regional Secretary of SIRP Lazio
FOURTH MEETING - 04/03/2023
Risky behaviors: managing addictions in the family
Alessandro Vento, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist CSM ASL Roma2 and Head of the Addictions Observatory
FIFTH MEETING - 11/03/2023
School and family: definition of goals and resources in mental health
Gianluigi Di Cesare, Psychiatrist, Head of the UOC Prevention and Early Interventions in Mental Health ASL Roma1
Tiziana Sallusti, Headmaster of the Terenzio Mamiani Classical High School
SIXTH MEETING - 03/18/2023
Empathy and communication techniques to support the family
Josè Mannu, Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist
SEVENTH MEETING - 03/25/2023
Volunteering and mental health: relationships as a resource
Michele Di Nunzio, Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist ASLRoma1
Great participation at yesterday's event at the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome at the meeting "From the pandemic to war: physical and emotional marginalization. The impact on the territory as told by the media", which saw a succession of prominent figures on the current scene, experts industry and mental health professionals.
The critical issues generated by the years of the pandemic and the difficulties of the economic situation linked to the conflict in Ukraine have brought the issue of mental health and isolation back to the fore, which has especially affected young people. Many topics were addressed and risk factors highlighted at various levels within a multidisciplinary and stimulating discussion for speakers and listeners.
The event was possible thanks to the funding of LazioCrea, Lazio Region, on a public notice dedicated to the Municipalities of Lazio and private bodies for cultural, social and tourism initiatives in the territory of the Lazio Region. LAZIOCrea Spa Annualita 2022 interventions.
Relive the entire conference below
Sergio Mattarella, President of the Republic
Don Luigi Di Liegro, Founder and Director of the Roman Caritas, has left signs that resist the passing of decades. Concrete works that still bring relief and comfort to the most needy and marginalized. Paths of friendship and sharing on which many people, many young people, have set out, following his example. Testimonies so strong and demanding that they represent a permanent challenge for the affirmation of citizenship rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
25 years after his death, his tireless work as a builder of solidarity, as a tenacious and coherent witness of those human values which are the foundations of life for the community remains an inestimable wealth for Rome and Italy.
Don Di Liegro offered and asked everyone to share. He indicated the dignity and rights of the poorest as a necessary horizon for authentic social growth. It promoted the meeting between solidarity workers so that their network and their values were clearly visible to institutions, politics and society. I extend my warmest wishes for today's initiatives promoted by the Foundation and I ask you to convey a cordial greeting to all the participants in the Conference.
Roberto Gualtieri, mayor of Rome
Don Luigi Di Liegro was an extraordinary person for the city, the country and humanity. A prophetic testimony, of the ability to decipher and read man, the presence of God and the future in people's present, as a reminder of the sense of responsibility of people and citizens.
Di Liegro said that if we don't start from the most fragile, even the biggest projects will fail and for this reason we, who have great opportunities for innovation to regenerate our city with the Pnrr and Expo, will not be able to seize them if we don't start from the rights of the most fragile and the weakest. The city would remain more torn and unjust and it would not be possible to modernize it.
We are trying in our policies to be consistent with this vision but we know that if we have to do more, we will never be able to do it alone, without a co-planning and activation network that expresses the social and civil capabilities of this city whose legacy It is part of Liegro, representing a resource for us and for the Romans
very important.
Erica Battaglia, President of the Culture and Work Commission of Rome Capital
He simply defined himself as a priest, but in reality he was much more: he was Don Luigi, builder of solidarity networks, radical thoughts and shared action in support of those in the city experiencing profound social hardship. On the 25th anniversary of his death, the Foundation that bears his name did well to remember him with a conference in the Protomoteca room in the Campidoglio. He was not only the founder of Caritas of Rome, but also a strong stimulus to a generation of volunteers and local administrators. He was the creator of the first network to combat the social emergency and proposed a method of action that went beyond mere welfare: he asked himself where the 'system' had failed to work on the causes of inequalities and social exclusion. In the famous conference on the 'Evils of Rome' he put down on paper the institutions' delays in interventions
benefiting people at high risk of social exclusion and on the outskirts. It was 1974, but that reference to the high and useful sense of the institutions is still valid. Monsignor Di Liegro once again urges all of us to 'be careful', as he said. To get our hands dirty, not to favor oases of peace, but rather strong places because they 'provoke solidarity and radical interventions'. As a municipal councilor of the capital I owe a lot to those words often unheard by politics and I truly hope that her words and works become an intimate heritage of anyone who holds a political office.
Every year, almost 46,000 children and adolescents between the ages of 10 and 19 around the world take their own lives, approximately 1 every 11 minutes. Suicide is the fifth most common cause of death among adolescents ages 10 to 19 and the fourth most common cause of death among adolescents ages 15 to 19.
Close to the International Day for Suicide Prevention, which occurs on September 10th and which aims to shed light on a phenomenon responsible for approximately 800,000 deaths, one every 40 seconds, the picture regarding the psychological situation of children and adolescents, and the requests for help is worrying.
In fact, if with the pandemic the fear for the mental health of children has increased and according to Istat, in 2021 in Italy, where in general suicides are around 4 thousand every year for all age groups, there are 220 thousand children between 14 and 19 years old dissatisfied with their lives and, at the same time, at the same time, in a condition of poor psychological well-being, reports relating to suicide have never been as high as in 2021.
Almost 6,000 requests for help arrived at Telefono Amico Italia from people experiencing thoughts of suicide or worried about the possible suicide of a loved one. They grew by 55% compared to 2020 and almost quadrupled compared to 2019, before the pandemic. The 28% is from under 26s. In the first half of 2022 there were more than 2,700 requests for help, the 28% from young people up to 25 years of age.
Over the last 10 years, admissions to the Bambino Gesù hospital for thinking and planning suicide or having attempted it have grown exponentially, with an increase in particular in 75% in the 2 years of the pandemic compared to the previous two years. From 369 cases in 2018-2019 they went to 649 in 2020-2021, on average practically one case every day.
"The new technologies - explains Maurizio Pompili, Professor of Psychiatry at La Sapienza University of Rome - give a lot, also in terms of suicide prevention because you can ask for help at any time, but they also hide a less positive side, for example relating to cyberbullying. Training should also be given on the use of social networks in schools. Talk about suicide prevention but also about the potential and risks of new technologies".
"Suicide in younger people is a phenomenon of great impact, also because it presents a case all its own, not necessarily comparable to the problems of adults - adds Pompili - often only in hindsight do anticipatory signals appear clearly which had been somehow encrypted Care should be taken if the child is unable to follow school activities, does not apply himself in sports, is withdrawn, has unidentifiable somatic problems, uses substances to a significant extent. Furthermore, young people should be taught to recognize between their peers the person who needs help."
Photo by Dids:
Information, services, answers to the most frequently asked questions on mental health problems: born The portal, created by ASL Roma 2 in collaboration with Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Onlus e Harcourt Foundation and edited by Study and Documentation Center (CSD) “Luigi Attenasio – Vieri Marzi”, is managed by the Department of Mental Health (DSM) in collaboration with the integrated social cooperative Il Grande Carro. The portal's activity is part of a vision of mental health that places the person at the centre, with their subjectivity, their unique history and their citizenship rights, with a view to an increasingly advanced socio-health integration. was presented today at the Di Liegro Foundation, in the presence of Antonio Gaudioso, Head of the technical secretariat of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, Alessio D'Amato, Councilor for Health and Social-Health Integration of the Lazio Region, Giuseppe Gambale Health director of ASL Roma 2, Luigina Di Liegro, General Secretary of the Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation, Massimo Cozza, director of the ASL Roma 2 Mental Health Department. The portal is the result of the work of an "integrated" editorial team made up of: 10 units including operators/users of mental health centres, operators/tutors and volunteers.
The portal presents itself as a space that offers support and suggestions to all those who need information on the delicate topic of mental health. If the first beneficiary is made up of people who find themselves experiencing mental distress and their families, represents a national point of reference also for operators in the sector, caregivers, institutional and political experts, researchers, journalists and more generally for citizens. Within the different sections there are national and international news, research, regulations and rulings, institutional and scientific documents, events, editorial news and publications; Furthermore, the updated map of all the DSMs present in the national territory can be edited, with e-mail and web references.
Another important resource is represented by the answers to the most common questions (FAQ) on mental health, born from a discussion with family associations, and carried out through a work of systematisation of the requests received. Listening, information and orientation desk (SOSS) of the Di Liegro Foundation. intends to enhance theoretical contents and experiences that go in the direction of organizational and management innovation, filtering information based on scientific evidence and thus counteracting the increasingly insidious phenomenon of fake news. The portal is also powered thanks to reports from DSM operators, public bodies, scientific societies, voluntary associations, social cooperation actors, families and users, putting people with mental distress, families and the context at the center of attention of life and community with which they interact.
“The Covid-19 pandemic has strengthened the need to better protect issues related to mental health. For this reason, 38 million euros have been financed in the budget law to make psychological services more efficient, in particular for children, adolescents and weaker groups.. Furthermore, we have tied 60 million to regional projects to qualify treatment paths. Mental health is one of our priorities and we must continue on this path togetherand" commented the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza.
“The portal presents itself as a space that offers support and suggestions to all those who need information on the delicate topic of mental health. Dedicated to people who find themselves experiencing mental health problems and their families, but it will also be a national point of reference for operators in the sector, caregivers, researchers and more generally for citizens" commented the Health Councilor of the Lazio Region, Alessio D'Amato.
“The creation of the mental health portal" stated Giuseppe Gambale, Health Director of ASL Roma 2, the largest in Italy with a catchment area of approximately 1 million and 300 thousand inhabitants “represents a contribution of information that falls within the scope of the prevention objectives that we make available to everyone”. “
This is a service” declared Massimo Cozza, Director of the DSM ASL Roma 2 “aimed primarily at the over 3 million citizens with mental disorders and their families, aimed at providing correct knowledge on mental health, trying to break down the walls of prejudice”.
“Today we present a project that constitutes the prototype par excellence of a modern idea of social and health integration, starting from people and their needs. The web portal is built with a humanizing approach that makes it a compass capable of guiding all citizens, away from any bureaucratic greyness. The Foundation thus makes its wealth of knowledge, skills and experience available to all, turning its gaze towards all the people who work and are involved in the world of mental health”, commented Luigina Di Liegro, general secretary of the Don Luigi Di Liegro Onlus International Foundation.
“CoèSa” is born in Rome, Community is Health - OdV, the association of volunteers, psychologists and educators that will allow young people to work in the area to support those suffering from mental health problems.
Coèsa will operate in via Ostiense, in the spaces of the Di Liegro Foundation which, with the new association of volunteers, aims to expand the network in the area, transmitting the culture of solidarity and civic participation to even the youngest, keeping memory and thought alive of Don Luigi. The Foundation, dedicated to the founder of Caritas Rome, has always been committed to supporting families and people forced to face the problems of mental distress.
Coèsa's activity will take place through listening desks, artistic and socialization workshops where children will be able to support their peers, meeting opportunities in the area to create integrated systems of services in the community, combating conditions of fragility and disadvantage. Objective ofVolunteer organization it will therefore be the construction and promotion of a supportive, active and cohesive community.
"The CoèSa Association was born from the need to pay maximum attention to youth hardship, a real emergency in the post-Covid era, and to promote a presence in the area by young people for their peers in difficulty. A study by the Guarantor in fact, highlights how cases of young people suffering from eating disorders, suicidal ideation, self-harm, alterations in the sleep-wake rhythm, and last but not least, social withdrawal are increasingly widespread" explains the president of the CoèSa Association, Marta Zammuto. “We are aware of the risk that mental health problems in children and young people could become chronic and spread on a large scale." concludes Zammuto.
The psychologist bonus becomes reality and can soon be requested. Anyone with an ISEE of up to 50 thousand euros will be entitled to it for psychological therapies, for a contribution of up to 600 euros per year. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, has in fact signed the decree implementing the so-called Psychologist Bonus, provided for by Law 15/2022 and financed by Parliament with 10 million euros for the year 2022.
What is the Psychologist Bonus
It provides an economic contribution for people suffering from depression, anxiety, stress and psychological fragility, due to the pandemic emergency and the resulting socio-economic crisis. The benefit can be used to support the expenses relating to psychotherapy sessions with registered psychologists who have joined the initiative, among which the citizen will be able to
"After publication in the Official Journal - stated Minister Speranza - it will be possible for those with an ISEE of up to 50 thousand euros to request a contribution to be used by registered psychologists. It is a first step. Mental health is one of the great themes of this time".
Who is entitled to the Psychologist Bonus
The contribution is recognized, only once, to those with an ISEE income not exceeding 50,000 euros, according to precise methods: with ISEE less than 15,000 the benefit is up to 50 euros for each session, for a maximum amount of 600 euros for each beneficiary; with ISEE between 15,000 and 30,000 euros the benefit is up to 50 euros for each session, for a maximum amount of 400 euros for each beneficiary and with ISEE greater than 30,000 and not exceeding 50,000 euros the benefit is up to 50 euros for each session, for a maximum amount of 200 euros for each beneficiary.
How to get the psychologist bonus
The access requests and the period of time in which to submit the application, electronically by accessing the
INPS platform or via INPS contact center, will be triggered upon publication of the decree in the Official Journal.
The assignment of the economic benefit will go primarily to people with the lowest ISEE and will take place on the basis of the order in which applications are received.
At the end of the application submission period, INPS will draw up the rankings, identify the beneficiaries and communicate to them the acceptance of the request and the unique code which, for the purposes of booking the psychotherapy session, will be assigned to each at the same time. The contribution must be used within 180 days from the date of acceptance of the application.
The beneficiary will communicate his unique code to the professional who, once the service has been provided, will issue the relevant invoice by uploading it to the INPS website which will directly provide for the remuneration of the services actually provided by the professionals.