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“Nessuno si salva da solo”

Il 3517488351 è un numero di telefono capace di rompere la solitudine, il disorientamento, la paura e creare un ponte tra il disagio psichico e la rete di supporto territoriale.

“I farmaci non bastano e servono attività di qualità. Nessuno si salva da solo, le persone stanno meglio nel momento in cui riescono a relazionarsi con gli altri, accettano la terapia e si impegnano per rendere il proprio tempo di qualità”.

Questo è il consiglio che il SOSS ha dato a Barbara*, la mamma di Nicola . Un consiglio che non è rimasto parola né promessa ma si è concretizzato nell’accompagnamento di Nicola* verso un efficace percorso terapeutico presso il Centro di Salute Mentale.

Counselor, psicologi e volontari appositamente formati: sono loro che prestano la voce, l’empatia, la competenza al servizio SOSS, per aprire un dialogo, orientare, ascoltare chi vive direttamente o indirettamente il disagio mentale: depressione, ansia, disturbi alimentari, disturbi dell’umore, isolamento, bullismo, ecc…

È attraverso il 3517488351 che la nostra Fondazione si impegna senza sosta nell’ascolto, orientamento e informazione per i problemi di salute mentale perché, come Barbara*, crediamo che nessuno veramente si salvi da solo. Insieme possiamo fare qualcosa di veramente speciale e straordinario per le vite di molte persone.

*Abbiamo usato nomi di fantasia per tutelare la privacy delle persone coinvolte.

I Gruppi di Psicoanalisi MultiFamiliare sono un contesto nel quale le famiglie si riuniscono per fare esperienze terapeutiche arricchenti. Negli incontri ciascun partecipante potrà sviluppare nuove risorse emotive e condizioni migliori per gestire i conflitti che vive con gli altri e quelli che ha vissuto e che vive con se stesso.” Il gruppo è composto da più famiglie e partecipano più membri per ciascuna famiglia.

We report the calendar of meetings of the citizen group of Multifamily Psychoanalysis, created in collaboration with ASL Roma 2, which will be held between March and July 2024 at the headquarters of the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation in via Ostiense 106 Rome.

The groups will resume in September every two weeks.


For information or registration contact us at +39 06 6792669 or write to us at segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it

February 12-15, 1974 - 2024

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the famous conference "On the evils of Rome" strongly supported by Don Luigi, we report here an extract of his considerations.

The meeting of the Christians of Rome: an open discussion

(…) Here we discover the true origin of the meeting of the Christians of Rome on the expectations of justice and charity which took place from 12 to 15 February 1974. The city is not seen and felt as the most significant moment of a commitment and circulation of values community; it is almost never seen as the physical support walled in by the spirit of charity; it is instead seen as a place of consumption of values, of something that, no one knows who, must give to everyone for their needs and aspirations. Consumer religion and the city as a consumer environment.

From this awareness was born the idea and the need for a meeting, of an assembly type, which would offer all the components the possibility of the diocesan community of Rome, of a reflection on the city and on the responsibility, the duties that, for every Christian , arise from faith in the face of the community. The mobilization and animation of the entire Roman ecclesial community was the underlying objective of the conference, aiming to constitute an internal, personal and community awakening, to be placed before any further operational application.

The announcement of a meeting of the Christians of Rome on their city was accompanied by an analysis of the situation of the city, an analysis which had an enormous impact and gave rise to interpretations and controversies that were sometimes out of place. The meaning of the analysis is very different from an easy and sterile denunciation. Massive deformations have so upset the physical, social and moral aspect of the city of Rome that its inhabitants find it difficult to recognize themselves in it. The image of a city that has grown too quickly and in the name of selfishness and speculation presents a density of implications and problems of this kind on the urban planning and territorial planning level, on the transport and traffic level, on the of equipment and civil services, that the ongoing process risks downgrading the way of life of a population, compromising the very level of civilization.

If we try to overcome the moment of denunciation, although necessary if aimed at reconciliation and conversion, and address the issue of a precise search for responsibility, the public administration certainly cannot escape the recognition of its insufficient presence; the constraints and directions of the economic power protagonist of certain choices will be identified, but it will also be necessary to take note that certain experiences of exploitation perpetrated against the city are also the result of the absenteeism and selfishness of many, of that euphemistically called majority «silent." A silence which, if it is not always consensus, is, however, a form of apathy, of lack of vigilance, of renunciation of responsibility, of renunciation of commitment.

This situation cannot fail to be analyzed if we want to begin a work of renewal and reconciliation for a different city, not through moralistic discourses, but with profound changes in behavior and social and economic structures.

It is clear that this is a starting point, a prophetic gesture. In the final words of Cardinal Poletti, the underlining of the spirit of the meeting returns, that is «to examine, in each of us and therefore also as a community, whether or not the Church in the city of Rome is fully a leaven of salvation". On Holy Thursday 1971, in this same church, Paul VI asked the Christians the question: «Can we say that the Church of Rome excels in charity?".

The discourse, then, is and wants to be a discourse of «conversion" and not of social and political controversy. We want a different city, a new city, which belongs to everyone because it was made by everyone. A city that is the city of dialogue, between its citizens, between faith and technology, between aspirations and commitments, between Church and city, between bishop and local Christian community, rediscovering in this dialogue the specific vocation of the Pope's Diocese to be at service of dialogue with all the local churches scattered around the world.

Monsignor Luigi Di Liegro

From «The magazine of the Italian clergy», March - April 1974

Presentation of the citizen multifamily psychoanalysis group at the Di Liegro Foundation, Monday 26 February from 11.30 am to 1.00 pm.

The meeting aims to present the Multifamily Psychoanalysis Group (GPMF) which will be held from March 2024 at the Di Liegro Foundation as a shared intervention, at the request of the family members of the ASL Roma2 and in collaboration with public services. GPMFs are a context in which families come together to have enriching therapeutic experiences. In the meetings each participant will be able to develop new emotional resources and better conditions to manage the conflicts he experiences with others and those he has experienced and is experiencing with himself."


11.30am Introduction:
Luigina di Liegro, General Secretary of the Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation

11.40 am The voice of the family:
Giovanni Fiori, President of the ASL Roma 2 Departmental Council

11.50 am The voice of services:
Stefano Milano, Director of the UOC Mental Health Center District 8 ASL Rome and Fausta Calvosa, Psychiatrist
GPMF presenter at UOC Mental Health Center District 8 ASL Roma2

12.05 pm The voice of the territory:
Paolo Paolotti, Psychiatrist and Coordinator of SIRP-Lazio Section, since 2014 Facilitator of the self-help groups of family members in the Di Liegro Foundation

12.15pm Notes on GPMFs:
Andrea Narracci, Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Ordinary Member of the SPI, President of Lipsim

12.45pm The next city group:
Pierluca Zuppi, Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Associate Member of the SPI, GPMF Conductor
Marta Zammuto, Psychologist and specialist in psychotherapy

1pm Questions from the public and registrations for the citizen group

Moderator: Tiziana Ceccarelli, Head of Mental Health Training at the Di Liegro Foundation

Join the multi-family group for shared mental health!

The meeting will be held at the headquarters of the Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation, in Via Ostiense 106, Rome.

For information: segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it

Youth discomfort in the contemporary world: the network that heals


Mental health is a complex and substantial experience of life, which involves the emotional, relational, social, ethical and imaginary sphere: that is, that unique whole that defines human subjectivity. In this edition of our training course we want to promote the psychological well-being of fragile adolescents and families with the aim of creating a network of solidarity and support aimed at social inclusion. Hence the need to develop - in the health/illness dynamic - the theme of relationships as a crucial device in the co-construction of the rehabilitation process.


It is possible to follow the training course in person, at our headquarters in via Ostiense 106, Rome or online via the platform Zoom.
The meetings will be held on Saturday, from 9.30 to 12.30.
Some dates may be subject to change.

FIRST MEETING – Saturday 17 February 2024
Mental health: needs of adolescents and families in relation to public services

SECOND MEETING - Saturday 24 February 2024
The relationship in adolescence at risk: emotional dependencies and educational tools

THIRD MEETING – Saturday 2 March 2024
Young people between reality and virtual: substance addictions and the internet

FOURTH MEETING – Saturday 9 March 2024
Hikikomori and social withdrawal in adolescence

FIFTH MEETING – Saturday 16 March
The value of the relationship as a skill in volunteering

SIXTH MEETING – Saturday 23 March
Social inclusion through the network of services and rehabilitation tools for the relationship

SEVENTH MEETING – Saturday 13 April
Active citizenship and relationships as a tool of inclusion

EIGHTH MEETING – Saturday 20 April
Don Luigi di Liegro and Franco Basaglia: parallel paths for a conscious community


For information contact segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it

Are you a young person between 18 and 28 and want to invest in your future by actively contributing to our commitment to supporting people with mental health problems? The Di Liegro Foundation offers you this possibility through the Universal Civil Service 2024! You will live in a young and dynamic environment, rich in training experiences and integrated into a network of relationships with the territory. A stimulating opportunity to train you for the world of work.

Available projects:

"From Solitude to Inclusion", contribute with the Liegro Foundation which is committed to promoting social inclusion and psychosocial well-being, supporting people with mental distress and their families through information, training and targeted interventions. You will gain skills in reception and psychosocial support, preparing yourself to become an empathetic and qualified professional. (PROG SUMMARY FROM SOLITUDE TO INCLUSION 4.pdf )
4 places available.

"The Color of the Moon": to fight the stigma of mental distress, promoting community tolerance and competence, improving interpersonal relationships and creating opportunities for meeting and autonomy in mental health. As a candidate, you will enrich your human and professional growth, becoming an active agent of inclusion and honing your ability for competent socialization through discussion and organized solidarity in the area.(PROG SUMMARY THE COLOR OF THE MOON 6.pdf)
2 places available. 

Why apply?

It is not just a voluntary action, but a springboard for your personal growth, with a monthly reimbursement of 507.30 euros and precious opportunities in public competitions, thanks to the 15% of places reserved for those who have carried out civil service.

How to do it?

Visit Online application and send your application by 2pm on 15 February 2024. It's your time to make a difference!


The selection process evaluates your educational background and includes an interview. Commitment, determination and passion are the keys to standing out.

Duration and Commitment:

Projects last 12 months with a commitment of 25 hours per week, giving you the opportunity to work closely with experienced professionals.

Documents and References:

Find all the details and necessary documents on the official website of Department for Youth Policies and Universal Civil Service.

Don't miss this opportunity:

The Di Liegro Foundation awaits you to begin a path of growth and solidarity together. Apply now and become an architect of change!
For information and support, contact us via email at segreteria@fondazionediliegro.com Remember: you have until February 15, 2024. Join us and make your mark!

The loss of a loved one is a painful and difficult experience to deal with. We often feel lonely, confused, angry or depressed. We need someone who listens to us, understands us and supports us and helps us grieve.
The Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation offers a series of new self-help meetings for bereavement support, based on sharing and mutual listening between people who have experienced a loss. The meetings are open to those who have lost a family member, a friend, a colleague, a loved one.
The mutual self-help groups, led by adequately trained facilitators, all meet on Wednesdays from 6.30pm to 8pm at the foundation's headquarters in Via Ostiense 106 in Rome. In a climate of respect, trust and confidentiality, you will be able to freely express your feelings and thoughts and listen to those of others.
To ask to participate or for more information, you can contact the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation on the number 06-6792669 or write an email to segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it. We will be happy to welcome you and accompany you on this journey.

“I believe that our solidarity is simply a channel through which people must realize God's solidarity with man. I believe in the celebration of God in the sacraments, which ultimately is the celebration and contemplation of this infinite love of God for man, especially for man who feels desperate, defeated even by the conflicts and tensions of life. And God sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ to become incarnate in these problems, to incarnate himself in this story of desperation and hope, to help man realize that God is not far away, but is always incarnate, he is now a God present, that is, a God who becomes the servant of man”.

Don Luigi, 6 April 1990

Christmas occupies a central place in the thought and action of Don Luigi Di Liegro. It refers to the mystery of the Incarnation of Jesus, through which God enters the history of people, makes himself visible, becomes close. Starting from this mystery, God - to use Don Luigi's words - is no longer an abstract principle, an idea, but a reality which can be experienced. You can hear God, you can see God because he became man in Jesus. The humanity of Jesus is the face of God. This mystery - which is at the center of the Christian faith together with the great mystery of the Trinity, which is the mystery of relationship - however for Don Luigi it is not something that concerns only God. This mystery of God's becoming neighbor towards man concerns us too from that moment on. Because we too are now called to be neighbors, to incarnate ourselves, to bring love into the concrete lives of people, into their needs, into their questions. Which we must first of all discern, know how to recognise. Because through our closeness, through our presence, through our sharing, people can also today, where they are, experience the love of God that saves. Which saves every time sharing, brotherhood, takes the place of solitude. Thus we understand why for Don Luigi charity was never just a question of clothes to offer, of packages to donate. Charity is not enough to save people, it is only love that saves. But to reach people, God's love needs our love, our presence, our incarnation. The credibility of Christmas passes through each of us.

Sansepolcro, 7 December 1996

I willingly participated in this event because I believe that we will come out of it with encouragement to be peacemakers and to be able to appreciate the sacrifice that many make to be workers of solidarity and justice in everyday life. The meaning of this celebration is somewhat to exalt some figures who, certainly, not only spoke, but above all gave their lives for the realization of this very high ideal, which is that of peace. Very high ideal, but also quite evanescent: I believe that working for peace means first of all, making some awareness, making commitments that lead us to be able, day by day, in all the events that touch us, or strike us, to discern an appeal to peace, understood as a right but also as a duty. An awareness that also leads us to see not so much theoretically (not because I am not a lover of theory), but concretely the relationships, the interdependence that exists between us and the phenomena of injustice and inequality. Phenomena, these, which lead us to verify the situation of non-peace that exists in our society and in the world.

Becoming aware of the close dependence that exists between us and others means understanding that peace depends on everyone and certainly that peace cannot be made with slogans. We must know how to promote a culture of peace that depends on discerning the history we are living. That is, it means entering into the events of history, of this era in order to be able to see responsibility in a negative and positive sense. Responsibilities that affect us directly and, from this awareness, from this discernment, the culture of peace is born, that is, the culture of dialogue, the culture of relationships. It is not classical culture, made up of notions or theses, which also serves to increase sensitivity in us, but that knowledge of historical experiences and a historical heritage that becomes a point of reference for everyone. It is enough to spend a few hours here in Sansepolcro to see how this cultural and historical heritage that can be read in this city is essential for promoting a humanistic culture on Man. However, we must also take into account that we are the ones who are the supporters and promoters of a culture. I intend this as a basis for being able to make our life a life that is dedicated in the most radical way possible to the service of others. I believe that peace does not yet exist, because there is not this culture of knowing how to see in others, not an enemy, an adversary, a person to be destroyed, but the same dignity that I defend in myself, seeing my own same rights. We spoke earlier about this large assembly organized by the UN in Rome. Here it was imagined to define eating as a right: I use this word because there are people who cannot eat, perhaps even in our towns, in our cities, increasingly in Rome for example. Americans have not agreed to define eating and nourishment as a human right. So I want to say that probably our commitment that was born this evening, and today is nourished and encouraged, is precisely this becoming aware that the Other different from me has the same rights that I have: the right to work, to respect, to integration and I would say, to culture, the right to respect for its cultural, religious and social identity. In this we have forgotten that the Constitution also made the recognition of rights a commitment to guaranteeing the rights themselves.

It seems to me that some in parliament are working to avoid continuing to declare that work is everyone's right, that culture is everyone's right: some argue that the Constitution cannot continue to declare this. We know that even if stated, many rights are violated on a daily basis. Politics is less and less available to guarantee the rights that are written down. But perhaps these rights are written too high to avoid banging our heads and I would say that every day we should bang our heads where these fundamental rights are not only not guaranteed but, even, we want to give up recognizing them for the future. I think there are concrete examples where the commitment to spreading the culture of peace is needed: I am not just referring to immigration into our country which brings cultural and religious differences between us, different identities which are also cultural riches. If we become aware of this richness we can defeat fear which is the opposite of peace. Because fear foments violence. We are peacemakers: but what happened in the Senate and then in Parliament after the declaration or promise to regularize 240,000 immigrants who had applied, that is, the proposal of vacatio legis which would have been the shame of the Italian State towards many countries considered developing? We are far from being promoters of peace when we talk about these differences if they cause us to change our mentality. In our country I have seen many people who say they belong to the left-wing culture and then they rage on this issue of immigration and then, we no longer know what the left-wing culture is and we can no longer understand what it means wedding ring. When others who are different from me are not accepted, then I cannot continue to say that I want peace. Where social differences and above all cultural, ethnic and religious differences are not accepted as an asset, they cause a challenge to solidarity, a commitment to participation in the common good which is always the good of each and all. And I return to Rome encouraged by the testimony that today is rewarded in the noblest sense of the word, because I believe that we who witness this celebration of the awarding of an award are more rewarded than those who receive it. Because this presentation of an award has nothing rhetorical: it simply has the motivation to say that we need witnesses like them, to make the world a more peaceful world, that is, more just and more supportive.

Father Luigi Di Liegro

You have until 2pm on Thursday 28 September to submit your application for the 2023 Digital Civil Service.

You are a young person between 18 and 29 years old and you like it to communicate And relate to others? You are interested in developing empathy And listening skills In the context of psychosocial well-being? Do you want to improve your skills in using the digital tools? Join the our team and help us realize concrete projects!

The importance of digital tools is now known and widespread, however there are segments of the population that still do not have the skills and possibility to use them or strengthen these skills. Help us too to facilitate access to the future, to make digital knowledge and tools increasingly accessible to everyone.

The Universal Civil Service at the Di Liegro Foundation can represent a significant educational and training experience, an opportunity to increase one's wealth of knowledge, which can be used throughout one's working life, while ensuring financial recognition at the same time. The kids who want to have this Civil Service experience will first be trained, thus acquiring the knowledge and then passing it on to the other kids.

The Universal Civil Service at the Di Liegro Foundation offers a significant educational and training experience, an opportunity to broaden your knowledge and acquire useful skills for the future job. Volunteers will receive a complete, general and specific training, before working with other young people.

For all volunteers there will be a monthly expense reimbursement equal to 507,30 € for 12 months, furthermore from 06/22/2023 the mandatory reserve of the 15% of places available in public competitions for those who have carried out the Civil Service.

Places available: 6

>>> For information call 06.6792669 or write to segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it

“Welcoming to innovate 2” - Project Code PTXSU0011223020039NMTX – Headquarters Code 156102
Download the project sheet

“Welcoming to integrate 2” – Project Code PTXSU0011223020040NMTX) – Headquarters code 156102
Download the project sheet

Call for digital civil service projects

To find out more about the Universal Civil Service:
Home - Department for Youth Policies and Universal Civil Service

To consult the project database:
Home - Department for Youth Policies and Universal Civil Service - Choose your project.

Some useful information

Requirements for participation in the Call for Universal Civil Service

Young people who, on the date of submitting the application, have turned eighteen and have not exceeded twenty-eight years of age (28 years and 364 days) can participate in the selections.
Please note that young people who have already completed national or universal civil service cannot submit applications for participation, without prejudice to what is indicated in article 3 of this announcement.

Volunteer training

The volunteer will have a period of both general and specific training to be able to carry out the tasks assigned to him. The Third Party, Società Nomina Srl, will provide a service recognition and certification of acquired skills during the Universal Civil Service.

How to submit the application

Aspiring volunteer operators must submit the application for participation exclusively through the Application platform online (DOL) reachable via PC, tablet and smartphone at https://domandaonline.serviziocivile.it. Applications to participate must be submitted no later than 2:00 pm on 28 September 2023.

Listening, guidance and information for
Mental Health Problems.
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