Sports coaches, youth group leaders, art teachers... in a word Youth Workers!
The need to invest in training It is on recognition of skills of this multitude of people is the basis of the European Erasmus+ project “Youth Workers Promoting Mental Health (YouProMe)” whose results were presented this morning in Rome. At the meeting, promoted by Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation onlus and from ASL RM1 leaders of the project spoke among others: Fabrizio Starace – Coordinator of the Mental Health Technical Table of the Ministry of Health, Rodolfo Lena – President of the VII Commission on Health, social policies, socio-health integration, welfare of the Lazio Region, Barbara Funari – Councilor for Social Policies and Health of the Municipality of Rome, Alessandra Aluigi – Councilor for Social Policies, Rome Municipality. The day was also an opportunity for reflect together to the European partners of England, Greece and Romania on new challenges related to the mental health of young people, which our society is facing as never before in this moment of pandemic.
“Those who suffer from forms of mental distress during childhood and adolescence risk experiencing not only poorer mental health in adulthood, but also greater difficulties in relationships and life in general." declares Luigina Di Liegro, General Secretary of the Di Liegro Foundation “For this knowledge intercept signals of discomfort, intervene in a timely, effective manner and inclusive are essential skills for those who work together with young people. Thanks to this project” goes on “we had the opportunity to share and export our good practices for mental health; develop shared interventions and make them available to Youth workers, to ensure the full and harmonious growth of all citizens of tomorrow.”The Youth Worker is a profile expressly recognized within European youth policies and a precious resource in our country too. A varied galaxy that involves in various capacities a large number of people who, operating along the edge in informal contexts, play a strategic role for the well-being and health of children: from the sport, to that of cultural and artistic activities, recreational, from the activities of socialization and recreational a to social assistance and civil protection. Organizations of Volunteering, associations, businesses and social cooperatives, non-profit organizations which, without counting those who voluntarily make their skills available, have overall 861.919 employees (Istat data 2019).
Started even before the pandemic by Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation and the ASL Rome 1 with partners from Great Britain, Romania and Greece, the “YouproMe” project aims to offer Youth Workers shared models and useful operational tools to be able to intervene effectively the well-being and mental health of young people.
Materials and documents, free and downloadable from the site , which you can draw on to broaden your skills, orient yourself on the topic and find practical suggestions for activities and interventions in the field.
A strategic project given the dramatic psychological consequencesof Covid on the younger ones, who did not have the opportunity to peacefully experience the fundamental moments of their growth. Data which require immediate interventions and at different levels, in synergy between educational and socio-health institutions.Compared to the pre-pandemic period, the cases of depression, anxiety among teenagers have more than doubled (Data published by Jama Pediatrics).
A study from the Meyer Children's Hospital in Florence reports that patients with food disorders they increased 4 times compared to previous years (June 2021 data).The latest observations conducted by the Bambino Gesù Hospital in Rome speak of an increase in 30% attempts to suicide And self-harm among the younger ones.
Finally, data from the Mental Health Department of ASL Roma 1 confirm that the pandemic has led to an average increase in the incidence of mental disorders in adolescence of 30%, with tips of 70% in eating disorders. Most of these are brain disorders emotional-affective regulation, mainly self-harm and suicide attempts, poly-substance abuse resulting in psychotic episodes, unstable eating behaviors, live and online violence; less frequent, but no less worrying, are disorders defined as "internalizing": isolation, sleep-wake rhythm inversion, hikikomori, etc.THE STORIES
“When I was a schoolboy" tells Philip, 18 years old interviewed within the Project “My friend Daniele and I had great difficulty studying. Both in understanding the explanations of the professors, who also tried their hardest with us, and in learning about the books. Every opportunity was a good one to escape. In the end" continues in his strong Roman accent “To recover they forced us to go to an after-school program. There was a boy there who was a little older than us to help us... I don't even remember his name, but he had a way of speaking that made us want to study. More to me than to Daniele to tell the truth" he concludes laughing “But he never gave up and, in the end, we both got to the diploma.” Francesca, 27 years old, he has a degree in animal breeding and dog education, obtained at the University of Pisa, where thanks to his thesis on "Pet Therapy" he found a way to combine his love for animals with the desire to help people more fragile. But his passions don't end there. “Since I was a girl I have always played volleyball.” tells "For this reason, when they asked me to participate as a coach in the project to start practicing sports in my neighborhood middle school, I accepted with enthusiasm..” An experience interrupted due to the restrictions due to Covid, but which still allowed Francesca to enter into relationships with many boys and girls between 11 and 14 years old. “Playing helped everyone! Both the more competent kids and the less sporty ones, at least in appearance. A few meetings were enough to bring out hidden abilities in each of us.” Goes on "The more experienced gave some advice to the more insecure, who thus gained fluency and ease even off the pitch. Being together and playing did the rest, helping the older ones, including me, to listen and help”.
Don Gabriele he is a young priest of 32 years old, engaged in his mission as assistant parish priest in a parish on the outskirts of Rome. “Every day I meet many boys and girls: in the oratory, in the scout group where I am an assistant, in Church. I feel to all intents and purposes like an informal educator and as such I always need new tools. In the first place for me there is certainly the desire to share experiences and interact with competent people, in order to have more strength and incisiveness in dealing with youth problems.”. He continues talking about his experience “I have seen first-hand the discomfort that the pandemic has brought with it, sometimes bringing out latent problems. At the same time there is a great desire for life and rebirth in the children. Being together, having adults at their side with whom they can enter into positive relationships, has helped them and continues to help them overcome obstacles and barriers (including forced distancing and masks). Their positive potential is there, you just need to give them support and accompaniment. To do it best and grow together with them, there are never enough opportunities.”
Silvia she is 24 years old and has so much energy and desire to do that it is difficult to fit her into a single definition. She is at the same time a volunteer, a scout leader, a young graduate in Clinical Psychology and we could continue for a while! Among the many reasons that led her to be interested in the "Youprome" project, she chose to talk to us about her internship experience with kids who have various mental health problems. “The project in which I am involved involves children between 14 and 18 years old in informal and socio-rehabilitative activities. Through hippotherapy, for example, we make them live a new experience: for once they are the ones who take care of and pay attention to someone other than themselves. In the care of the horse, in the foster relationship they are committed, they have fun, they feel lighter.” Here I understood how necessary it is to combine the theory studied in books with practice, contact, relationships. With the Youprome project" explains “I have found new resources for my work: tools designed and tested for children who suffer from mental distress in this age group to draw on for new and stimulating activities for everyone.”
The conference "Bridging the gap. Intervention tools for the well-being and mental health of young people" is scheduled for Friday 18 February 2022, from 9am to 1pm, at the Conference Hall - IndustrIe fluvialI, in via del Porto fluviale 35, Rome
>>> Fill out the form to participate in the conference:
Luigina Di Liegro - General Secretary of the Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation
Lucia Abbinante - General Director of the National Youth Agency
Fabrizio Starace - Coordinator of the Mental Health Technical Table of the Ministry of Health
Rodolfo Lena - President of the VII Commission on Health, social policies, socio-health integration, welfare of the Lazio Region
Barbara Funari - Councilor for Social Policies and Health, Municipality of Rome
Alessandra Aluigi - Councilor for Social Policies, Rome Municipality VIII
Chair: Giuseppe Ducci - Mental Health Department ASL Roma1
Rethinking services for adolescence
Gianluigi Di Cesare - UOC Prevention and Early Interventions for Mental Health, ASL Roma1
Youth Work: profiles, areas and connection strategies
Stefania Leone - Department of Political Sciences and Communication, University of Salerno
The “YouProMe” project: strategic objectives and results
Anna Maria Palmieri - Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation onlus
By Integrated Social Cooperative IL GRANDE CARRO
Chair: Antonio Maone - Mental Health Department ASL Roma1
The importance of youth workers in promoting the well-being of young people -Eric Kota (IASIS NGO)
A collaborative approach to supporting young people's mental health - Stacey Robinson (Merseyside Expanding Horizons)
New professional profiles to support children and young people with mental health problems - Maria Toia (Centre for the Promotion of Lifelong Learning - Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente
Youth Work: choices and future prospects - Manuela Prina (European Training Foundation)
Participation in the conference is free.
Online registration at the link:
Simultaneous translation of the interventions is foreseen.
The certificate of participation will be issued.
Information: Tel. 3403950678 – 3388016218
To guarantee the safety of participants and compliance with Covid regulations it is necessary to register, be in possession of the REINFORCED GREEN PASS and wear the FFP2 mask.
The Di Liegro Foundation leads the European project Youth Worker Promoting Mental Health (YouProMe)
Lunedì 13 dicembre torneranno finalmente a esibirsi di fronte al pubblico, dopo la lunga pausa imposta dalla pandemia, “I Briganti pizzicati” (gruppo costituito dai partecipanti al Laboratorio di Musicoterapia della Fondazione Di Liegro) insieme alla Compagnia “Musica in cammino”. Nella serata, condotta dalla giornalista di TV 2000 Gabriella Facondo, si esibiranno sul palco anche i migliori studenti pianisti del Conservatorio “Santa Cecilia”.
Il concerto, che si svolgerà nella prestigiosa Sala Accademica di Via dei Greci, è promosso dalla Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Onlus and from Conservatorio Statale di Musica “Santa Cecilia.
Si tratta di un importante appuntamento per sostenere i Laboratori di Arteterapia, della Fondazione Di Liegro, a cui parteciperanno tra gli altri l’Assessore alla Sanità e per l’integrazione Sociosanitaria della Regione Lazio Alessio D’Amato, il Presidente del municipio Roma VIII Amedeo Ciaccheri l’attore Giulio Scarpati, rappresentanti di Istituzioni, del mondo dello spettacolo e del privato sociale.
“Sappiamo quanto le persone che soffrono di disturbi psichici abbiano avvertito con particolare gravità i devastanti effetti psicologici della pandemia. Sappiamo anche quanto il calore e l’affetto della comunità siano essenziali per la cura di se stessi e degli altri. - ha dichiarato Luigina Di Liegro Segretario generale della Fondazione – Questo concerto rappresenta un’occasione unica, nel giorno di S. Lucia che la tradizione vuole essere il più corto dell’anno, per accendere una luce, grazie alla Musica che tutto cambia, sulla Salute mentale e proseguire insieme nella battaglia contro lo stigma e per una reale inclusione sociale.”
La vera protagonista della serata (presentata dalla giornalista e conduttrice della trasmissione “Siamo noi” di Tv 2000, Gabriella Facondo) sarà la musica, in cui gli artisti si esibiranno in un repertorio che spazierà dai brani di musica tradizionale e popolare con l’energia dei I Briganti Pizzicati, a brani classici suonati con maestria e passione dai migliori studenti pianisti di “S. Cecilia”.
“Negli ultimi anni - come ricorda il Direttore del Conservatorio, M° Roberto Giuliani - il Conservatorio ha sempre più potenziato la parte di azione riguardante i rapporti tra musica e diverse abilità, non solo ampliando l’originale attenzione nei confronti di ipovedenti e non vedenti, ma attraverso progetti sperimentali, tra i quali quello per studenti Asperger ad alta funzionalità, fino alla esperienza del laboratorio per la stimulazione multisensoriale presso l’Ospedale “Bambin Gesù”.
L’evento è realizzato grazie al contributo di Banca Credito Cooperativo di Roma, dall'hotel Eremito di Parrano (TR) e dall'Ordine delle Professioni Infermieristiche di ROMA.
Obbligo di green pass rafforzato e mascherina
I Briganti Pizzicati in concerto al Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia.
Il gruppo musicale formato dai partecipanti al Laboratorio della Fondazione Di Liegro torna a esibirsi lunedì 13 dicembre sul palco della Sala Accademica del Conservatorio di Roma, in un programma speciale dedicato al Natale.
A seguire, si esibiranno alcuni tra i migliori studenti del Conservatorio.
L'evento rappresenta un’occasione unica per tornare a stare insieme dopo quasi due anni e sostenere le attività of the Di Liegro Foundation.
La serata sarà condotta da una madrina d'eccezione, la giornalista, autrice e conduttrice radiotelevisiva, Gabriella Facondo, volto femminile della trasmissione TV2000 “Siamo Noi”.
For information
tel: 06.679.2669 -
It was Luigina Di Liegro, General Secretary of the Foundation which bears the name of the priest who passed away 24 years ago, who welcomed the participants of the 15th edition of the "Volunteers and Families online" course, entitled A new model of community after the pandemic".
“The launch of this course on the eve of two important anniversaries is particularly significant: World Mental Health Day and, a few days later, the anniversary of Don Luigi's passing, on 12 October”. declared Di Liegro “A moment in which, together with you, we renew our commitment alongside the most fragile people. People who have felt the consequences of the spread of Covid 19 more due to the intertwining of health problems with those of a social, environmental and economic nature. A hidden pandemic, that of mental distress, which urgently needs to be remedied by leveraging the community and volunteering. In these days the activities in support of Mental Health of the Di Liegro Foundation are back in full swing with the Course, but also with the laboratories of art therapy, music and theatre. To find ourselves after the hard test of the pandemic, in a new and supportive community." – he concludes – because as Don Luigi said “A city in which a single man suffers less is a better city”
For this year's edition, over 100 people have booked and will be able to follow the course remotely or in person. A signal from the Community of how much these issues are felt by a large part of the population, who has directly or indirectly experienced discomfort increased by Covid. A way for the Liegro Foundation to respond to the request for training and information on mental health issues.
The participants in this year's edition are mostly women and fall into a very broad range. They find themselves united by similar motivations, young students and older pensioners, who want to make their free time and skills available to others.
“Experience has taught us how the different experiences of the participants become the strong point for the success of each edition” says Tiziana Ceccarelli, head of the Course “this year's high participation and the great desire to create community after the pandemic, are undoubtedly the best conditions for a good start."
The course is open to the participation of all those who want to broaden their knowledge of the world of mental health and engage in building a support network for people with mental health problems and their families: students, local service workers, volunteers, family members.
For information: tel. 06 6792669 – fax 0669920486;
On Friday 25 June, our Foundation participates in the 2nd National Conference for Mental Health, entitled “For community mental health”. The event, promoted by the Ministry of Health, is scheduled for Friday 25 and Saturday 26 June 2021 in online streaming mode.
Twenty years after the first National Conference in 2001 and in light of the new challenges also posed by the pandemic, the meeting constitutes an opportunity to dialogue and discussion between institutions, operators, associations and citizens to design a universal, inclusive, transparent and participatory mental health system.
The Di Liegro Foundation will take part in the parallel session in working groups entitled “The role of user associations, family members and volunteers in mental health services”. During her speech, Dr. Anna Maria Palmieri will illustrate the role of the private social sector for an integrated care system in the community and in the territory. A particular focus will be dedicated to priorities and actions, from the principle of subsidiarity to effective socio-health integration, from attention to the young age group to the strengthening of the front lines of intervention in the area (family doctors, schools, family counseling centers ), up to family support and community involvement.
The two-day event aims to:
The realization of the Conference takes place at the conclusion of an in-depth path developed over over a year through the work of the Technical Table for Mental Health established at the Ministry of Health, and various thematic seminars.
“The analysis conducted by the Technical Committee highlighted the strengths and areas in which the care system requires intense maintenance work – he explains Fabrizio Starace, Director of the Department of Mental Health and Pathological Addictions of the AUSL of Modena and coordinator of the technical table on mental health - from mental health services for children and adolescents to integration with interventions and social policies; from the more careful and timely monitoring of activities to the strengthening of the collaborative relationship with the Regions, for a effective fight against inequalities of access and treatment on the national territory”.
The topics covered in the thematic seminars will be debated during the event with special sessions built starting from the hundreds of proposals and contributions collected. These sessions will be open to public participation who, through dedicated web page on the Ministry of Health website, will be able to access it and interact with the speakers.
Among the issues addressed in the working groups that will meet on the afternoon of the 25th: the qualification of services, the mental health of minors; preventive actions and care in migrant populations and custodial contexts; teamwork, professions, training; good and bad practices of care, social inclusion and support for independent living; the role of user, family and volunteer associations. The last part of the day will be dedicated to the Pathological Theatre, an experience with high social and artistic value. THE
The conference proceedings will open on June 25th from Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, which will be followed by the interventions of Minister of Justice, Marta Cartabia, of the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Andrea Orlando, of the President of the ANCI National Council, Enzo Bianco, of the President of the Molise Region and member of the Presidency Office of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, Donato Toma, and of Dévora Kestel, Director of the WHO Mental Health Department. This will be followed by a moment dedicated to the testimonies of users, family members, operators and structures active in the sector. Holding the threads of this narrative will be Massimo Cirri, radio host of Rai Radio2 – Caterpillar, and psychologist with 25 years of experience in public mental health services. The Italian experience inserted in the international context will be presented by Giovanni Leonardi, Secretary General of the Ministry of Health, and by Benedetto Saraceno, Secretary General of the Lisbon Institute for Global Health.
A three-day webinar on the topic “Young people and mental health: a common good”. It is the training event organized by the Di Liegro Foundation, together with Anci Lazio And Observatory for Addiction and sub-threshold mental disorders, and with the contribution of the Lazio Regional Council, to help train administrators, managers and officials of Local Authorities on topics such as social withdrawal, substance addictions, the use and abuse of new technologies. The objective is to impact policies and the organization of prevention and promotion activities for the psychosocial well-being of younger citizens and their families.
The webinar “Young people and mental health: a common good” in fact, it intends to underline the importance of the psychological well-being of citizens, in particular that of young people, especially in this moment linked to the difficulties caused by the pandemic. The Covid-19 emergency has affected not only physical but also mental health, delving into fragilities and difficulties and making many realities even more difficult which, too often, go unnoticed". For this reason it is necessary to think of policies capable of combining the contribution of institutional actors, social services and educational agencies, with that of specific mental health services in a dynamic of complementary value, as underlined when presenting the event Lina Novelli, delegate for Welfare and Social Policies of Anci Lazio.
The Di Liegro Foundation has been working since 2006 with public and private institutions to promote psychosocial well-being, the prevention of mental distress and the dissemination of culture and knowledge of mental health. Over time, the secretary general explained, Luigina Di Liegro, this commitment focused in particular on youth hardship.
Over time, this commitment has focused in particular on youth hardship. Daily experience tells us that substance addictions and pathological behavioral addictions in young people represent a social emergency. Together with the Observatory Association for Addiction and Sub-Threshold Mental Disorders, chaired by the psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Alessandro Vento, the foundation collaborate on a project which, through systematic scanning of the web by software, identifies the presence of New Psychoactive Substances offered for sale on the internet.
Tuesday 13 April 2021 3.00pm - 4.30pm
“The promotion of mental health in adolescence. R-exist the pandemic”
Alessandro Vento, Psychiatrist, Head of the Addictions and Subthreshold Mental Disorders Observatory.
Tuesday 20 April 2021 3.00pm – 4.30pm
“Social withdrawal and school dropout in adolescence”
Ignazio Ardizzone, Child neuropsychiatrist, Head of the Child Neuropsychiatry Psychiatric Clinic at the “Umberto I” Polyclinic in Rome.
Tuesday 27 April 2021 3.00pm – 4.30pm
“The addiction between old and new substances”
Alessandro Vento, Psychiatrist, Head of the Addictions and Subthreshold Mental Disorders Observatory.
La Fondazione Di Liegro è tra i promotori del “Veglione dell’Intercultura”, in programma mercoledì 30 dicembre a partire dalle ore 21.30, insieme ad alcune organizzazioni che si rifanno al grande insegnamento di don Luigi di Liegro, come il Centro studi e ricerche Idos, il Centro didattico interculturale Celio Azzurro, l'Asilo Munting Tahanan – Center for Filipino Migrant Workers e il Gruppo Welcome Parrocchia S. Pio X.
L'iniziativa, che a causa della pandemia per la prima volta si svolgerà online, rappresenta l'occasione per salutare l’anno vecchio e aspettare l’anno nuovo in una maniera diversa, alternando musica, canti e testimonianze su quale valore dare oggi a concetti come diversità, dialogo, integrazione, convivenza tra italiani e immigrati.
"Il panorama attuale non deve far dimenticare quello che è stato e ancora potrebbe essere l’impatto di una strategia interculturale" ha ricordato presentando l'evento Franco Pittau, fondatore con don Luigi Di Liegro del Dossier statistico immigrazione.
Al Veglione dell’Intercultura interverranno tra gli altri il segretario generale della Fondazione Di Liegro, Luigina Di Liegro, e la sociologa Carla Collicelli, con una riflessione dedicata a don Luigi.
Ci sarà anche un ricordo di Lidia Pittau, scomparsa recentemente, dopo una vita dedicata insieme al marito Franco alla convivenza e alla mediazione interculturale. Verso la metà degli anni ’80, sollecitata da don Luigi Di Liegro, Lidia Pittau lasciò il lavoro professionale e si dedicò interamente alla Caritas diocesana, dove, divenne, a titolo di volontariato, la prima responsabile dell’Area Immigrati della Caritas diocesana e poi del Settore Intercultura. A lei si deve, negli anni '90, Il “Forum dell’Intercultura”, un programma d’azione sostenuto anche da istituzioni nazionali e cittadine, che coinvolse, a Roma specialmente, il mondo della scuola e aiutò a riconoscere i cambiamenti in atto intervenuti e la necessità di una convivenza armoniosa con gli immigrati.
L'evento sarà trasmesso in diretta streaming il 30 dicembre alle 21.30 sul canale YouTube del Centro studi e ricerche Idos:
Il XIV corso di formazione della Fondazione Di Liegro "Dall’isolamento alla resilienza" si è concluso con un’ampia panoramica condotta dal dottor Michele Di Nunzio, psichiatra psicoterapeuta e criminologo, sul tema "Il ruolo del volontariato: riflessioni, metodologie, esperienze". Un racconto in prima persona, da un operatore che considera il volontariato un contributo “di fondamentale importanza” nel campo della salute mentale.
Punto di partenza: nell’esperienza del volontario fare del bene agli altri è un effetto secondario, successivo all’azione prioritaria che è quella di fare del bene a se stessi. Io sto facendo qualcosa che, facendomi sentire meglio, accrescendo la qualità della mia vita, mi metterà in condizione di produrre relazioni propositive, costruttive, funzionali anche per l’altro.
La mia serenità è fondamentale. Nei momenti di malumore mi è utile il ricordo, il collegamento con le ragioni che mi hanno condotto a questa scelta.
Il volontario, come chiunque operi in un settore ad alto impatto emotivo come il volontariato e sia per questo molto esposto al logoramento, deve mettere in conto la necessità di fare costantemente la "manutenzione di se stesso", che significa tornare a capire "quello che faccio e perché lo faccio".
Questa azione di consapevolezza ha un nome: meta-cognizione. Si può sviluppare con qualche suggerimento: tenere un diario, leggere molto, ascoltare molto, accogliere ogni occasione ludico-ricreativa che includa una componente emotiva, conoscitiva, razionale, intellettuale. In questo, cinema e teatro sono preziosi.
Può capitare spesso che un volontario della salute mentale incontri persone scontrose, diffidenti, addirittura ostili. L’altro che ci tratta male è qualcuno che ci percepisce come più potente, ha paura di noi e pertanto si difende. Le chiavi per risolvere questo tipo di situazione sono l’umiltà, l’ascolto, la comprensione, l’umana curiosità. Chiavi che sono preziose anche quando l’altro che incontriamo ha scelto di non vivere, di chiudersi in se stesso, come risposta alle paure non risolte che nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi sono all’origine del disagio psichico.
La persona di cui il volontario si prende cura ha necessariamente una ‘diagnosi’, che però non la descrive nella sua interezza. Bisognerà farsi raccontare la sua vita, prima dagli operatori poi da lei stessa, quando vorrà, se vorrà, come vorrà.
Uno dei cimenti maggiori nei quali il volontario può applicarsi è mediare tra le antiche paure tuttora cogenti e la bontà del mondo, che pure esiste. Saranno le piccole cose che rappresentano per tutti il tessuto della vita, alle quali diamo poca importanza ma che riempiono gran parte del nostro tempo, a favorire la riapertura al mondo.
Il volontario è quindi 'ingenuo', fa domande, svela cose che gli operatori nella loro routine hanno perso di vista. La sua ‘sprovvedutezza’ come d’altra parte la diversità del suo bagaglio lavorativo e professionale sono contributi importanti per il settore della salute mentale.
E infine c’è la ‘valorialità’, perché i valori, gli ideali qualificano enormemente la nostra esistenza. Ed è difficile che il volontario sia arrivato a questa scelta senza aver avuto una formazione valoriale.
Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels.