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Saturday 23 November The third meeting of our usual training course was held. This year's focus is on Lifestyles for well-being in adolescence.

The chairs in a circle. Parents, relatives, psychologists, psychotherapists, students, social workers. The theme is adolescence in the family life cycle. The dialogue starts from a video with i first-person stories of young people who live with discomfort, sometimes with a psychological disorder, the difficult process of transformation that leads to adulthood.

Then the parents - the vast majority are mothers - they talk about their troubled paths, which in several cases begin from their own problematic adolescence, marked by dysfunctional parents. The gray areas that emerge thin out in the group, which listens, understands, condivide, supports, suggests, accompanied by the experts present.

Change your perspective, find the courage to transform your ideas, change your gaze on your children, trust them, stay with them for overcome fear together of living that concerns everyone: adolescents, parents, operators. Because fear is always accompanied by hope, hope that there is still time, that we can succeed.

The next meeting, Saturday 30 November, will have the theme of health through integration. We look forward to seeing you for another moment of personal and collective growth.


Il prossimo 12 novembre, dalle 10.00 alle 13.00, si terrà in Fondazione un convegno che esplorerà il tema della detenzione e del disagio psichico: "Dalla comunità alla Rems, passando per il carcere. Il viaggio di una madre nel buio delle istituzioni" . La proiezione del docufilm Io combatto di Loretta Rossi Stuart sulla storia di suo figlio Giacomo sarà, inoltre, lo spunto per una successiva tavola rotonda di approfondimento con i media.

Con l’approvazione della legge del 30 maggio 2014 n. 81 si converte, con modificazioni, il decreto-legge 31 marzo 2014, n. 52, recante “disposizioni urgenti in materia di superamento degli ospedali psichiatrici giudiziari”. Ed è così che dal 31 marzo 2015 vengono chiusi gli Ospedali Psichiatrici Giudiziari (O.P.G.) favorendo il passaggio alle Rems, (Residenze per l’Esecuzione delle Misure di Sicurezza). Le Rems sono strutture sanitarie di accoglienza per gli autori di reato affetti da disturbi mentali (infermi di mente) e socialmente pericolosi.

Dal momento in cui Loretta Rossi Stuart a settembre scorso ha deciso di denunciare pubblicamente l’ingiusta detenzione del figlio Giacomo Sy, ad oggi, non arrivano ancora risposte sulla confusa situazione che riguarda le liste di attesa di ingresso alle Rems.

Il convegno si pone l’obiettivo di attivare una comunicazione tra gli attori in campo, atto a favorire la necessaria evoluzione della riforma che ha portato alla chiusura degli O.P.G. un iter che in questo momento di stasi, provoca il non rispetto e la non tutela dei diritti umani. Giacomo e sua madre, affiancata e sostenuta da associazioni e figure che hanno abbracciato questa causa, si fanno portavoce di un’ingiustizia che riguarda molte altre persone e chiedono soluzioni a beneficio delle tante categorie coinvolte e danneggiate da questo stato di cose, nonché delle generazioni future.

La giornata sarà così strutturata:

Scarica il programma completo

Rountable Economy around Humanity

Il 24 ottobre, dalle 15.00 alle 18.00, si terrà la tavola rotonda Economy Around Humanity - 2030 Agenda Goals' Tools. Mercato Privato e Terzo settore danno vita alla prima piattaforma di comunicazione Digitale e Social Resposanbility.

L'idea del progetto è quella di creare un sistema di network tra Aziende pubbliche, private e del Terzo Settore; mirando alla realizzazione di un'innovazione sostenibile di rete, si propone la realizzazione di quattro obiettivi in altrettante aree di interesse.

Durante la tavola rotonda, insieme ai primi contributori (Diversity Opportunity, Arkage, Croce Rossa Italiana, DiTES, HUMAN FOUNDATION, CARIS, DRESS FOR SUCCESS Rome, discuteremo di:

Economy Around Humanity – 2030 Agenda Goals’ Tools apre il dialogo ad un confronto diretto e connesso, immediatamente operativo, attraverso metodi e tools della nuova tecnologia.

Il prossimo 16 ottobre, in occasione di quello che sarebbe stato il suo 91esimo compleanno, ci ritroviamo insieme agli amici e alle amiche della Fondazione per ricordare in musica la nostra costante fonte di ispirazione.

Alle 19.30 presso la chiesa di S. Francesco Saverio Oratorio del Caravita (via del Caravita, 7), ci accompagneranno le note dei giovani artisti della Civica scuola delle Arti di Roma.

Il Concerto è un momento festoso di ricordo. Per questo motivo le formazioni corali della Civica scuola delle Arti di Roma, dirette dal M° Annalisa Pellegrini, giocheranno con i colori della musica a 360°. Il Concerto è dedicato a tutti, dai piccoli ai grandi, e includerà brevi brani polifonici in italiano, inglese e spagnolo, per un abbraccio ideale a tutte le persone che nel mondo conoscono o hanno conosciuto non solo Don Di Liegro, ma anche e soprattutto le sue opere e le attività benefiche che la Fondazione Di Liegro continua a promuovere.

Il corpus centrale del concerto è dedicato ad un autore italiano classico, ma conosciuto da tutti: Antonio Vivaldi. The Coro RomEnsemble eseguirà alcuni dei brani più amati dal pubblico estratti dal Gloria RV 589. Il Concerto si concluderà poi con una sezione dedicata alla musica contemporanea delle grandi colonne sonore di film come "Lea Choristes", "The Gabriel's Oboe" di E. Morricone e "Sister Act": un momento gioioso in cui i protagonisti saranno i COLORI della MUSICA.

We asked Cesare Moreno, president ofNon-profit Road Masters Associationto answer some questions.

How can we address the problems of drugs, polyconsumption of substances, new addictions, for example, technological ones among young and very young people today?

Extreme youth behaviors, including those mentioned, constitute compulsive responses to problems that require complex responses that should mark the transition to maturity. From my point of view there is the general problem of dependence which is essentially a "crisis of presence" or even a form of "widespread anomie". Two sides of the same coin that refer to feeling permanently out of place, from having a compulsive need for strong sensations to realizing that you are there. Among these responses I also include dependence on ideologies and charismatic leaders, obsessive conformism and even syndromes of social withdrawal that take this feeling of being out of place to the extreme. All these situations refer to a single problem: the absence of community, that is, the absence of significant ties, of relationships in which the young person feels they have a role, feels that their existence has a meaning, can feel their existence because there is someone who shares a dream, a desire with her.

What strategy should services have today to address the problem of youth hardship?

Any service, starting from the school one, should start again not from youthful discomfort, but from the "distress of civilization" from the contemporary forms that existential discomfort takes on, the way of the human animal of being in an organized society. The process of hominization The process of civilisation, even in the most rarefied forms of culture, is still based on processes that concern the body and its emotional expressions. The discomfort of civilization is first of all the difficulty in placing the bodily self in a social process which in its dominant expressions denies all phenomena linked to the body and treats them all as objects of consumption and a supposedly rational hyper-control. Starting from here means working with young people starting from sharing a profound discomfort, starting from the fact that adults and operators demonstrate with their existence and resistance that they know how to be themselves despite everything, despite "all evidence to the contrary" aimed at devaluation of the human. Any service to the person should start from sharing, from trying to build community, from taking care of a common good together which in this case is the psychological well-being of young people and the operators responsible for interacting with them.

To deal with addictions, how can networking be structured that is organic and truly integrated between services and other resources present in the area: schools, voluntary associations, parishes, social cooperatives, employers?

For true networking it is necessary to found an alliance upstream of the services. We need to recognize ourselves together in a territorial community even before in a professional community. The networks have so far been understood as a federation of independent republics, with all the limitations and failures of the case. Instead, we must start from sharing a common good which in this case is the network of community relations. The people are concrete and non-ideological entities, when mutual care exists, when specialists communicate intimately with non-specialist interlocutors. The essence of a true community is the permanent and equal dialogue between people who perform a specialized function and ordinary citizens who are not recipients but interlocutors of those who perform a service. Each service has its own specific logic linked to the techniques it must use in relation to its mission, but all services must operate as part of a community and as founders of that community. As long as the services operate as outposts of the State in territories untouched by grace, the networks do not work and if they work they do so in defense of themselves - of a professional identity as an end in itself - and not in support of the community of life.

Where to start from to start recovery paths for young people and very young people who experience forms of addiction and social hardship?

It is necessary that in every neighborhood, in every territorial unit for which a space for community relations can be envisaged, there is a center for the promotion of sociality that is not only youthful, but concerns all citizens who feel the desire to establish community relations , a place that promotes initiatives and does not limit itself to aggregation, a place where an authentic meeting between generations can take place. In this community "cultivation soup", specialized services can operate that help and support young people in finding the path to significance.

Venerdì 27 settembre, dalle ore 18 alle 20.30, la Fondazione Don Luigi Di Liegro ospiterà l’anteprima romana del BodyMindDialogue® (BMD), metodo per la crescita personale della scuola di counseling WinnerTeam.

L’incontro, che sarà condotto dalla docente Paola Poluzzi, è gratuito e rivolto a tutti coloro che desiderano sperimentare un’esperienza di consapevolezza corporea fondata su movimento, danza, visualizzazione interiore, tecniche di meditazione e respirazione. Con l’approccio integrato di auto-percezione del BMD è possibile migliorare il rapporto tra la mente, il corpo e le emozioni, considerati nella loro dimensione di aspetti diversi della nostra unicità, in un percorso di sostanziale auto-formazione.

Consigliato a tutti, il BMD può essere utile anche a chi opera nel campo del benessere e delle relazioni d’aiuto e potrà essere praticato a Roma nel corso annuale di imminente attivazione che verrà presentato in occasione dell’incontro del 27 settembre.

Per partecipare occorrono soltanto curiosità e indumenti pratici, prenotando prima alla Segreteria della Fondazione Don Luigi di Liegro (segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it, tel. 066792669 - 0693572111). Ci si può iscrivere online qui: http://bit.ly/BMD_ISCRIZIONE

Per informazioni è inoltre disponibile la docente Paola Poluzzi al cell. 349 2530646.

For Eugenio Borgna mental disorders are typical of the human condition and no one is excluded, "each of us can experience mental suffering regardless of age, culture and social condition”. This means that people who experience a situation of mental suffering are looked at, both by services and citizens, with an attitude of understanding and solidarity. However, a change of pace is needed in the field of mental health towards a "gentle psychiatry” and a public opinion less unfamiliar with the topic.

The beautiful book by Eugenio Borgna, published by Giulio Einaudi Editore (2019), outlines theexcursus historian of psychiatry to the point of glimpsing, or rather hoping for, that of the future, in light of his experience as a psychiatrist who spanned a good part of the twentieth century.

The author starts from the first revolution in psychiatry which at the beginning of the last century, inspired by a philosophical current, proposed as the object of psychiatry not the brain with its dysfunctions, but the subjectivity, the interiority of the patients, that is, the person and not the illness. It is the "phenomenological" approach which, however, has not managed to counter the hegemony of "somatological" psychiatry. This, like a natural science, with its laws and its determinisms establishes the bio-medical approach and the objectivization of the patient reduced to his symptoms and isolated in special containers, the mental hospitals, which have the ambiguous mandate of guaranteeing the “cure” of madness together with social control.

The author is also a participant-protagonist of the second revolution, the ethical one imagined by Basaglia (which inspired law 180/1978), which starting from the phenomenological approach makes possible what seemed impossible, the overcoming of the total institution of the mental hospital and the liberation of the patient because without freedom there is no possibility of treatment. Psychiatry becomes a social science, a human science and the suffering person is taken care of in a complex system of services in the area. However, even today, over 40 years later, law 180 is partly incomplete or betrayed according to two indicators: the orientation towards separateness and containment in the model of hospital diagnosis and treatment departments (SPDC) which does not always guarantee conditions of hospitalizations that respect the human rights of patients, and the same goes for many residential facilities, which are more containment than curative; the application of the dizzying increase in disorders that crowd diagnostic manuals (see DSM), in line with the cultural tendency to exclude subjectivity from behaviors and with it the search for meanings that characterize them. Hence the orientation towards the administration of psychotropic drugs that limits or excludes psychotherapy and social inclusion.

And the psychiatry of the future? It's a "gentle psychiatry", from the human face of the operator who knows how to welcome and enter into emotional resonance with the suffering person to establish an open dialogue that requires time and which starts from active and understanding listening where words and body language are as important as silences . The key word here is "identification" which enhances the psycho-relational approach that comes before any other service, including pharmacological, complementary and never substitutive. For the mental health worker it is a matter of authentically encountering the suffering person in their humanity, of entering into their history and grasping the meaning hidden in mental suffering, allowing themselves to be challenged by emotions and words that reflect their interiority. The psychotherapeutic relationship is thus a meeting between two interiorities, the dialogue arises from deep within, from the search for oneself in the other and for the other in oneself. For Borgna “without the search for what unites us, despite every difference (...) we cannot help those who are ill, nor can we safeguard our interiority which tends to dry up and die”. It's still "psychiatry betrays its reason for being human if there are no ideal goals within us: such as kindness and sensitivity, intuition and grace, fantasy and imagination, solidarity and hope”. This is why we need operators with emotional and cultural aptitudes, with sensitivity open to entering into relationships with others, and to listening to the subdued and neglected voices of pain.

Ultimately it emerges that in mental health services the essential elements to found a therapeutic relationship are: ethics at the service of professionalism, the authentic relationship with the person and the understanding of their suffering.

Emblematic phrase of the book is: “in doing psychiatry it is impossible not to integrate general medical knowledge with internal knowledge: knowledge of oneself, of course, but also that of emotions and interiority, of expectations and hopes, of ours and of the people who ask help, which is never just medicine, but words and silences, which open the heart to trust and hope”.

Renato Frisanco, Luigi Di Liegro Foundation

The conference, reflecting on the theme of mental health in young people, aims to focus on and analyze the complex world of addictions and their relationship with mental distress.

International literature highlights that approximately 75% of all mental disorders arise before the age of 24. In particular, the WHO reveals that one in 5 adolescents today suffers from some mental disorder and this trend is also growing for the years to come.
L'adolescence and the early youth they represent the phase of life in which the onset or the first episode of most mental disorders.
To the typical problems of this transition phase of the evolutionary cycle, which involves a profound transformation at a biological and neurobiological level, in our society there are added potential risk factors connected to the rapids technological transformations and to theirs cultural and social reflections, both in local communities and globally.
In particular, the theme of substance addictions And addictions pathological behaviors in their modern complexity, they represent today asocial emergency which requires us to inform and train families, health and social workers, educators, all citizens, especially in the perspective of prevention of discomfort.

The themes of prevention and promotion of mental health constitute the central objectives of the working group integrated within this conference, which is organized with the collaboration of the Harcourt Foundation, of the Association Observatory on Addiction (ODDPSS), of Italian Society of Psychiatric Epidemiology (SIEP) and the Faculties of Social Sciences and Psychology of Pontifical Gregorian University.

The conference therefore represents an important opportunity to delve deeper into the topic of mental health in adolescence, highlighting some of the most widespread problems among young people today. Furthermore, it is proposed to create one space for comparison useful for a rethinking and reorganization of intervention methodologies in managing the phenomenon that takes into account the different actors involved and its social and cultural, as well as clinical, complexity.

Download the program 

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ECM and training credits - Upon request, a certificate of attendance will be issued. The event is accredited by Duerre congressi SRL provider n.522 for n. 7 ECM credits for all healthcare professions (voluntary contribution €50). 7 training credits for Social Workers (cVoluntary contribution €20). The event is also accredited by the Journalists' Association for n. 7 credits (CFP).

The Foundation has prepared a summary of the National Mental Health Conference which took place last 14-15 June at the Faculty of Economics ofLa Sapienza University of Rome. The national event was prepared by a journey through Italy Regional Conferences and from other local meetings; the appeal refers to three key words that coagulate its meaning: rights, freedoms, services

The text traces the contributions provided by the various speakers who attended, gives an account of the work developed in the six thematic sessions and ends with the catalog of requests-proposals that emerged from the Conference and addressed to the institutions.

Download the report on National Mental Health Conference edited by Renato Frisanco.

Listening, guidance and information for
Mental Health Problems.
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