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Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
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Coinvolgimento di TeRP e Altri Professionisti

La Fondazione Di Liegro è lieta di ospitare una giornata di studio dedicata alla riabilitazione psichiatrica nei servizi, organizzata dalla SIRP Lazio. Questo evento rappresenta un'importante occasione per confrontarsi sulle modalità operative attuali e sul livello di soddisfazione dei professionisti TeRP (Tecnici della Riabilitazione Psichiatrica) che operano nella Regione Lazio.

La SIRP intende incontrare tutti i TeRP e i professionisti chiave della riabilitazione nella Regione Lazio, sia in ambito pubblico che privato, per discutere le attuali modalità operative nella riabilitazione psichiatrica. L'incontro mira a esaminare il livello di soddisfazione dei TeRP riguardo il loro inquadramento organizzativo, il loro ruolo nei progetti riabilitativi e il rapporto con gli altri professionisti dell'equipe riabilitativa.

Programma della Giornata

9:30 - 10:00
Registrazione partecipanti

10:00 - 10:15
Apertura dei lavori
Paolo Paolotti

10:15 - 11:00
Discussione guidata in tema: soddisfazione dei TeRP nel territorio del Lazio
Moderatore: Valerio De Lorenzo
Coinvolgimento: Referenti Commissione di Albo TeRP Lazio

11:00 - 11:45
Discussione guidata in tema: formazione dei TeRP e sviluppo professionale
Moderatore: Daniele Sadun
Coinvolgimento: Referenti corsi di Laurea in TeRP Lazio

11:45 - 12:00

12:00 - 12:45
Discussione guidata in tema: coinvolgimento dei TeRP nel lavoro di equipe
Moderatore: Maura Papi
Coinvolgimento: Referenti Posizioni Organizzative TeRP

12:45 - 13:30
Discussione guidata in tema: attivazione dei TeRP nella rete dei servizi territoriali
Moderatore: Paolo Del Nero
Coinvolgimento: Referenti Associazioni di Categoria

13:30 - 13:45
Tavola rotonda in tema: progettare lo sviluppo della professione TeRP nel Lazio
Moderatore: Angela Muscettola
Discussant: Paolo Paolotti, Daniele Sadun, Maura Papi, Paolo Del Nero, Valerio De Lorenzo e tutti i Referenti

13:45 - 14:00
Conclusione dei lavori
Paolo Paolotti

Informazioni Utili

Segreteria Scientifica e Organizzativa:
Paolo Paolotti, Angela Muscettola, Valerio De Lorenzo

Per partecipare, inviare una mail a sirp.regionelazio@gmail.com con nome, cognome, profilo professionale, anno di laurea e sede di lavoro.
L'evento non è accreditato ECM, ma verrà rilasciato un attestato di partecipazione.

L'evento "SU LA MASCHERA: MUSICA IN PIAZZA!!!" del 20 maggio 2024 al Teatro De' Servi di Roma, ha segnato un trionfo per i nostri laboratori di Teatro e di Musica, guidati da Roberto Baldassari e Marco Soricetti. lo spettacolo ha registrato un tutto esaurito, riscuotendo un notevole successo di pubblico e risonanza sulla stampa. Un evento che ha evidenziato l'importanza dell'arte come strumento di inclusione ed espressione nel campo della salute mentale.

“Nessuno si salva da solo”

Il 3517488351 è un numero di telefono capace di rompere la solitudine, il disorientamento, la paura e creare un ponte tra il disagio psichico e la rete di supporto territoriale.

“I farmaci non bastano e servono attività di qualità. Nessuno si salva da solo, le persone stanno meglio nel momento in cui riescono a relazionarsi con gli altri, accettano la terapia e si impegnano per rendere il proprio tempo di qualità”.

Questo è il consiglio che il SOSS ha dato a Barbara*, la mamma di Nicola . Un consiglio che non è rimasto parola né promessa ma si è concretizzato nell’accompagnamento di Nicola* verso un efficace percorso terapeutico presso il Centro di Salute Mentale.

Counselor, psicologi e volontari appositamente formati: sono loro che prestano la voce, l’empatia, la competenza al servizio SOSS, per aprire un dialogo, orientare, ascoltare chi vive direttamente o indirettamente il disagio mentale: depressione, ansia, disturbi alimentari, disturbi dell’umore, isolamento, bullismo, ecc…

È attraverso il 3517488351 che la nostra Fondazione si impegna senza sosta nell’ascolto, orientamento e informazione per i problemi di salute mentale perché, come Barbara*, crediamo che nessuno veramente si salvi da solo. Insieme possiamo fare qualcosa di veramente speciale e straordinario per le vite di molte persone.

*Abbiamo usato nomi di fantasia per tutelare la privacy delle persone coinvolte.


They present:


Show of the Theater Laboratory, conducted by Roberto Baldassari, and of the Music Laboratory conducted by Marco Soricetti.

The show tells the dynamics, relationships and what happens inside an artistic laboratory like ours.

Do you make music? Do you do theatre? Do you sing? Do you act? So what do you do?

To answer these usual questions that are very often asked to those who look at us from the outside, the "actors" and "singers" of the Foundation will put on the mask, hold the microphone and reveal all their secrets!

We look forward to seeing you on Monday 20 MAY at 6.00 pm at TEATRO DE' SERVI in via del Mortaro 22, Rome.

To book your place write to us at segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it or call us at 06 6792669.

To access, donate 10 euros or more to support art therapy.


Su la maschera: musica in piazza. Spettacolo di Teatro e Musica, arteterapia 2024 della fondazione Di Liegro

I Gruppi di Psicoanalisi MultiFamiliare sono un contesto nel quale le famiglie si riuniscono per fare esperienze terapeutiche arricchenti. Negli incontri ciascun partecipante potrà sviluppare nuove risorse emotive e condizioni migliori per gestire i conflitti che vive con gli altri e quelli che ha vissuto e che vive con se stesso.” Il gruppo è composto da più famiglie e partecipano più membri per ciascuna famiglia.

We report the calendar of meetings of the citizen group of Multifamily Psychoanalysis, created in collaboration with ASL Roma 2, which will be held between March and July 2024 at the headquarters of the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation in via Ostiense 106 Rome.

The groups will resume in September every two weeks.


For information or registration contact us at +39 06 6792669 or write to us at segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it

"There are few places in a life, perhaps even one, where something happens; after that there are all the other places."
(Alice Munro)

The thought put to flight. Or out of order. The thought returned. The thought disturbed by something unspeakable. Thought recreated. Compact. Adult. This day center is the womb of thoughts. But also of the commitment of thoughts. The activities. The comparisons. The talks. We allow ourselves to be impatient to grow, to concentrate, to meet. And when this happens, the meeting shows us not to fear chaos, but to dance with chaos. Because you can breathe the tumult of busy thoughts in the air. The day center redefines our priorities. And we learn, through the commitment of thoughts, to orient the life force that is within us. To release that energy that is freed with the other, here and now.

Silvia Bove

*on the cover the painting "How I see myself through you" by the author herself.

Rome, 15 March 2024 - Helping families who experience situations of mental distress within themselves, often aggravated by heavy intra-family conflicts. This is the main objective of the Multifamily Psychoanalysis Group (GPMF), the new project promoted by the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation in collaboration with the ASL Roma 2. The group meets for the first time on March 15th at the Foundation's headquarters.

February 12-15, 1974 - 2024

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the famous conference "On the evils of Rome" strongly supported by Don Luigi, we report here an extract of his considerations.

The meeting of the Christians of Rome: an open discussion

(…) Here we discover the true origin of the meeting of the Christians of Rome on the expectations of justice and charity which took place from 12 to 15 February 1974. The city is not seen and felt as the most significant moment of a commitment and circulation of values community; it is almost never seen as the physical support walled in by the spirit of charity; it is instead seen as a place of consumption of values, of something that, no one knows who, must give to everyone for their needs and aspirations. Consumer religion and the city as a consumer environment.

From this awareness was born the idea and the need for a meeting, of an assembly type, which would offer all the components the possibility of the diocesan community of Rome, of a reflection on the city and on the responsibility, the duties that, for every Christian , arise from faith in the face of the community. The mobilization and animation of the entire Roman ecclesial community was the underlying objective of the conference, aiming to constitute an internal, personal and community awakening, to be placed before any further operational application.

The announcement of a meeting of the Christians of Rome on their city was accompanied by an analysis of the situation of the city, an analysis which had an enormous impact and gave rise to interpretations and controversies that were sometimes out of place. The meaning of the analysis is very different from an easy and sterile denunciation. Massive deformations have so upset the physical, social and moral aspect of the city of Rome that its inhabitants find it difficult to recognize themselves in it. The image of a city that has grown too quickly and in the name of selfishness and speculation presents a density of implications and problems of this kind on the urban planning and territorial planning level, on the transport and traffic level, on the of equipment and civil services, that the ongoing process risks downgrading the way of life of a population, compromising the very level of civilization.

If we try to overcome the moment of denunciation, although necessary if aimed at reconciliation and conversion, and address the issue of a precise search for responsibility, the public administration certainly cannot escape the recognition of its insufficient presence; the constraints and directions of the economic power protagonist of certain choices will be identified, but it will also be necessary to take note that certain experiences of exploitation perpetrated against the city are also the result of the absenteeism and selfishness of many, of that euphemistically called majority «silent." A silence which, if it is not always consensus, is, however, a form of apathy, of lack of vigilance, of renunciation of responsibility, of renunciation of commitment.

This situation cannot fail to be analyzed if we want to begin a work of renewal and reconciliation for a different city, not through moralistic discourses, but with profound changes in behavior and social and economic structures.

It is clear that this is a starting point, a prophetic gesture. In the final words of Cardinal Poletti, the underlining of the spirit of the meeting returns, that is «to examine, in each of us and therefore also as a community, whether or not the Church in the city of Rome is fully a leaven of salvation". On Holy Thursday 1971, in this same church, Paul VI asked the Christians the question: «Can we say that the Church of Rome excels in charity?".

The discourse, then, is and wants to be a discourse of «conversion" and not of social and political controversy. We want a different city, a new city, which belongs to everyone because it was made by everyone. A city that is the city of dialogue, between its citizens, between faith and technology, between aspirations and commitments, between Church and city, between bishop and local Christian community, rediscovering in this dialogue the specific vocation of the Pope's Diocese to be at service of dialogue with all the local churches scattered around the world.

Monsignor Luigi Di Liegro

From «The magazine of the Italian clergy», March - April 1974

Rome 17 February 2024 - The first lesson of the course "Youth disadvantage in the contemporary world: the network that heals" was held at the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation, aimed at volunteers, families and local mental health services. Present were the general secretary of the Don Luigi Di Liegro Foundation, Luigina Di Liegro, the regional councilor for social inclusion and personal services of the Lazio region, Massimiliano Maselli and Chiara Rogora, psychologist and psychotherapist, Dsm Uoc ASL Roma 2, Tutela Salute Mental and Developmental Age Rehabilitation.

Rome 19 February - Fifty years after the conference on the "Evils of Rome", on 19 February in the Conciliation Hall of the Lateran Apostolic Palace, the Diocese of Rome proposes a new moment of listening and discussion entitled (Dis)equalities .
The event will see the interventions of the cardinal vicar Angelo De Donatis, the president of the Lazio Region Francesco Rocca and the vice-mayor of Rome Silvia Scozzese; by Don Federico Corrubolo, professor of modern and contemporary history at the Ecclesia Mater Institute; by Andrea Riccardi, historian and founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio; by Giuseppe De Rita, sociologist and founder of Censis; by Luigina Di Liegro, general secretary of the Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation; by Pierciro Galeone, vice president of the Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation; by Giustino Trincia, director of Caritas in Rome.

Listening, guidance and information for
Mental Health Problems.
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