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Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
Logo Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro Ets
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Events not to be missed

Let us renew our commitment alongside the most vulnerable people

It was Luigina Di Liegro, General Secretary of the Foundation which bears the name of the priest who passed away 24 years ago, who welcomed the participants of the 15th edition of the "Volunteers and Families online" course, entitled A new model of community after the pandemic".

“The launch of this course on the eve of two important anniversaries is particularly significant: World Mental Health Day and, a few days later, the anniversary of Don Luigi's passing, on 12 October”. declared Di Liegro “A moment in which, together with you, we renew our commitment alongside the most fragile people. People who have felt the consequences of the spread of Covid 19 more due to the intertwining of health problems with those of a social, environmental and economic nature. A hidden pandemic, that of mental distress, which urgently needs to be remedied by leveraging the community and volunteering. In these days the activities in support of Mental Health of the Di Liegro Foundation are back in full swing with the Course, but also with the laboratories of art therapy, music and theatre. To find ourselves after the hard test of the pandemic, in a new and supportive community." – he concludes – because as Don Luigi said “A city in which a single man suffers less is a better city”

For this year's edition, over 100 people have booked and will be able to follow the course remotely or in person. A signal from the Community of how much these issues are felt by a large part of the population, who has directly or indirectly experienced discomfort increased by Covid. A way for the Liegro Foundation to respond to the request for training and information on mental health issues.

The participants in this year's edition are mostly women and fall into a very broad range. They find themselves united by similar motivations, young students and older pensioners, who want to make their free time and skills available to others.

“Experience has taught us how the different experiences of the participants become the strong point for the success of each edition” says Tiziana Ceccarelli, head of the Course “this year's high participation and the great desire to create community after the pandemic, are undoubtedly the best conditions for a good start."

The course is open to the participation of all those who want to broaden their knowledge of the world of mental health and engage in building a support network for people with mental health problems and their families: students, local service workers, volunteers, family members.

For information: tel. 06 6792669 – fax 0669920486; segreteria@fondazionediliegro.it

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