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Online expressive laboratory “MATRIOSKA”

The expressive laboratory provides participants with the experience of a creative journey, divided into three meetings, which will connect different expressive techniques of photography and writing. The path intends to move as if inside a "matryoshka", gradually experiencing one discovery within another, passing through images, writing and specific techniques such as caviardage and cut-up. Participants will in fact experience a process composed of multiple levels that interact with each other: starting from a first expressive technique, the artistic material useful for subsequent experimentation will be created and so on, up to a final layered visual product. The work will take place in a small group (maximum 10 participants). The expressive workshop will be conducted at each meeting by two experts in the specific artistic tool/mediator used, while permanently guaranteeing the presence of a third figure, who will have the function of managing and offering support to the participants regarding the technical aspects. The meetings will take place online, on the Zoom platform, and digital tools useful for group work will also be provided (such as the shared "whiteboard"). REQUIREMENTS: Technical knowledge of photography or writing is not necessary to participate. A pinch of good will and a computer will be enough to connect to our digital classroom! EXPERIENTIAL PATH IN 3 MEETINGS - on Friday from 3.30pm to 5.30pm May 21 - IMAGES IN DIALOGUE "Every photograph, even the most apparently banal, contains and tells a story, a thousand stories, as many as there are different eyes that observe it". Inside each image, different layers and meanings are hidden and mixed, which can only come to light through the gaze of those who observe them. Starting from the use of photographic images, participants will have the opportunity to get to know each other, discuss and highlight their own subjectivity and point of view, making the diversity of looks a strong point. May 28 - CREATIVE WRITING Writing is a discovery, which can become a shared tool for exploring everyone's sensitivity, imagination and vision of the world. By delving into the themes that emerged in the first meeting, a work of de-construction of the images will be carried out through creative writing exercises in groups, promoting cooperation and sharing between the participants. This work will lead to the creation of a short fictional story. June 4 - POETIC ERASURES The caviardage it is a method of poetic and expressive writing that helps to create compositions and thoughts, starting not from a blank page, but from already written texts. Starting from the material produced during the creative writing meeting, each participant will have the opportunity to experiment, individually, with this particular writing/erasing technique. For information and reservations: Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation Via Ostiense, 106 – ROME 066792669 – 0693572111 laboratori@fondazionediliegro.it Discover the art therapy and socialization workshops of the Di Liegro Foundation The Apertura 22 Facebook page
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