The Don Luigi Di Liegro International Foundation in collaboration with the Migrantes Foundation and the Pio Sodalizio dei Piceni dedicates the month of April 2016 to a reflection, with the mind and the heart, to rediscover the fullness of the meaning and the religious and social power of Mercy “the ferment and the principle of an authentic renewal of society”, as Monsignor Luigi Di Liegro wrote. The exhibitions, seminars and events that we will hold from 6 to 30 April aim to contribute to supporting and spreading the need for a cultural challenge made stronger by the occasion of the Jubilee: spreading new knowledge; reduce fears and discomforts, discover new paths and new paths of social integration to safeguard people's dignity. Saint Francesca Cabrini and Monsignor Luigi Di Liegro represent the most authentic example of this change of perspective.