Since 2007, the Don Luigi Di Liegro Onlus International Foundation has been carrying out the project called "Labirintus" to support and guide those who lose their jobs in adulthood.
The project is carried out by the Di Liegro Foundation with the contribution of the Department of Social Policies of the Lazio Region and in collaboration with ATDAL. This project aims to combat personal and family poverty that arises as a consequence of job loss and prolonged unemployment, providing emotional and psychological support and focusing on the recovery and enhancement of professionalism and skills, through the activation of networks and resources for re-entry into the job market.
The project involves the integration of:
- Listening and orientation service: It constitutes a fundamental hub for welcoming people who find themselves in difficulty and must therefore become a constant reference. This is why it must be managed in such a way as to establish meaningful and empathetic relationships with the beneficiaries. It acts as coordination of all activities carried out by each beneficiary.
- Income support grant: This is extraordinary, one-off support that can help beneficiaries solve immediate economic problems.
- Orientation service: The orientation service, managed by professionals, puts the beneficiaries in a position to make the best use of the knowledge transmitted by the training seminar and stimulates their activation in the job market, providing ideas and opportunities (CV, individual action plan, skills assessment , contacts with labor market operators, etc.).
- Emotional-psychological support service: Psychological support activities are aimed at people who are sufficiently able to draw on their internal resources, but are blocked from doing so. This activity constitutes a useful tool in conditions of relational deficiency as it promotes the construction of new methods of interaction. The aim of the intervention is to empathically support the person, helping them to face moments of difficulty, managing their discomfort as best as possible and rediscovering the possibility of feeling pleasure in their life.